Chapter Six Part Two | Getting Situated
Chapter 6 Part 2 | Getting Situated
Returning to their friend groups, they discuss amongst each other their opinions on the 3 new members. Some positive, others negative, but they know they'll have to get along.
Also, if the Commodore had picked them, then surely they aren't just a bunch of eccentrics... right?
Yoneda, being the GFM 1st Lieutenant of Akasha squadron - well at least was the only one - spoke briefly with Yato and the 2 others. A light introduction and overview of everyone in Akasha squadron. He'd finished with a respectful bow and wandered over to Lance Corporal Inaba, who'd conversed with Staff Sergeant Goto.
"Your first impressions on them, Lieutenant?"
He laces his arms together, watching the 3 mingle. "Yeah, they are strange. I suppose."
"Is that an answer or a question?" Inaba smiles, giving a quiet laugh.
"Never mind that, right? What about their positions in the squadron?"
"I'd say leave it for the Commodore to decide."
"That was my intention."
Yoneda turns his attention away from the new members, trusting they'll behave. Instead, he looks to Inaba and Goto. "What about you two? Thoughts?"
"It's unfair for me to judge now. I'll wait until I get to speak to them."
"Hmm... I'm not sure. They're certainly diverse, I'm surprised they get along... Or maybe they don't? Who knows?"
"It's probably best to leave them to their own devices. I'd hate for them to be rough to work with due to our constant pestering..."
"Let's hope for the best then." Goto leans forward and pats the Lieutenant's shoulder with a reassuring smile. "I know you got it cut out for you, Hiroyuki, so I'll make it work."
Yoneda nods, "Thanks, Nao." He glances around the room, checking if there's anyone he needs to speak with. Perhaps the Commodore, but he'd covered most things in some downtime. "Well Goto, Inaba, I'll be in the Gleipnir docks."
"Okay, we'll see you there. Stay safe." Inaba responds with her signature smile.
The staff sergeant shoots a thumbs up, "I'll catch up with you later. Keep at it, Lieutenant."
He gives a subtle bow and exits the common room. Not all of Akasha squadron's members are currently in the common room, allowing for more space. Some would be with their Gleipnirs, ensuring their combat readiness. Others, well who knows what they could be doing.
Kaga had suggested their deployment would be in 2 days. Shigure doesn't know what she was basing it off of, so he hasn't any idea if it's remotely accurate. Though he reminds himself she is an ENNB Construct, and a unique one made specifically to captain the Jormungandr. So it's likly she's right, even if she's not a "strategical" ENNB.
Shigure continues to occupy himself with his smartphone, scrolling through a seemingly endless supply of paperwork. Truthfully, he's listening to conversations, eavesdropping on people's thoughts and menial discussions. Childish arguments about video game scores, hushed words towards Ryuuji, he hears them all. None of them have seemingly picked up on his intelligence gathering - Good for him, but it shows a lack of awareness.
"Captain~!" Yato pops up behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Captain! I can't believe you didn't give me a proper goodbye! Just leaving me in a towel in your room.... Hmph..."
"Ehh..." He attempts to move his head away from her grasp. But, it's Yato, so he can't shake her off... Instead he looks over his shoulder at her. "Sorry. It was urgent, like I said in the email. Also, I'm a Commodore."
"I don't care! You're still my Captain."
Shigure sighs and shakes his head, allowing her to continue her game. Looking back to his phone, he decides he's drowned in enough words today, and pockets his phone.
Yato squeezes her hold lightly, shaking him softly. "You can't ignore me Captain!"
"Yato. Set an appropriate example."
She notices the stares of everyone, people silently laughing at her display. Shigure definitely doesn't look pleased with her behavior. There she went again, with her childish actions... She never ceases to embarrass herself.
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