Chapter Three Part Three | For what it's worth

Chapter 3 Part 3 | For what it's worth

 I remember when I first saw the true battlefield

 It was lacking in it's "shock factor"

 I can understand why others get sick

 And disturbed

 By the sights found strewn upon the frontline

 But it wasn't much to me

 I guess that is why I chose to be an operator

 Quiet conversations continue between varying groups of soldiers amongst the compartment. Airmen keeping to their people, and Shigure's squad keeping to themselves. Modern engineering allows for a smooth flight, humming of engines minimal across the soundscape. The sky still a clear and undisturbed blue that paints itself out the windows. Shigure watching, admiring. Two Surtr interceptors fly uniformly, almost touching the transport craft's wings. The same couple that accompanied them to Tsushima.

 Takeuchi and Ichijo exhibit no desire to communicate with the others, having too much on their own minds to contemplate. The Private's realization of what he signed up for in a fit of anger, is slowly setting down upon him. While Takeuchi's regret still lingers.

 Despite Yato's attempt to start dialogue, Shigure gives only brief responses; occupied with mental preparations. She's already completed everything the Captain had assigned her. To be fair, it was just some basic paperwork. Instead, Yato has to entertain herself, something which she does not excel at. The best she can achieve is humming and daydreaming. Hence, her lack of distraction leads uncomfortableness of the seats to weigh heavily on her mind. Constantly adjusting her position. Sure, she could converse with other crew abord the plane. However, the Korean airmen seemingly give the Japanese a reproachful look, deterring her from striking up chit-chat. At the very least, she can find solace amongst Shigure's close presence.

 Two seats to his right, sits Yato, seemingly zoning out over the noise. Takeuchi considers remaining in his solitude, but he doesn't often, if ever, have the chance to speak with her. Concluding it better than stewing in his dismay, he turns his head to look at her.

 "Yahoo, Lieutenant."

 "Eh?" She straightens up at the call, surprised, now turning to face Takeuchi. "You are meant to call me Ma'am." Yato gives him a loose glare. Her eyes only slightly narrowed. It's apparent she isn't actually mad, just following protocol as the Captain is nearby.

 "Right... Sorry, Ma'am." Takeuchi rolls his eyes in a friendly manner. "What do you think my odds are? As a Gleipnir operator that is."

 Yato turns her gaze to the metal ceiling of the plane. She thinks, almost seriously. "Hm... the Captain called you average if I remember."

 "And from the stories he told me about being part of..." Shigure's ear perk up and he shoots her a very negative look, suggesting she shouldn't continue that sentence.

 "I shouldn't say what." She giggles innocently, as if she didn't almost disclose potentially sensitive information.

 "I would be lying if I said 'I'm sure you will survive!'. But I know the Captain wont just let you die."

 Takeuchi sighs and slouches his shoulder, allowing the darkness to cast shadows across his face. "You could of at least lied to me. Give me a little push, you know."

 She laughs silently, perhaps politely. Golden eyes turning back to Takeuchi, her hair obstructing one. "I don't like lying, sergeant."

 He lifts his regard to her once more, looking at her form-formfitting clothes, keeping true to her slender appearance. A military issue officer uniform of greys. Yato could of elected to wear slacks, as with male officers, but she chose the comfortable skirt instead. Paired with the limited light, she almost blends into the shadows, same as others in the squad.

 "That could be a bad trait, Ma'am. Sometimes you have to lie to keep people happy."

 In return, Yato gives a dismissive wave and turns her head. "Now don't get philosophical with me, Sergeant."

 Takeuchi gives a weak laugh. "Noted."

 She taps her fingers against her thigh. Not particularly enjoying the conversation. She'd much rather just keep with Shigure right now. However, she turns her head to face him again. "What is it, Sergeant?"

 The Sergeant shrugs and repositions himself in his chair. He doesn't have much in mind, as he had already asked the question he wanted. "Uh well... how much longer until we get back to Tsuiki?"

 "I'm not sure..."

 "Captain?" Yato poke's Shigure's arm, hoping to get a verbal response and confirmation.

 "Under an hour." He responds, not looking up from his phone.

 The Lieutenant smiles at his response, then tracks her attention back to Takeuchi. "Less than an hour, the Captain says."

 "Thanks." He looks out back across the compartment, seeing airmen continuing to discuss whatever it is. They appear to be cruising across the skyline, only the Surtr's to occupy view out the windows. A question comes to Takeuchi's mind, and he turns to ask. "Why do you always call the Captain 'Captain'? I never hear you call him sir."

 Yato doesn't exactly have an answer. It could be marked up as a trope of her relationship with him. But Takeuchi does raise a point; she hasn't called Shigure 'sir' in a long time, to her memory. She shifts her body to watch Shigure in her peripherals, imagining an answer could come. Instead, she finds herself locked staring up at him, his grey eyes never leaving the screen of his smartphone. Despite this, she knows he is aware of her staring.

