"You deserve this." I've been told that before

 "Do I?" I ask

 I don't think I'm deserving of much,


 But not this

 Part of me still yearns for normality

 A duo of Surtr interceptors escort a larger jet, reminiscent of a military transport craft.

 «Shanidar Two, 50 Kilometres from point T.Y.A.»

 «Acknowledged Shanidar Leader. Shanidar Two reducing airspeed.»

 The two sleek, black interceptors approach closer to the larger aircraft. Beginning a tighter formation, almost wing to wing. An Island that is too large to be fully seen closes into observation range, the blue waters thousands of metres below come to an end at it's shores.

 A trio of men inside the cockpit, Pilot, Co-pilot, and Third officer. They discuss through their radios, voices barely audible in the joined passenger compartment.

 "Maintain this heading. We are on course to the runway." With three black and blue chevrons sewn upon his azure sleeve, topped with a star, suggesting his position as the Wing Commander and Pilot.

 "Affirmative sir. Maintain heading." The Co-Pilot spins slightly around is his chair at the yolk, and speaks to the Third Officer.

 "Maintain Heading."

 Understanding, the Third officer, a Flight Lieutenant, radios to the escorts.

  «Shanidar wing. Maintain current heading.»

  «Loud and clear, Angel. Shanidar Leader, Shanidar wing maintain heading.»

 Shigure turns his attention away from the threshold between passenger compartment and cockpit, looking to the other servicemen partaking in the trip. Himself, Yato, airmen, and some soldiers from a platoon he's attached to. The sky is diaphanous (extreme delicacy of form), storm clouds gradually coming over the horizon.

 Speaking above the sound of engines and sheering of wind. "Sir! Where are we going?"

 Leaning towards them to project his voice. "You'll find out."

 Shigure had chosen 4 soldiers from across FWSDI-Tsuiki depending on their skills with the Gleipnir training models. One of which is always trying to start conversations with those showing no interest.

 "Hey, Zhaojun. You haven't spoken the whole flight."

 She nods.

 "Do you ever speak-"

 "Ichijo give her a break. No point fighting over sounds of turbines."

 "Shut your face, Takeuchi! If I want to talk, I sure as hell will!"

 "Don't be like this. Stop bothering people. We're all tired, let's just wait until we are landed."

 "Well stop acting like my Mum! I swear, you are white knighting for Zhaojun!"

 "I am not!"

 "Yes you are!"

 Adjusting his glasses. "Silence. You two."

 "Why does everyone try to stop me from speaking!"

 Ryuuji just gives him a hard look.

 Captain Shigure looks back to Yato, raising his eyebrows as an indication of annoyance. As if understanding, Yato nods and giggles.

 Corporal Ryuuji, adept at reading and understanding the battlefield. A young man, always wearing a stern and analytical expression.

 Lance Corporal Zhaojun, displayed heightened manipulation of Gleipnir training equipment. She typically comes off as quiet and reserved amongst training and social settings. The most promising in the Captain's eyes.

 Private First Class Ichijo, experienced in use of topography. The youngest and newest member, having only completed basic training a few months ago. His confidence may be above his skillset.

 Finally, who just spoke, Brevet Sergeant Takeuchi, doesn't excel at much. He is the bridge for the others to learn to work with the average. Shares the traits you'd expect from a rather simple and respectful person.

 Shigure has known the four for a little in surplus of 4 months, the time he was assigned extended training duties. He purposely refused to connect emotionally with them for his own reasons. Perhaps he seeks to avoid them becoming dependant on him, and to gain a sense of autonomy. Or maybe, he naturally wants to avoid relationships beyond the necessities.

 Yato taps his shoulder and points out the window. "Captain, we are about to land." He nods and looks out the window, seeing the ground coming closer. Noticing the Surtrs have broken formation, disappearing from view. Now looking back to the soldiers, he gestures for those he selected to put their seatbelts on, the Airmen having already done that.

 Wheels skidding across tarmac, sky becoming mountains, the plane touches down. Two Surtrs come into view above them in advance to flying out of sight, providing air security until they themselves are cleared to land. With it being heavy, it takes some time for it to reach it's parking space upon the taxiway. Inside is retrospective of a chinook, thus, soldiers aboard are eager to leave the confines.

