[--Chapter 2 Interlude | Yato and the Captain--]

[--Chapter 2 Interlude | Yato and the Captain--]


 "What is it Yato?"

 "You have a few days leave, right?" She says, smiling.

 He has a sneaking suspicion he knows where this is going. "I do. I don't plan on using them, though."

 "Let's go to Sapporo then! I hear it is getting warmer now."

 He slouches his head slightly. "I don't particularly want-"

 Yato hits his shoulder lightly. "It's good to get out and do things." Her voice clearly shows she is getting giddy over the prospect of a 'holiday' with Shigure. "Come on, it'll only be a few days! Work wont go anywhere."

 Flinching slightly at the touch, he slowly spins around in his office chair. With a minor sigh, "I might miss a chance at promotion. Or better, deployment."

 Rolling her eyes, she paces around his quarters. "Promotion this, deployment that! Come on, Captain! Spend some time with your adjutant, wont you??"

 He scratches the back of his neck in thought, not being the biggest fan of travelling. He stands up from the chair and turns off his room's air conditioning. "You realise that Sapporo is all the way on the other side of Japan."

 With an innocent giggle, Yato leans her upper body to him ever so slightly. "Of course! That's why we should go there. It will be new for us."

 "What about expenses?"

 "You can pay."

 He looks at her incredulously. "No way. I save my money."

 "But you're a Captain! You have a good salary." Yato's eyes turn almost pleading.

 "And you are a lieutenant. Use your pay check."

 "ONLY a lieutenant..." She mutters to herself, under her breath. "Come on Captain! It's always a struggle to get you to do anything, for no reason!"

 Sighing and shaking his head. "You are trying to force me to-" He cuts himself off before he begins a rant. He thinks briefly, and decides there shouldn't be any harm done. "You know what... fine. Let's go to Sapporo."

 With a cheer and a spin, Yato latches herself onto him in a hug. "Thank you Captain! Thank youuu!"

 He initially tries to push her away, but gives up and just opts to let her hug him. With modern advances in maglev technology, and undersea lines, going from Fukuoka Prefecture to Sapporo via shinkansen will only take roughly four hours.

 "Come on, let go..."

 "Just a little longer?" She asks, looking up at him under her bangs.

 "You're getting excited again. Very unprofessional, Yato."

 "Oh-" After acting more like a close friend, it dawns on her she probably shouldn't act as such with Shigure. Even though she sees him as her friend, perhaps he does not see her in the same light. Needless to say, she releases him and steps back.

 He checks the clock pinned upon his wall, 13:42. "If we pack quickly, and leave now we should be able to get there by 18:00. Time to get a hotel and whatnot..." He thinks out loud to himself.

 "Great! I'll come back here in a bit packed and ready!" Hurrying out the room to pack, Yato leaves his room.

 With no real desire to travel, he packs very lightly. Just some clothes, some money, and paperwork to keep himself occupied. Of which he fits all into a singular suitcase, not even filling it. He seats himself on the edge of his bed, waiting for Yato to return. His room plain as ever, and gentle lights illuminating what windows cannot.

 Approximately 10 minutes later, Yato walks back into his room, holding a suitcase of her own. "I'm ready, Captain!"

 He stands up from the bed and nods. "Let us depart then."

 Cheerfully, Yato follows Shigure out of his room. Taking transport to the on-base terminal that links to the Shinkansen, then boarding their chosen train. The trip being smooth and uneventful, only changing lines a few times along the way. A vast majority of the trip is underground, not giving much opportunity to appreciate the landscape. Though with the inevitable march of time, the train they are travelling on bursts out of the tunnel, revealing the now blinding light of the outside world.

 Once theirs eyes have adjusted, they see themselves blazing across the countryside south of Sapporo. After only a few seconds, the two feel the train slow down on it's magnetic track. As it enters the confines of the city, it slows more until finally coming to a halt at a station suspended over the clear waters of Toyohira river. The two exit the train, Yato being thrilled about being in Sapporo for the first time of her life. Shigure not sharing the same sentiment.

 He guides her through the streets, finding a hotel to stay at close to the shinkansen station.

 "Still intend on forcing me to pay?"

 "Well of course, you have a higher salary than me." She laughs quietly covering her mouth.

 "We'll be sharing a room then." He continues to walk through the vibrant streets, the evening sun slowly starting to lose it's light. "And don't be expecting any souvenirs."

 Yato's mouth falls open, looking up at him as they walk. She closes her jaw and looks away, annoyed. "How cruel..."

 "Shut it."

 Arriving at a modest hotel, Shigure pays only for one room, as promised. Yato doesn't mind this, but the fact he said he wont buy her any souvenirs... How evil. The two deposit their suitcases in the room. Shigure placing his on his bed, Yato placing her own on hers and beginning to fumble around with unpacking.

 He watches her for a few seconds. "You didn't bring much. Why bother unpacking now?"

 "I like to be organized." She remains occupied unpacking, needlessly.

 "It's more organised in the suit-"

 "Shut up!" Yato snaps at him. Not much appreciating him pointing out the obvious.