 Typically he would scold her, in a sense, when she stared at him. He found it somewhat uncomfortable; being eyed off by people. Though, it is just Yato, and she doesn't get in his way. So there will be no harm done allowing her to get lost in thought, even if it happens to involve staring at him. Shigure scrolls through documents. Here and there, he'd sign something, and not much else.

 Takeuchi, who expected a response, rather sees Yato absently stare at Shigure. Lost in thought, presumably. 'What a strange bunch of people' he thinks to himself. He doesn't understand why speaking to everyone in this squad always seems like an impossible task. Maybe he missed the memo. Regardless, he just lets her stare at the Captain; it's not his place to tell the Lieutenant what she can or can't look at. The rest of the trip is uneventful, somewhat peaceful. Occasionally radio chatter can be heard leaking out of the cockpit, and whipping winds on the wings.

 The duo of Surtr interceptors escorting the plane, peal away, rising up out of view. Concrete of a runway at FWSDI-Tsuiki rolls into view, the transport craft starting it's landing sequence. The plane bounces as it lands, rocking everyone aboard, before steadying out and screeching down the tarmac. It slows, and taxis off the runway, coming to it's final stop upon a large concrete apron.

 Shigure unbuckles and stands up, turning to members of his squad. "Form up outside. I'll give a briefing there."

 They nod, and two, undo their seatbelts and dismount off the plane. Forming up in a single straight line, waiting for Shigure to join them. Ichijo, standing beside Takeuchi, whispers. "What do you think it will be this time?"

 He subtly shrugs, remaining at attention. "I have no idea. How would I know anyway, Ichijo...?"

 "You're the sergeant...."

 Shigure finishes checking in with the pilots and other crew, and he exits the transport craft via the passenger entry door, stepping slowly down the steps. Momentarily, he enjoys the feeling of the sunlight. Skies are clear today, and warm at that. He sees his squad has taken their small formation adjacent to the plane, only a short walk away. Ensuring he looks presentable by adjusting his parade uniform, he approaches his squad.

 Sounds of the nearby plane's die down, airmen and service crew disembark, going about their duties. In the distance, military police vehicles can be seen patrolling, along with an amalgamation of other military units. This is definitely the FWSDI-Tsuiki Shigure is accustomed to, as busy as ever. He takes his position in front of the 5. Subconsciously taking note of cracks in the concrete, and it's painted lines.

 "You all chose to stay. So you'll be Gleipnir operators under my command and training." He quickly scans over their faces for any disapproval. "Hence. You all loose your current rank, as you are no longer members of the Japanese ground forces."

 The five, excluding Yato, murmur amongst each other, surprised. Demoted? Why are they being demoted? Shouldn't they be retaining their rank? Even Zhaojun's expression displays confusion. And what does he mean by 'Not part of the Japanese ground forces'?

 Shigure sighs quietly. "Yato, Takeuchi, Ryuuji, Zhaojun, Ichijo. You are hereby reassigned to the Gleipnir Mechanized Regiment as GF-Trainees. I, Captain Shigure, am this squad's Directive Officer. Effective Immediately." He looks to Yato. "Former 2nd Lieutenant Yato, you are promoted from GF-Trainee to GFM-1st Lieutenant."

 She salutes from with the formation. She already knew the procedure; Shigure had told her well before this moment. The others, though, are notably perplexed. A lot happened, and they didn't understand any of it. But they keep quiet and apprehensively salute to the front.

 "You'll be getting a new uniform, new weapons, and of course, your personal Gleipnir."

 "Yes! That's cool as hell!" Ichijo cheers, the others also showing some excitement regarding the promise of their own Gleipnir. Perhaps being an Operator isn't all bad for them.

 However, Ryuuji has some qualms about the whole thing. He holds his hand out in front of him, requesting to speak. "Sir. If I may."

 Shigure nods to Ryuuji. He partially expected that Ryuuji would interrupt, but he was hoping he could finish explaining before he did. Just more time he has to spend with them. "Go ahead Trainee."

 Being referred to as 'Trainee' already gives a minor blow to Ryuuji's ego. Just a few seconds ago, he was a Corporal, and now he is some rank he knows nothing of, except it is probably worthless.

 "You say we get assigned our own Gleipnirs. Can you elaborate. It seems to me as a large responsibility that could cause problems."

 "No." Shigure responds instantly. He is not going to bore everyone else with legal details and whatnot. At least that is what he tells himself, he just can't be bothered telling him. "You will be able to access that information in your own time."

 "Yes sir."

 Ichijo leans forward out of formation to look at Ryuuji. "Don't be so uptight four eyes."

 The Captain stares at Ichijo for a moment. "Trainee, stop talking amongst formation." A hint of annoyance crosses his face. He just wants to hurry this along, get them down to the Gleipnir dock and assign them their frames.

