第18話 Should marriages be extravagantly celebrated?
Marriage is an important event that is turning point for couples so I understand that there are couples celebrating the wedding extravagantly. But there seems several unfavor things by celebrating with huge money. I explain the three reasons as follows.
Firstly, an extravagantly celebrated weddiing can lead to make couples feel stressed finantially. A lot of friends, families, relatives and acquaintances gathere at the gorgeous wedding ceremony. The couple will end up showing off their wedding more gorgeous with huge cost for decoration or any entertainment.
Secondly, extravagantly celebrated wedding take the way from the true meaning of wedding. Wedding ceremony should be focused on the love and commitment of couple, not for the materiastic aspect of the ceremony.
Lastly, Statistic shows that one-third couple will get divorce. in consideration with the result, if couple are celebrated extrabagantly by many people and get divorce, they would be huge ashamed much more than in the case of traditional ordinary wedding.
In conclusion, Wedding should be normally held and celebrated due to the heavy burden of cost, intrinsic meaning of the wedding for couples and current rate for divorce.
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