 Shigure shrugs in resignation and sits down at a table, occupying himself with paperwork. He doesn't dislike Yato and her occasional quirks, but he wishes she would realise their personalities clash. He thinks of himself as a purely rational and quiet person. While she is more... eccentric. Of course, when it comes to professional settings and work she is typically 'well behaved', but sometimes she has some strange tendencies that come to the surface. "Ah, whatever..." A silent mutter.

 He can see out the window of their hotel room, situated on the 6th floor, overlooking a section of Odori Park. He's seen photos of the old Sapporo dating back to early 21st century. It sure has changed a lot over the centuries. A lot of what he saw in those photos feels foreign and outdated, which in a sense it is. 23rd century infrastructure and building regulations a stark difference to what was seen in the 2000s.

 "Captain!" Yato says with a slightly louder tone of voice.

 Spinning around in his chair quickly. "What? Something happen?"

 "No! I've been calling you over and over, you weren't listening."

 "Ah, sorry. I was in thought. What is it?"

 Holding a pouty expression, she sighs. "I was saying we should go walk through Odori park. I've heard it is beautiful at night."

 "So have I. But can't you go alone?" He raises an eyebrow, hoping she will indeed go alone and leave him be.

 "What?? No of course not! We came here together, don't be such a sloth!" Grabbing her handbag she starts her way out the door to their hotel room. Expecting him to follow.

 "Sloth...?" Shigure whispers to himself, not used to being called a 'sloth'. Regardless, he checks his pockets then quickly follows after her, locking their room. Entering the elevator and standing beside Yato, he looks down at her.

 "Bad mood today?"

 She returns a quizzical gaze. "Not particularly. Why do you ask?"

 Shrugging and looking at the button panel. "Seem to be giving me a hard time." He looks back at her. "Did I do something?" Despite inquiring, his voice remains flat, somewhat dead.

 With a scoff and a forced glare, Yato starts to giggle slightly. "Idiot..."

 Shigure's eyes narrow and turn to the elevator doors instead. What did I do? I don't understand this stuff. He questions himself.

 She peers softly up at him, her amber eyes reflecting some of the compartment's light. "You're not very good with people, are you Captain?" She already knows the answer, but she asks because it feels right.

 He meets her gaze once more. "I'd say my social skills are satisfactory."

 "But you don't even know how hard you are to talk to. Sometimes I have to yell for you to understand anything."

 "If something is important, it is said louder."

 She sighs and gives a little laugh. "This is what I mean..."

 Before he can provide a response, the elevator comes to a halt and the doors slide open, a voice announcing 'Ground floor'.

 Yato again takes the initiative, stepping off first and crossing the lobby, Shigure following behind. Walking out onto the street, they see the roads are rather quiet. More people on the sidewalk than in vehicles. Restaurants, office buildings, a diverse area for sure.

 "You wanted to see Odori park?"

 "Yes. Do you know the way, Darling?"

 Being addressed as 'darling' causes Shigure to cringe out of discomfort. But he makes no comment on it, as it's by no means the first time. "Yes. I checked the maps."

 Gesturing for her to follow, Shigure begins to walk through the streets. Yato follows closely to his side, looking on in awe at the city buildings, a major difference between military infrastructure she's exposed to daily. All types of people go along with their night. Simple people going out to parties, night shift workers, and military police squads providing security.

 The Nephilim always being a threat, every major population centre has military assets scattered strategically. Optimised to not only assist local emergency services, but also be ready to protect the public at a moments notice. Some may find it unsettling and fear inducing, constantly being in the presence of armoured vehicles and military personnel, but most find comfort knowing they are safe.

 Stopping at a plaza close by a fountain, the two watch as water shoots up from the basin. Immaculately pruned trees with warm lanterns strung between them, accompanied by the hustle and bustle of a seemingly lively city. The sun set, sky dark, and air cool. Perhaps the perfect time to stroll through a safe land.

 "Wow... this place is way better than in pictures, Captain! Isn't it awesome?!" Yato turns away from the fountain and looks at Shigure. Who, to her surprise, is as reclusive as ever.

 "It looks nice, I'll admit."

 She pokes him. "Where is your excitement!"

 He closes his eyes and breathes in. Then gives a small smile. "I must of left it at base."

 "That's more of the spirit, Captain!" Yato smiles and walks ahead of him under the lanterns. He follows, keeping pace with her. The wind blows her black hair, candlelit by fickle yellows of lights. Shigure watches it wave around uniformly in the air, Yato not bothered in the slightest.

 For the first time as far as he can possibly remember, Shigure feels truly at peace. Peutêtre (Perhaps | Maybe) it's Yato's presence, of whom he has come so accustomed to. Or, the tranquillity of a humming city illuminated by a full moon.

 Notwithstanding, there is a pacification lingering in Shigure's chest. Walking leisurely with Yato, who speaks soft and playful words to him. Wishing this would last for ever, he knows it cannot. Knows it should not. As without sadness, despair, and loss, one does not know the meaning or experience of happiness and euphoria.








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