第22話 Can Japan solve the problem of an aging society in the near future?
Japanese aging population has been ongoing topic for decades. I will provide three reasons that Japan can solve the problem of an aging society in the near future.
Firstly, Japanese government has been tackling this issue by crating policy that allows for workers to take a parental leave after giving a birth and providing them subsidies for young couple to have more children.
Secondly, Japanese government has also been implementing the policy for elderly people who need welfare for daily care and given them financially less burden insurance for making them live independently which will lead to the less burden for younger generation who take burden for elederly generation.
Lastly, there have been apperances of new technology for social welfare such as robotic technology which reduce the physical burden for elederly people by supporting their taking bath, replacing their diapers with new one, feeding them and so on.
In conclusion, since Japanese government has been taking measures such as enhancing birth rate, helping the elederly people by reducing the insurance and physical burden in technology, our society can make better society in the near future.
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