第32話 The benefits of capitalism outweigh its disadvantages?
Capitalism has been a worldwide policy prevailing in the world for centuries. Topic about whether or not benefic of capitalism outweigh its disadvantage is hot topic. I totally agree with it. I explain from three reasons as follows.
Firstly, Capitalism can bring an economic growth. Under society with capitalism, companies will severely compete with other companies which will create advance technology and development of new products and increase for profits.
Secondly, domestic population will be made happier and wealthy. By competing with each other, unprecedent products and service can be created which will bring fortune for the company employees and its family and furthermore, companies will invest huge money into new market and business. It will pay off in the short term.
Finally, Capitalism can create new job employment. Creating new technology and investment of new facility means that there are scarcity of skilled people who can work in the new technology. Companies should educate such a skillfull person and hire expericed persons.
In conclusion, by adopting the policy of capitalism, society will benefit from it such as economic growth, enhancing of profits and making people happier and creating job opportunity.
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