 Answering their wishes, the rear cargo door unseals and slowly lowers to the runway concrete, allowing sunlight to pour in. The Airmen, of course being familiar with the workings of aircraft, are notably faster to dismount and go about checking things outside the craft. Shigure unbuckles, and without hassle, walks calmly down the ramp with the others following orderly behind.

 Greeted by a receiving party of South Korean soldiers, the head of party, a First Lieutenant who extends his hand. "Captain Shigure?"

 Unenthusiastically grasping his hand, "Correct."

 "Great you're here sir. Welcome to Tsushima Yamaneko Airport. I am First Lieutenant Hak-Kun of the Nephilim Defence Coalition Korea Division. We have some formalities to go over before your group can leave the premises." (Nephilim Defence Coalition Korea Division = NDECK-K)

 Releasing himself from the handshake, he steps back slightly. "My adjutant will deal with that."

 Yato's upset voice can be heard from the back of the group. "What! I don't want to do that..."

 "Too bad. You are a Lieutenant and my adjutant. Act like one." Turning his head to shoot her a stern look, sooner facing Hak-Kun.

 She slouches her head and remains silent, prepping for the arduous task. Not without a final whispered remark. "Why don't you act like a Captain..."

 "I'll take my men now, Lieutenant Hak-Kun." Without awaiting agreeance from the Korean officer, Shigure walks away, making a gesture for the other 4 to follow. Of which they obediently do. Ichijo makes a face to the Koreans seemingly trying to celebrate the fact his Captain has freed him from formalities. Needless to say, the Koreans do not appreciate this.

 "Ichijo, do 100 push-ups."

 Surprised that Shigure even noticed, considering his back was turned. "But Sir! I won't know where to go!"

 "Catch up in your own time."

 "Yes Sir..." Ichijo begins doing as the Captain commanded, who leaves him behind with the Koreans.

 The group of now 4, Yato and Ichijo occupied with other tasks, commandeer a South Korean military vehicle. Shigure at the driver's seat. He displays no sense of urgency and drives off the airport's grounds. Reaching a gate guard, he just points to his epaulette, to which the soldier lifts the gate.

 Free from the confines of a military controlled airport, they enter the island of Tsushima. Though, Tsushima itself is an island controlled by the forces of the NDECK, Korea Division and Japan Division.

 Through the mountainous terrain, light scars of battles fought previously litter the landscape. From small craters, to destroyed roads and buildings demanding detours. Soldiers of both countries can occasionally be seen at guard posts or conducting duties similar to disaster recovery. Everything is quiet on the road, just sounds of tires and an engine. No one speaking aboard the vehicle.

 Shigure pulls the LAV to the side, just on the threshold of a joint military base. He engages the handbrake and exits the driver's seat, closing the door. Giving no directive to his squad.

 "Shall we get out?" Takeuchi looks around at his comrades, confused as to what the Captain expects of them.

 Watching Shigure through the windshield, "He's waiting."

 He looks to Ryuuji and frowns. "How would you know that?"

 Ryuuji just adjusts his glasses and reaches for his door's handle. Before he does, Zhaojun exits the vehicle, rifle in hand and closing the door roughly. Surprising Takeuchi with the sudden action and loud sound.

 "I guess we're getting out..." Takeuchi laughs beneath his breath and joins the two outside, with the Corporal following shortly behind.

 Shigure watches as the 3 stretch their legs and get acquainted with the unfamiliar landscape. His eyes drift away from the group, instead landing on the installation a short walk away. He has taken these promising soldiers to the frontline of an isolation operation. Planning to expose them to what they'll be fighting against, fighting with, and fighting for. He's purposely kept the mission description vague, keeping the soldiers in the dark.

 He stands with an unassuming expression, presumably awaiting something. Just on the shoulder of the road, Takeuchi and Ryuuji converse, despite Ryuuji's lacking responses. While Zhaojun simply observes her rifle and the surrounding area, awaiting command from the Captain.

