Chapter Three Part Two | A future we deserve

Chapter 3 Part 2 | A future we deserve

 Blood, entrails, bone fragments

 They are all a package that comes with death

 Free condiments

 And death comes quick

 It doesn't care who

 Just tempt it

 And it will come

 Those images Shigure had shown. Not just from satellites, but from photos the Captain himself had taken whist he was deployed. That was the worst part. Close ups of everything horrible. Shigure took them to remind himself; he'd pledged to never forget. But, they now have another usage. If he wants to prevent the needless death of his comrades, he can start by using his photos to lift the misconceptions. This place, FOB Amateru, was the best place to start his squad's real training. Here, he has access to any image of the frontlines he wants, and the South Koreans won't report Shigure exposing the truth.

 "There is no way I am doing this. I want to quit." Ichijo is the first to voice their opinions.

 "I agree... This job is suicide."

 "It seems as so." He fixes his glasses, closing his eyes and nodding.

 There is no response from Zhaojun, instead, she's still occupied with her Yashin Type-12, cleaning. Not shouldering a hint of surprise. The Captain theorizes maybe she already knew what being an operator entailed. Or perhaps not. The 5 remain seated in the chairs Shigure laid out for them, all wearing varying degrees of shock, take for Zhaojun. Yato just looks mildly perturbed by the gruesome images.

 Pacing around slowly at the front, crossing and disturbing the projector's light. Shigure, not wanting young people to die pointless deaths, especially not those under his command, gives a proposition. "If you want to quit. Be re-assigned. Whatever. If you want out, I'll pull some strings."

 Takeuchi shares a few glances with the others, as if saying 'we should, right?', 'are we crazy enough to stay?'. Ryuuji and Zhaojun on the other hand, show no negative or positive reaction.

 "What is the catch Sir?"

 "There isn't one, Sergeant." He responds, not even needing a second to think.

 Takeuchi and Ichijo still seem sceptical. There is no way the Captain would simply 'help them get out'. Ichijo this time, speaks up. "So you'll just... pull some strings, as you put it, and we will be freed of THAT future?"

 Shigure nods and turns off the projector, the harrowing images flashing from existence. A handful of Korean officers also in the room have expressions of horror strewn upon their faces. They've seen all the satellite images. But the photos the Captain took himself are on an entirely different level. Some of the worst were close ups of Shigures comrades with the damage inflicted from sheered metal. Bodies completely mutilated, if one can even call them bodies. Of course, he made sure to get the faces in frame.

 The answer is strikingly obvious for Ichijo and Takeuchi. There is no way in hell they will let themselves be subjected to that torture in life, and in death. They want out, not a doubt in their mind.

 "I'll take up your offer, Sir. I want out."

 "Absolutely! Me to, get me out."

 Hearing their decision, Shigure nods. He'll do what he can, he's a man of his word. But before he is allowed time to speak, Ryuuji cuts in.

 "You're just cowards. Sub-human cowards. Why even bother join the military, take away the chance from someone else, then throw it away. Just because you are afraid." He scoffs, fixing his spectacles, and continues. "I could tell you two had no potential the moment I laid eyes upon you. Fools."

 The Captain is slightly taken by surprise, as is everyone else. Though, on the inside, Shigure sees the merit in allowing Ryuuji to berate the two. It will be a substantial amount of paperwork to try and get them out, and if Ryuuji guilts them into staying, he'll be free of extra work.

 Takeuchi and Ichijo are naturally in disbelief. Even Zhaojun peers up from her rifle, watching the tense air from under her eyelashes.

 "What's wrong with not wanting to die?! You suicidal four-eyed freak!" Ichijo, in his ever persistent argumentative state, stands hastily up from his chair, facing Ryuuji.

 Corporal Ryuuji nothing but scoffs and re-positions his glasses, again, them glinting under the fluorescent light. "Silence, you yapping dog. It's a miracle the Captain even placed you in this squad. Pathetic excuse of a soldier."

 Holding himself back from punching Ryuuji square in the face, he clenches his fist. Though Takeuchi joins him, standing. "You are a real piece of work Corporal. If you want to die that death, then go ahead. Just don't drag us into it.

 'The weather isn't bad today.' Shigure thinks to himself, having found a chair to sit down on. He hasn't any interest in the argument itself, just the result. As is habit for him at this point, he pulls his phone from his pocket and scrolls through paperwork. Shouting between the three fades away. To him, there likely isn't anything of importance, his ears will alert him if there is. However, a certain document really grabs his attention. Marked in large bold words, 'confidential'. If it's in his depository, then surely he has clearance to view it.

