第36話 Should the use of genetically modified crops be banned?
Genetical modified crop has been controvesial topic for several decades while some argue that there is benefit for increase of yield for farmers, others oppose it because there is harmful for health and environment. I think that use of genetically modified crop should be banned with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, genetically modified crop have an adverse effect for human health. Study shows that it will lead to alergic reaction for human body and can cause skin cancer or even worse, cause of dead. Thus, it can not secured for human body and it has been still studied about the impact for human body.
Secondly, genetically modified crop can have a negatively affect for environment of habitat of ecosystem and diversity of creatures. Furthermore, there is possibility of birth of unprecedented crop which can be born by crossbreeding of genetically and non-genetically modified crops. It will lead to incompatible ecosystem and wildllife.
Lastly, genetically modified crop will need high cost of production for farmers which means that minority of farmers who have paltry portion of yield can dominate these market which will be accused as monopoly.
In conclusion, although it is still under investigation and study, genetically modified crop should be refrained from being marketed until it can secure the health for human and ecosystem and environment.
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