 Checking his smartphone, then gate. He concludes there is some time left before those who he is expecting arrives. With no particular interest in the other two, he paces over to Zhaojun. Stopping beside her and watching her hands move across the gunmetal.

 "Ah... Yashin Type-12" Shigure points to her rifle. His attempt at starting interesting conversation.

 She looks up to him, face expressionless. However, she nods and turns her attention back to her rifle. He almost expects no response, yet, "Gas-powered."

 "Chambered 308."

 "Started production 2238."

 Shigure gives a rare smirk, nevertheless, it fades once more. "You know your stuff, Lance Corporal."

 She nods and stows her Yashin Type-12 on her shoulder, via the attached shoulder strap. Zhaojun watches the Captain, half expecting him to pursue a conversation, half expecting him to not.

 Tapping his holster in thought, Shigure shoots another basic question, for him at least. "Know what you are fighting for?"

 Frowning and tilting her head, she looks to the asphalt considering her answer. A hard question to give a heartfelt response to. She could answer 'for my country', or 'for the people'. But everyone says that, and they all have ulterior motives. For her, she thinks she has her reason.


 "Sir, there are some Koreans coming towards us." Before Zhaojun has time to give insight into herself, Takeuchi interjects. Immediately noticing he may of broken a potential bonding time.

 "Sorry. Am I interrupting?"

 Shigure shakes his head and sighs. "Don't suggest such things." He glances at Zhaojun. "Times up." Noticing there is in fact a group of South Korean soldiers approaching, the people he was awaiting. Coming to attention on the roadside, Shigure salutes the oncoming group.

 "Major Kim. Glad you could make it, Sir."

 Most of the soldiers stop, except for one, the major. The older man approaches Shigure, coming to halt in front of him and saluting in return. They both drop their hands, and Kim returns a friendly smile.

 "Captain Shigure of the Japan Division. I've heard a lot about you. I'm honoured to have such a skilled soldier- no, such a skilled man, come to my frontline."

 "Your flattery is authentic, to that I appreciate. But time is... short." Shigure stares deadpan at the major standing firm at his feet. He means what he says, but he'd rather progress his mission than develop foreign relations. That's for the diplomats.

 Major Kim nods and turns around, gesturing for his men to start back towards the base's entrance. He glances at Shigure. "Come along now, Captain."

 Without question, Shigure follows the entourage of Korean soldiers. Guiding his squad behind him. They briefly stop at the entrance, waiting for it to open. The different country's soldiers exchanging looks while they pass the opening gate.

 Entering a large compound full of containers, temporary buildings, and military vehicles. Of which appears to be an old settlement seized by the Joint forces of Japan and South Korea. To the right of the group is the concrete structures lining the shores of the cove, Japanese Navy ships moored with sailors traversing on and off.

 For such a small and seemingly insignificant garrison, there is the prominent presence of necessity amongst the large number of uniformed men. Some going about the transport of goods, some providing security of the base, and the regimented formations of training soldiers. All compressed into a small outpost at a chokepoint of the island.

 Major Kim leads the Captain and his group to a more permanent building, clearly a command structure. Inside they are greeted by the presence of officers, Japanese and Korean. Walls glossy white, important equipment organised neatly, and the chatter of military personnel. Saluting the major before returning to their operations.

 "Let us wait for the other two, Captain."

 "That was my intention Sir." Shigure takes this time to review documents regarding Tsuiki. He takes a chair for himself, reading through his phone. He assumes Ichijo will arrive with Yato, once she has finished formalities with Korean forces.

 Ryuuji, having an itch to understand what this whole trip was about, approaches the captain. Starring briefly, adjusting his glasses. "Sir. If I may say, this 'mission' seems utterly pointless. For what reason have we come to this place?"

 He only taps his phone screen, bringing attention to it. "I'm busy Corporal."

 "I understand, Sir. But this just appears to me as if you've decided to bring us on your holiday." Typically Ryuuji would take his dismissal, but he'd become rather irritated by the premise he could be occupying himself with work at FWSDI-Tsuiki. Instead he's stuck at someplace he doesn't even know the name of.

 "You don't want holidays, Ryuuji?" Shigure looks up at him, setting his phone down on his thigh.