 Opening, it takes a few seconds to load. Giving him a moment to listen into the argument; Some more points about being killed and whatnot.

 |Official: Gleipnir Frame GF-1 Orion Through GF-2 Twain; Technical Documents|

 These words project onto the phone's screen. "GF-Orion" Shigure hasn't heard that for a long time. Being the first Gleipnir mass produced for combat, and the first he operated. Even before the training frames were manufactured.

 |Do NOT Reproduce This Document|

 |Contains Privileged Information; Unauthorised Viewing Will Result In Immediate Court Martial|

 |Official As Of MMCCLXIV - 2264 AD To {Indefinite}|

 After the warnings and basic information is displayed, and with more scrolling, Shigure is revealed to hyper specific details about GF 1-Orions and GF 2-Twains. To call this simply 'Technical Documents' is baffling to him. He passes introductory level things. Already knowing most surface-level workings of Gleipnir Frames.


 |Topic 32: OBSECS|

 |OBSECS: Officially Designated: On Board Specialized Effectiveness Control System|

 OBSECS Beta Development Year MMCCLIX - 2259 AD

 OBSECS Final Development Year MMCCLXIV - 2264 AD

 OBSECS shell accessed via cockpit "Major Service" panel 74mm West of Operator left foot. Find Topic 5 Sub-Topic 19 "Maintenance - Cockpit Maintenance Access" for details and diagram regarding Major Service panel. Digress.

 Note: !Access Demands Approval Of SITE Gleipnir Commodore Or Superior!

 The OBSECS will automatically shutdown given a command from: Directive Officer, Operator. Or when 10 emergency REDS are recorded in tandem by the OBSECS's in-built MUX logic circuit.

 Start Topic 18 Sub-Topic 1 "OBSECS - Containment Programme D.O.S."

 The OBSECS is broad spectrum command program. It functions via the command of Dolores Operating System Accelerated Cognition abbreviated as D.O.S. The D.O.S. is the advanced artificial intelligence embedded into the Gleipnir that supervisors all operations committed to the Gleipnir Frame and acts as the announcer. D.O.S. has restricted control of motor functions to prevent destruction of neural web.

 D.O.S. specialized information can be found via contact with [REDACTED] [REDACTED].

 D.O.S. assumes the personality suited best per operator; abiding to the list of parameters and limiters. D.O.S. was first installed on the GF (Gleipnir Frame)-Orion in a test run with Gleipnir-Frame-Mechanized-Commodore (GFM-CMDE) "S" where performance was recorded. Later versions were created. However, GFM-CMDE "S" refused upgrades despite [DATA-EXPUNGED] exhibited by D.O.S.

 D.O.S. shall never be used outside of a Gleipnir Frame for concerns of [REDACTED]. Once installed aboard a specific instance of a Gleipnir, that instance of D.O.S. is bound to the respective Gleipnir's factory serial number, and can never be transferred. D.O.S. will co-operate with the Operator to reduce piloting strain and over complication. D.O.S. will assist with chassis handling, damage control, threat detection, threat analysis, sensor operation, munitions interception, targeting.

 Find Topic 268 Sub-Topic 2 "D.O.S. - D.O.S." For comprehensive breakdown of the D.O.S.

 Find Topic 268 Sub-Topic 3 "D.O.S. - Analysis" For general analysis of the D.O.S.

 Find Topic 268 Sub-Topic 310 "D.O.S. - Assistance Subroutines Outline" for continuation of assistance list.

 End Sub-Topic 1 "OBSECS - Containment Programme D.O.S."

 Start Sub-Topic 2 "OBSECS - OBSECS"



 Shigure is thoroughly surprised by the document's contents. He has a suspicion he wasn't supposed to have access. But, the information is too interesting to simply pass up or forget, so, he hurriedly scans over different topics, screenshotting as he goes. However, he doesn't have much time, as he is interrupt by the voice of Yato calling out to him over the arguing.

 "Captain! Won't you tell them to stop it now?" She is shaking his shoulder, trying to get his attention. Ryuuji is still engaged in the heated exchange with Takeuchi and Ichijo, shouting different insults as Korean soldiers look on in confusion.

 He locks his phone, and slides it into his pocket. Assuming it would be a good idea to finally step in, he rises from his seat. "That's enough."

 "No! Ryuuji is-"

 The Captain raises his hand, gesturing his non-compliance to listen to Ichijo's words. "Sit. You as well, Takeuchi."

 Following his orders, the two retake their seats. Ichijo, of course, holding the most distain for Ryuuji. The room is silent, even the Koreans having stopped their tasks to watch. An uncomfortable air lingers upon the room. Shigure wasn't paying much attention, however, he assumes it was a pointless back and forth between the 3. Sighing, he looks to Ichijo and Takeuchi.

 "Are you staying?"

 Takeuchi's answer is still obvious to him, he no longer wishes to be an operator for Gleipnirs. Just as he is about to voice his answer, Ichijo speaks first, he tone as angry as it was previously.

 "Absolutely! I won't let Ryuuji call me a coward! I'm staying just to rub it in his stupid face!" He is very animated as he speaks, clearly allowing his emotions to take over. Ryuuji on the other hand, just scoffs to himself and fiddles with his glasses.

