第31話Do the benefits of accepting the gay community outweigh the disadvantages?
LGBT issue has been hot topic around the world for decades. In my opinion, compared with the time several decades ago,more people has been getting used to such a society. I totally agree that benefits of accepting the gay community outweigh the disadvantages with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, accepting the gay community can create society with diverstity and generousity for LGBT people which will boost their well-being and happiness. Furthermore, They will be treated equally regardless of sexual orientation which make society with no discrimination.
Secondly, Gay community has a potential for boosting the economic benefits. LGBT community has a super buying power which can attract more companies throughout variety sector which will be lucrative and enhancing the profits, at the same time, LGBT people also can become affluent.
Finally, Accepting Gay community can get rid of any strain from LGBT people such mental health and any stress. When LGBT individuals get accepted equally and not discrimination, they can be relieved from the stress and create more health for them.
In conclusion, accepting the gay community outweighs the disadvantages such as creating the well-being, boosting the economic benefits and increasing the mental strain.
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