 He glares the slightest amount at the Captain's antics. "That's beside the point. None of us even know what this place is called."

 Shaking his head, he returns to the tasks of scrolling through documents. Awaiting the arrive of Yato and Ichijo. "Forward operating base Amateru. Satisfied?"

 Knowing there is no point arguing. "Happy enough, Sir." Ryuuji leaves Shigure to remain in his chair.

 He leaves the room, walking outside under the sun. Why must the Captain hide something so simple as why they are where they are? He won't get anywhere definite speculating. But, a few thoughts do cross his mind. Perhaps this is in fact a holiday for them. Or, maybe it's a training operation. Ryuuji leans against the outside of the structure, thinking.

 Silently theorizing, keeping his borderline angry expression. Minutes tick away, and to Ryuuji's dismay, Takeuchi finds him and elects to bother him.

 "Ryuuji! I was wondering where you were. Zhaojun doesn't want to talk to me, and the Captain is 'busy'." He smiles, happy he has someone to talk to.

 "So, do you have any idea what this whole trip thing to this island is about?"

 Ryuuji sighs and straightens himself up from the wall, turning his side to him. "No sergeant. I only have my assumptions."

 He stares expectantly. "Well...?"

 "What is it, Takeuchi?" Ryuuji's expression tightens, watching him out the corner of his eyes.

 "Tell me. Don't just blabber on about 'assumptions' and not tell me." Takeuchi puts his arms around his shoulders, forcing a hug upon Ryuuji. "We're friends, are we not?"

 Sneering, he tries to get out of his grasp. "You fool. I don't associate with buffoons."

 Disappointed by Ryuuji not returning his energy, Takeuchi releases him. "Such a buzzkill. You need to have some friends on the battlefield, Ryuuji. You are acting like the Captain."

 "I'm not on his level." He shakes his head and brushes himself down.

 Takeuchi drags his hand across his face, exhausted form dealing with his new squad mates. Why must he be surrounded by eccentrics? Ichijo is a stupid kid, the stone cold Ryuuji, Zhaojun who refuses to communicate with others, and the Captain who is, well, the Captain. Sometimes he thinks he's drawn the short straw, being mixed in with this circus.

 "Well... I can't say I know what you mean in the slightest. So..."

 Ryuuji turns slightly to look at Takeuchi again, not appreciating his persistent disturbance. "If you expect me to hold conversation, you are mistaken."

 Sighing. "Of course... of course. Well, guess I'll just go wait in the command building." Dejected, Takeuchi strolls back through the door, entering confines of a building.

 There has been a lot of waiting for the four, Shigure not caring in the slightest. He is more than happy to sit around and meander his way through paperwork. But, being so close to the frontline gives him a funny feeling.

 It may not be the same one he'd fought on a year ago, but in spite of it all, memories of battlefields come back to him, akin to him being in the vanguard again. He feels agitated. He wants to get up and move. To grab a gun, and throw himself on that blood-scape again. Swearing to himself he hears the sounds, feels the air, smells the metallic of flesh and steel.

 That familiar feeling of holding the joysticks. The calming voice of the Gleipnir's D.O.S. system. Alerts of damage control systems. Pulling that trigger, sounds of a his Kikan following.

 Those who he killed, civilians, opposing forces, and in his later years, Nephilim. Purpose is what that gave him, not fear or guilt.

 But those faces. He'd trained them, or trained with them. Partied with them. Socialized with them. Called them his friends to a degree. But instead of walking alongside him, they lay still upon the theatre of war, mutilated beyond recognition. On the bright-side, if their faces are cloaked in blood and shredded with metal, then he can't associate them with anyone.

 They are JUST people he connected with. Not individuals. No different from who he killed.

 But their voices still linger. Their bodies may of been broken, but they could still speak. Maybe he can save himself by disassociating their physical appearance. However, those voices will always be attached to people. The pleas for help, screams, calling his name, and begging for loved ones a final time... That's something not even Shigure can simply 'forget'.

 Shigure has found himself on the the brink of death aboard the cockpit of Gleipnirs, many times. He knows exactly what it feels like, being abandoned, almost loosing everything. On these battlefields, you don't feel peace at being freed from the pain, as some do. Instead, it's unfiltered fear and dread. The injuries sustained in this era are incapable of simply loosing their pain factor.