 Rather surprised, Takeuchi looks at Ichijo incredulously. Now if he quits, everyone WILL think he is a coward... But why should he care, he doesn't owe his life to anyone. He is more than happy remaining at FWSDI-Tsuiki as an NCO.

 "Ah... I- Ugh... fine, I will stay as well..." Takeuchi hates himself for not leaving when he has the chance. It's a dumb decision, he knows. But he will hate himself more for leaving. Sighing and covering his face with a hand. "Why am I doing this..." He mutters to himself.

 Nodding, Shigure scans over those in front of them. An unexpected turn of events. Ryuuji, his face resting with a frown. Ichijo holding himself back from having another outburst. Takeuchi dumbfounded by his own decision. Zhaojun only cleaning her rifle. Yato, simply watching the Captain, waiting. Shigure checks his phone, 11:20, he decides it best for him to progress with today's schedule. Casting his gaze to the two. "If you're staying. Then we can move on. Yes?"

 "Yes Captain."

 "Yes Sir..."

 He nods in acknowledgment. "Without further ado. Go enjoy your time upon this island. Meet back at the airport 16:00 sharp. We will depart 16:10." Shigure takes out his phone again, leaving the command building scrolling though it. Korean officers, seeing the commotion and discussion has ended, return methodically attending to their tasks.

 Leaving the room only being occupied with the sounds of varying instruments being operated. Typing, pens on paper, Korean words the Japanese soldiers cannot decipher, and shuffling of footsteps. Having calmed down a degree, Ichijo shoots a distasteful look to Ryuuji, then too exits the room.

 "That was... quite the experience..." Yato stands from her chair, looking at the other 3 with a weak smile. Attempting to lighten the mood.

 "Indeed. Eye-opening. It certainly was not what I had envision this trip to be." The Corporal joins her ins standing. Though, he occupies himself with the Korean's coffee machine and brews himself a cup. Major Kim notices Ryuuji using their machine, but makes no comment and allows the young soldier to enjoy a drink.

 Laughing lightly at Ryuuji's remark, she slowly turns to Zhaojun, who seems perpetually occupied with cleaning her Yashin Type-12. "Zhaojun...? You have been cl-"

 Lacking interest in bonding or conversing, she fluidly stands up and exits the room, not allowing Yato to finish her line of speech. Presumably to find a place devoid of contact. Now the room's only Japanese occupants are Yato, Ryuuji, and Takeuchi. Each having substantially different opinions on what occurred. There is a noticeable lack of communication between the 3. Takeuchi is still reflecting, finding the fact he committed himself to almost guaranteed death all due some pressure appalling. Though, there is not much he can do, and he knows this. He just hopes he wont grow to regret this.

 Ryuuji has found himself in some idle chatter with a handful of Korean officers. Seemingly in a battle of wits. He sips his coffee between words, keeping his usual firm posture. The Japanese soldiers stand out drastically, donned in their grey parade uniforms, while the Koreans wear their green battle dress. Outside the windows, the buzz of the base can still be observed. Military logistic vehicles and troop transports pass by intermediately. Occasionally, Japanese forces can be seen passing through also.

 With a sour feeling left on everyone, what had turned into a holiday was nothing of the sort. Instead, each had a lot on their minds to contemplate, and prepare for.

 15:59 comes, Shigure standing at the open rear door of the same aircraft they arrived on. All but Ichijo standing, waiting, with him.

 "Where is he...?" Takeuchi hums to himself, loud enough to actually pose it as a question.

 Yato looks to Ryuuji to see if he'll have an idea, which he does not. She shrugs to Takeuchi. "I have no idea. I last saw him at FOB Amateru." She looks to the Captain nervously, subconsciously listening to the sounds of aircraft. Shigure only stands, patiently.

 No more than a few seconds later, Ichijo comes into view, stumbling across the airfield towards the group. He shouts unintelligible words out of earshot, waving. Appearing almost drunk in his movements. Shigure crosses his arms neutrally, not pleased by his lateness.

 Breathing heavily, Ichijo comes to a stop at the group. Bent over, hands on knees. "Sorry... I'm late..."

 "You are."

 He straightens himself up. "Sorry Sir..."

 The Captain gives no other response. Instead, he turns himself around and boards the wating aircraft. Knowing what the Captain expects from just his actions, the others join Shigure in the rear compartment and take their seats. Red overhead lights illuminate the compartment, and the cargo seats are certainly not the most delicate. Sounds echo off the steel hull like inside a can.

 Takeuchi, who chose his seat beside Ichijo, leans towards him. "Not a good look."

 "Shut up! I was at a bar. Learn to live a little bro."

 Takeuchi jams his elbow into his side, giving him a piece of his mind. Though, before they get a chance to continue their quarrel, the hydraulic sounds of pistons cut them off; The rear cargo door lifting closed. It clicks shut, and the sounds of turbine engines take over.

 Raising his eyebrows and looking to the group seated against the plane's shell. "Get some rest. More surprises once we land." Everyone nods, some idle chatter restarting.

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