

  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第17話 俺の正義への応援コメント


  • 編集済

    第13話 契約への応援コメント



  • 編集済

    第4話 誤魔化しを重ねてへの応援コメント





  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第138話 裁きへの応援コメント


  • 第46話 それぞれの夜への応援コメント


  • 編集済

    第120話 ノイズへの応援コメント





  • 第4話 誤魔化しを重ねてへの応援コメント


  • 第132話 融解への応援コメント



    文脈的には のような

  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント

    조무래기 등장

  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第140話 事変への応援コメント


  • 第139話 拡散への応援コメント




  • 接触したのは前に言ってた「上書き」のためか

  • 第12話 隣人との取引への応援コメント


  • 第7話 脅威への応援コメント


  • 第5話 ピカピカの一年生への応援コメント



  • 第4話 誤魔化しを重ねてへの応援コメント



  • 第138話 裁きへの応援コメント


  • 第138話 裁きへの応援コメント


  • 第137話 因縁の決着への応援コメント


  • 第137話 因縁の決着への応援コメント


  • 心が…泣いた

  • 第136話 雪花亭にてへの応援コメント


  • 第136話 雪花亭にてへの応援コメント


  • 第136話 雪花亭にてへの応援コメント



  • 頑張ってください!!!

  • 楽しみにして待ってます!!

  • 頑張ってください!!🙇🙇🙇

  • 編集済

    第134話 今やるべきことへの応援コメント


  • 第133話 秘密主義への応援コメント


  • 第133話 秘密主義への応援コメント


  • 第133話 秘密主義への応援コメント

    桜…ちと暴走気味だし、単独だと不味くない?(; ̄ー ̄A

  • 第132話 融解への応援コメント


  • 第132話 融解への応援コメント


  • 第132話 融解への応援コメント


  • 第132話 融解への応援コメント



  • 第131話 人間不信への応援コメント


  • 第131話 人間不信への応援コメント



  • 第131話 人間不信への応援コメント


  • 第129話 気のせいへの応援コメント



  • 第127話 疑心暗鬼への応援コメント


  • 第131話 人間不信への応援コメント


  • 第13話 契約への応援コメント


  • 第12話 隣人との取引への応援コメント


  • 第66話 椎名遥③への応援コメント

    i hope changing disciplines worked out for you, i know it can be hard to ,unless you have a good basic understanding of what you're going to do. thank it's interesting

  • 第65話 椎名遥②への応援コメント


  • 第64話 椎名遥①への応援コメント

    Beyond is faking a lot so he will look and act different in high school, I would like to know what happened after he broke up with Sakura and supposedly stole a girls underwear, before he dropped out of school, I know he was hiding for some reason, and believed it was the best way to disappear, but if who ever was looking for him know his name and school they could have got his address at his school.

  • 第63話 体育祭前日への応援コメント

    hope you didn't have any other symptoms. thanks.

  • 第62話 譲れない何かへの応援コメント

    Haruka is trying to push Beyond to fulfill his potential, and show what he can really do, the same as what Nanase would like to do if she could. thanks.

  • 第61話 義父への応援コメント


  • 第60話 かつての情熱への応援コメント

    it's interesting thanks

  • 第59話 理解できないへの応援コメント

    thanks. Beyond is very self centered, and has some spartan ideas about life and love, I believe if he didn't have a mother, he wouldn't try to get along with anyone, sense it's just him and Harika most of the time he does care about her, but not a lot, he doesn't care about how she's always trying to make him change, he'll act out to her face just to irritate her sometimes. thanks.

  • 第58話 練習への応援コメント

    I'm enjoying this. Thanks.

  • 第57話 体育祭に向けてへの応援コメント


  • 幕間 橘彼方⑤への応援コメント


  • 幕間 橘彼方④への応援コメント

    what's going to happen now??

  • 第56話 いつかの情景への応援コメント

    Nanase is full of confusion, desires, hopes, and wishes about the future, the past , and Beyond and Jade. why would she want to see Jade and Beyond fight? Beyond is confused he is seeing the future he had envisioned for himself disappearing as life is getting more complicated, why is he talking about disappearing is he thinking of going underground, or maybe to another world? what is his family like now and in the past and is his sister-in-law more than a sister-in-law?? we have not seen his parents yet? thanks

  • 第55話 渦巻く感情への応援コメント

    Jade is jealous of Beyond's relationship with his sister Ruri and also Nanase. Beyond is ending up with more entanglements' than he needs or wants. Nanase is infatuated with Beyond. thanks.

  • 第54話 本当の自分への応援コメント

    Nanase is trying to get Beyond back to the person she saw in sixth grade, when he helped her and Jade,. thanks.

