第21話 Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?
Investment in technology should be prioritarized for goverment as soon as possible which will lead to economically boost society and increace wellbeing for citizens with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, Investment in technology can have a potential to boost productivity for a variety of companies. by investing money into new facility, companies can increase the produce and outputs while reducing the human labor cost by replacing the traditional physical work with robotics which untimately lead to more profit and cost cut.
Secondly, new technology can create a new employment opportunity. New skills are required to hire skillful persons. That will force the government to set any program or workshop for producing the skilful person which will lead to new employment they apply.
Lastly, Investment in technology can tackle the societal challenges such as climate change and healthcare problem. For instance, development of renewable energy of new technolgy will reduce the carbon footprint and will lead to healthier society and no pollusion. We can live longer than before and our solidarity will be enhanced.
In conclusion, government should commence the investment in technolgy as a first priority for improving the manufacturing process, job creation and healthier society and environment.
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