第6話 Should developed nations welcome immigrants?
Topic of Immigration has been debated for decades throughout the world, especiallly US whose society is comprised of many diversity of immigrants. Japan is not core target for immigrants but, I assume as future problems and argue that immigrants should be welcomed by developed nations with three reasons as follows.
Firstly, immigrants would bring many skills and knowledges into the host country.
The host country will benefit from it and can enhance the technology and expect to get an unpresendent development of new product in the variety sector industries.
Secondly, as immigrants are from overseas countries, they have broader perspective and grobal perspective. So, it will bring us a new perspective and racial diversity that will lead to peaceful society and no discrimination. It means that Immigrants will also be happy to be treated equally that enhance to creating healthier world.
Finally, influx of immigrants into developed countries like Japnan can offset the declining population. Most developed countries have suffered from the declining birth rate and aging population. But, by accepting the immigrants means the increase of gross population and workforce shortage problem will expect to be solved.
In conclusion, Immigrants bring many opportunities like the spread of new perspectives, creating peaceful world, enhancing the technology and solving the problem of decreasing population.
EIKEN writing @tenshokujinsei
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