 "Report to the southern armoury. Tell warrant officer Tsuki you are Trainee's under the command of Captain Shigure. He will get everything you need. Then find yourself at the western Gleipnir dock, uniformed. Dismissed." Finding his irritation growing, Shigure gives the brief then immediately leaves. Not giving them time to ask questions. He paces away as the others fumble out of formation, getting into a group and discussing.

 The four trainees and GFM-Lieutenant huddle together in a loose circle. Takeuchi is the first to speak. "I can't believe I got demoted..." He looks dejected.

 Yato pats his back, giving it a light rub. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you will be back to Sergeant in no time!" She attempts to cheer him up, the others not caring about his despondence.

 Giving an almost disgusted look at the upset Takeuchi, Ryuuji adjusts his glasses and speaks to the circle. "The Captain, in his infinite wisdom, didn't give us an arrival time. But knowing him, it is safe to assume he wants us to revolve around his schedule. Meaning, we should hurry along."

 "Can't you have some respect?" Yato shoots him a glare, not appreciating his sarcastic jab at Shigure.

 In his typical fashion, Ryuuji is unaffected, only scoffing at her words. Zhaojun sighs silently, thinking the lot of them are idiots. She gives a final glance over of their faces, before spinning around, walking away from the group.

 "Where is she going?" Ichijo watches her leave, as does everyone else. They assumed they should use this time to 'strategize' about where they should go from here, but apparently, Zhaojun wants nothing to do with it. A conjuncture to her taciturn nature.

 She strolls her way to the nearest major building. Taking in the surroundings. There's not much to see, or to relish in, but there is a lot of concrete. Taking the subsurface Maglev loop, she arrives at the southern most armoury of Tsuiki, as instructed by Shigure. With many facilities of FWSDI-Tsuiki, this armoury is located deep below the surface, with some extending above the surface. However, Zhaojun's business only lays within the lower levels, where Warrant Officer Tsuki presumptively is.

 Through a few concrete halls and atriums, she comes to a halt at the entrance of a secured area. Large doors, cameras, and Military police lazing about amongst the open area. Using her Identification card, she gains access, the door hissing open. Inside, tables and racks lay around. Only things not locked away, are typical items; general enlisted uniforms, plate carriers, padding, anything that doesn't pose an immediate security risk.

 Zhaojun walks across the organized and segregated room, reaching a metal lattice infused window with a cut-out. She steps too, speaking to the person on the wall's other side. "Warrant Officer Tsuki?"

 The man looks up from documents laid upon his table. He stares her down, questioning why she is here. "Yes. Why are you here, Corporal?"

 "Trainee." She corrects. "I'm here on orders of Captain Shigure." Zhaojun doesn't seem interested in further conversation, hoping what she said will be enough to please, and get what she needs.

 Tsuki taps his hands on the table. Once. "I see. New operator. Goodluck. I'll get you what you need." The Warrant Officer disappears off into depths of the separated storage room. All that is left for Zhaojun is to wait. And wait she does. Patiently at the window, awaiting her equipment.

 A brief moment later, Warrant Officer Tsuki returns, holding a large box. Sliding it throw the window slot, he gives her a indescribable look, teetering on the edge of disapproval. "Everything you need is in there, Trainee. Your CO already signed everything off a few days ago, so no signature writing for you. Lucky one. Now, off you go, I have work to do."

 Zhaojun nods, taking the box into her hands. Immediately, she is struck by the weight. She assumes it is just clothes, though much to heavy for only that. Despite this strange weight, she clutches onto it, and scans the area for a changing room. Of which she soon sees.

 Entering, she sets the box down on a bench, opening it. At first, it appears to only be a white object, however, she realises that must be the uniform. Zhaojun lifts the clothing out, setting it neatly beside the box. Thick heavy fabric, a piercing white. These new uniforms substantially different from the simple structure grey uniform she is used to. For her torso, a jacket with long ironed sleeves, that appears to be shorter than a vest. It has an attachable lower section that would make it more-so a trench-coat. Coupled with a black undershirt, loose slacks, a belt, and tall combat boots.

 It looks heavy, and it is. Without any verbal complaint, she undresses, folding her old uniform neatly piece by piece. In just her undergarments, she begins to don her newer, white, operator kit. It's weighty, more so than any other thing she has worn, but movement comes easy. Funny enough, it does not slow her down. Looking in a nearby mirror, she finds that, to her surprise, the uniform displays a degree of intricacy and firmness. Finalizing everything, she attaches the optional 'skirt', her jacket transforming into a greatcoat.

 A moment before she packs away and departs, she notices one more thing laying at the bottom of the box. A handgun, and it's respective holster. She is no officer, so why has she been issued a pistol? Maybe a perk that comes with being an operator? Who knows. What she does know, is that she will be attaching that holster to her belt pronto. Pulling her jacket aside, she slides it smoothly onto her belt, clicking the handgun into place. The fabric hides the holster completely, yet, does not obstruct access. Everything about this uniform is evidently thought out and tested prior. She dares to call it engineered.

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