第24話 Should space exploration be promoted?
Space exploration is beneficial for society with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, it will be the cue for deepening the understanding of the history of space and our Earth from ancient and can be potential for discovering any new material in the asteroids which will be significant breakthrough in science technology. It may change the way we live and how education teach about the history of earth.
Secondly, space exploration can bring a huge economic development and create more jobs. For instance, there are several companies which have been competing each other about the space journey which will be huge potential profits and attracts from all over the world.
Lastly, by using the resource on space, it can prevent the material depletion on earth.
and it is said that by monitoring earth from space when something like disaster happens, we can obtain the accurate data what is needed for saving the people and where is destroyed area as soon as possible which will be expected to buy wastful time.
In conclusion, while some people argue that it has adverse effect for human because some space debries from space craft bump into other asteroids which affect our Earth. But, I think in the long run, space exploitation outweight the disadvantage.
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