  • 第53話 楽しさの意味への応援コメント

    Nanase believes she can win with kicks, but Beyond is still better at it than she is , he can kick also. Nanase said " it's a date", is she really wanting to date Beyond or is she just trying to grasp his emotions. she likes him and has since the middle of sixth grade, when she watched his interaction with Jade. right now Beyond has no interest in girls, he feels that he can't afford to have entanglements with anyone because of his intended lifestyle. thanks, it's interesting and enjoyable.

  • 第52話 七瀬ナツメ③への応援コメント

    Nanase and Jade have a relationship of sorts they get along but they really are not interested in each other, they merely respect each other.

  • 第51話 七瀬ナツメ②への応援コメント

    he's still a hero, just more cautious, aware of how he affects others, how other people perceive his actions, how his actions can cause danger for others if he's not careful, he's more deceptive about himself as to be less noticeable to others, hiding his true self in public, choosing his priorities more carefully so as to not hurt the ones that are important to him, even after 2 to 3 years he still doesn't have complete control over his automatic responses to what is going on around him, (could it partially be because Sakura, Yu, Ruri, and Nanase are involved, he hasn't been close to Sakura or Yu for a couple of years), he needs to be more aware of distractions around him, while talking to Jade he was also talking so Nanase could also hear him, he remembers Jade from that time but not Nanase, Thanks; it's interesting and enjoyable.

  • 第50話 七瀬ナツメ①への応援コメント


  • 第49話 腐れ縁への応援コメント

    it's interesting!

  • 第48話 生き方への応援コメント

    if Sakura figures out who he is he will be in trouble, she both loves him and hates him, she blames him for betraying her trust, but I believe that was to protect her. then there are Ruri, Nanase and Kisaragi, they all have a stake as they all want to monopolize him for love. thanks

  • 第46話 それぞれの夜への応援コメント

    thanks, it's interesting! Ruri is planning to introduce Jade to Nanase, will it work or will Nanase be more interested in Beyond, as it was seeing him in action in elementary school which prompted her to learn kickboxing, and Jade knows Beyond from about that time.

  • 第45話 お邪魔するへの応援コメント

    his sister-in-law is going to give him a big sermon about not forgetting his errand's and being late getting home. Ruri has a completely different face at home than she does at school, she grew up with ruff people so it's hard for her to hide that at school.

  • 第44話 気まずい雪花への応援コメント

    an illegal copy of a copyrighted property can lead to a lot of trouble, the men had done it for Ruri, because she had commented on an advertising poster she had seen, things got out of hand because they are used to having to be heavy handed in dealing with other mobs.

  • 第43話 予想外への応援コメント

    Ruri is part of the Yakuza family, so was the boy she wanted a present for the schoolmate that took care of the two bullies Riku and Ka that had gotten into to much trouble at school for the young master?? Beyond is getting deeper and deeper into getting involved with other people, if he doesn't watch out, he'll be directly involved with Sakura and her connecting him to their past together.

  • 第42話 最適解の模索への応援コメント

    Nanase does have martial arts training, she is not used to actually using it for real, she surprised Beyond by doing what he had ben setting himself up to do, before he could do it. Beyond had a flashback of something he had forgotten about but he didn't remember enough of it to get more than a mere feeling.

  • 第41話 一人ぼっちの葛藤への応援コメント

    Beyond is going to show Nanase what he can. Nanase was acting like she had had bad people grabbing her before, her instinct should have been to run not freeze, she was acting like some bad memories had ben brought up.

  • 第40話 厄日への応援コメント

    Nanase has been interested in Beyond sense before he officially met her and the two sexual harassers who were bothering her. did she show up at his school because he was there??

  • 第39話 初めての油断への応援コメント

    Beyond who was trying not to be noticed did something twice that was noticeable, will he be called out to the soccer club.

  • 第38話 面倒ごとの譲渡への応援コメント

    the ticket finally got to the hands of someone who will use it. now if Nanase doesn't have another ticket and was planning to set next to him he won't be found out. Who was Yuki wanting to get a present for is it anyone that Beyond knows?? I'm waiting for the flag to drop on Beyond, something is coming, it's to smooth since the attempted rape incident.

  • from what was in earlier chapters and this chapter Nanase has a crush on Beyond, the way she acted when first meeting Haruka and the way she kept watching him, Haruka senses it also, Haruka isn't sure about their relationship, but she was trying to help Nanase by pushing Beyond to try to get along with her. Beyond's speculations that Nanase is into martial arts is probably right, the way her movements are described, it would also go along with her dance and idol training. I wonder if Nanase and Beyond met before and she's been following him since then, but Beyond doesn't remember the incident??

  • Haruka loves sweets to much a drink of soft serve ice-cream, should have been with the cakes not later, even if it was delicious.

  • 第35話 ギャップと邂逅への応援コメント

    not what was expected!! Beyond and Haruka Shiina his sister-in-law, enjoyed a quiet time together eating sweats, although might have over done it but she won't admit it. it was one of the few times that Beyond remembered Haruka giving him a complement since they had been together. what does Nanase want??

