第35話 Should voting be compulsory?
It is said that Japanese yonger generation are not interested about voting which leads to lower turnout of voting. I feel as democratic citizen that we should vote ourselves. But, I am against about complsory voting with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, compulsory voting will lead to any parties being elected against the true wish of people. People will choose randomly any parties without conducting any research aobut their policies. That will lead to society towards misleading.
Secondly, voting is just right not duty. Although our predessors fought and died to secure the right to vote as democracy, we should have a right to choose the excution for voting. In a democratic society, we should a diverstiy of people who vote or not vote.
Lastly, simply, making voting compulsory is difficult to oversee or manage it.
There is one idea to fine poeple who do not vote. But finding people who do not vote will be huge money necessary for administering. Otherwise, a government should focus on allocating money on spending election campaign for encouraging people to vote as on prosecuting them.
In conclusion, it is regrettable that there are so many people who do not vote. But
it should avoid to make voting mandatory for them which will have an adverse effect on politics as a whole.
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