 Standing himself up and pocketing his phone, he walks outside the building. Getting strange looks from the Korean offices. He hasn't a clue what he looks like, but their stares suggest many things. Walking around the building to the rear, hoping to compose himself to a degree.

 Instead, he finds Zhaojun seated against a wall, alone, cleaning her Yashin Type-12 with a stray cloth. Some desultory chatter could unbind him from the whisperings of dead friends. If his conscious permits it.

  She hears his footsteps. Setting her rifle down gently beside her and folding up the cloth, looking up to examine him.

 Shigure sighs to himself, wiping some of the sweat forming upon his forehead. He places himself on the ground beside her, maintaining a respectable distance. He doesn't speak, remaining quiet as he leans back against the wall. He's aware that in his state he could cause some discomfort. However, perhaps he is being over cautious, and in reality he appears normal.

 The two's comfort for silence is blatant. Neither fidgeting or appearing perturbed. Zhaojun, presuming Shigure has no words in mind, re-grasps her rifle and returns to needlessly cleaning it.

 Turning his head to peer at her. "Cleaning your rifle?" Shigure adjusts his pistol's holster, finding its position uncomfortable while seated.

 "You're eyes don't deceive you." She says, briefly stopping her movements with the cloth to look back to him. Then, continuing to service that Type-12 of hers.

 He nods his head a few times. Some may find it a rude response, but Shigure thinks it perfect. Not a blunt 'yes' to an obvious question, but instead, a full response to be interpreted as many things. "Don't speak much to others?"

 She slides the cloth up and down the barrel, staring at it, perhaps thinking of an answer, or killing time. "Neither do you."

 "You can say that." She's an interesting person. In many ways, she is like himself. He has his reasons, causes, as to why he has become 'Shigure'. Makes him wonder, how'd she become Zhaojun? Was it as simple as being born that way? A personality trait? Or was she forged into that. He doesn't know her past, but, she seems to young to of been involved in many battles. He's lead to believe more of the former.

 How long has it been since he has spoken to someone 'normally'? He converses with Yato, who to some level, he sees as a companion. But there is no real reason for him to do so with Zhaojun. She's just another soldier amongst millions.

 Shigure hears the sound of a lighter vehicle slide to a stop, forward of the building. Coupled with it, is the immediate chatter between Ichijo and Takeuchi.

 "They're here. I need you in the command room." He climbs to his feet and makes his way towards the front. Ceasing the momentary interaction.

 Zhaojun is left with her rifle, again. Her interactions with the Captain are usually brief, few and far between. But she almost never starts them. She finds him rather intriguing. Always having the feeling of being scrutinized by his words and eyes. If he were another soldier such as herself, she thinks she'd find him frightening. But, knowing he is just the Captain, knowing his tendencies somewhat, she feels nothing of the sort.

 With everyone in the command building, Major Kim nods to Shigure. "It's all yours Captain."

 Returning the slightest gesture of acknowledgement. "Thank you Sir."

 He turns to face the 5. "Yato, Ichijo, Ryuuji, Takeuchi, and Zhaojun. You all want to be Gleipnir operators."

 "What? You only just realise that now?" Ichijo appears thoroughly confused.

 "Idiot! He is being rhetorical." Takeuchi nudges his side, whispering.

 "How am I-"

 "In saying this. Have any of you seen the frontline." Shigure resumes speaking, refusing to entertain Ichijo's nonsense. He is sure of the answer, 'no'. The brass deliberately hide what truly happens in combat against the Nephilim. It makes perfect sense, if they paraded death and terrible odds to everyone, no one would elect to be an operator. So, they project the 'honour' of being a Gleipnir frame operator.

 Shaking their heads in response, and sharing around curious looks. Satisfied, Shigure steps to a portable projector upon a table, facing the white wall. He flicks to switch to turn it on, adjusts a few settings. Then there, displayed on that very wall, are images of an active front against the Nephilim. Gleipnirs ripped apart or riddled with massive holes. Blood of operators, and normal soldiers, sprayed across the battlefield.

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