  • 第34話 人気者の定義への応援コメント

    if the first part was Nanase's thoughts she was thinking about Beyond and how he helped her by throwing kids protection whistle at the feet of the boys that were sexually harassing her that day. Beyond is down a bit thinking about the forced date with his sister-in-law, he will be forced to carry her luggage and be dragged to all the female shops that he doesn't want to enter; it will be a long boring day for him. what will Beyond do if she wants to upgrade his wardrobe? thanks

  • 幕間 橘彼方③への応援コメント

    Beyond is getting worried that he might be getting Sakura into more danger than he thought, he wants to separate her from him so that she doesn't really know what's going on and he will take all the danger himself.

  • 幕間 橘彼方②への応援コメント

    will we now learn why he pushed Sakura away and changed his outward behavior? was it to protect Sakura and distance himself from what he set off, while investigating the teachers and grades for money.

  • 第33話 紛い物の平穏への応援コメント

    thanks it's an interesting story.

  • 第32話 それぞれの結末への応援コメント

    Beyond got what he needed; the yakuza student cleaned up the two troublemakers who were part of his group and that will help settle the other first years, especially the ones who are there to watch and protect him as he grows. with the end of the student morals committee having to patrol, Beyond can go back to his laid-back life, and leave the hard work to his sister-in-law.

  • 編集済

    第31話 合理的解法への応援コメント

    Shiina is hiding his abilities from Sakura but is still working in the background, for what he wants while still working for justice, he may bend it some to protect himself. he would not have let it end in rape but he wanted Sakura to fell fear and hopelessness again to bring back some humbleness to her. Sakura doesn't know what to make of Beyond (Shiina), but she might start having feelings for him with her sudden emotional roller coaster. if that happens Beyond is right where he started with more emotional clinging girl's around him, although his sister-in-law acts distant to him there's more to her relationship with him. Beyond got his sense of justice from his grandmother, his father seems to have been in police work, (with the baton), his mother is in computers or related field, his stepfather is unknown, both sides of his extended family are smart, if not genius level, did his magic come from his grandmother or his father before they died or was he isakied along the way??

  • 第30話 あの日の私に餞をへの応援コメント

    it's strange that Beyond stood back and let Sakura get to the point of desperation before showing his face, but she doesn't recognize him yet, Sakura was surprised that the person she knows as chairman Haruka's little brother Shiina was there. the two bullies were surprised that the boy they had targeted the other day was there.

  • 第29話 破滅の歌への応援コメント

    Beyond gave information on Sakura to Kai and Riku to set them up. did Beyond miscalculate how good of shape and how strong Sakura still is, she's going to have a difficult fight. this will take some of the heat off of Nanase Natsume as well as the two who were hassling Beyond, but how will it help him with Sakura? it seems like a plot just to hospitalize Sakura for some time to keep her out of school.

  • 第28話 理想の乖離への応援コメント

    the MC seems to be planning to bring together Sakura, the two bullies, the Idol (Nasa) in a bad situation that will lead to Sakura or the Idol to act, while he watches for the sake of safety. but will the results be what he expects, to distract Sakura from him.

  • 第27話 新海桜③への応援コメント

    what happened that Beyond thought he had to change his appearance before others, from his previous thoughts his basic attitude has not changed but he's hiding it from everyone pretending to be lazy and uncouth in his actions.

  • 第26話 新海桜②への応援コメント

    Sakura grew a lot, but what did Beyond do that made Sakura feel she was betrayed?? Beyond taught Sakura a lot that he knew but not all. where did Beyond learn all that he knows by the sixth grade??

  • 第25話 新海桜①への応援コメント

    Sakura had a hard life in late elementary school, and middle school started the same but she met the MC and everything changed, it was so fast that she got emotionally attached to the MC, he didn't want that, so he dropped her, then she got angry at the MC, and disappointed as well, that he spurned her love, she wanted to show him who she was and get revenge.

  • 第24話 親友と心配への応援コメント

    Yu and Sakura are connected to the MC but don't know it yet, and who was following Sakura?

  • 第23話 乱暴なご挨拶への応援コメント

    bullies fell for teasing. what has MC got planed??

  • 第22話 生意気な後輩への応援コメント

    MC attracted another girl, if he's not careful he'll have all the girl's hating him because he doesn't return their love. dumb MC.

  • 第21話 孤独な告別式への応援コメント

    MC is getting crowded more & more, in the end he can't escape retribution from the girl's & his sister.

  • 第20話 プロジェクトへの応援コメント

    MC will be regretting not going to the library committee when he had the chance. it's going to get troublesome.

  • 第19話 募る不安への応援コメント

    LOL!! what isn't known to him now will be surprising and maybe hurtful. he believes he can control events; he'll find he's wrong.