Chapter Four Part Five | Toils Of Experience

 Chapter 4 Part 5 | Toils Of Experience

 Shuddering momentarily from the sudden loss of stability, EX-1's frame appears as though it is soon to collapse. Saving it from its possible toppling; Upsilon's masterful grasp upon joysticks. Firm and without an ounce of doubt. Safety systems active aboard a Gleipnir do well with early warnings, occasionally even preventing death. But in return, they slow down movements for a fraction of a second due to processing inputs. That imperative instance would allow for an Operator's instincts and reflexes to act. Thus, it is essential one disables these sub-routines if they wish to avoid projectiles going over 800m/s.

 Now without any describable assistance in balancing and movement, Upsilon's actions become erratic and practically impossible to telegraph. Causing Kodo-1 and Kodo-2's bursts to drag behind EX-1's position. It doesn't take a genius to realise the Kelda's pilot posses many magnitudes more skill than themselves.

 Empty glowing blue eyes of EX-1's frame piercing through Kodo-2's HUD inboard his cockpit, getting closer and closer. Causes Ryuuji's face to develop more so, a bead of sweat forming upon his strained expression. He knows there isn't a chance of victory coming to himself of his squad, and for the EX squad operator who's engaging, this is no more than child's play. Kodo-2 tries to predict Upsilon's next position, only to pull the trigger too late. The same issue plaguing Kodo-1.

 «Tch.. he's fast.»

 «Yeah, too fast.» Yato affirms breathlessly.

 Chi, scrapes to a halt, realising they've been duked by Zhaojun's tactics. «Leader. She's on you.» A quick glance at their radar, they make the most reasonable assumption. Indeed, just after passing another supply pillar, Kodo-4 appears from cover, presenting her Var433P to the back of Upsilon's head. However, they refuse to be surprised again. Upsilon drops their Kelda without needing to confirm their suspicions of her location. EX-1 going almost prone. So promptly in fact, D.O.S. lacks the needed time to project a warning. Kodo-4 is naturally stunned, caught entirely off guard. Those few seconds she collected from escaping Chi, wasted.

 Yato releases her trigger hold, as with Kodo-2 «Kodo-4 no! Duck!!»

 Though before she can react to her squad's warning, their volley of fire intended for Upsilon travel over EX-1's head. Training rounds instead finding their new destination; the chest-plate of Kodo-4's GF-Twain. Zhaojun has the breath blown from her body, view of her team-mates lifting their MAK-72s in an attempt to prevent further friendly fire. She steels herself and re-aims her Var433P to the crouched EX-1, not letting the handful of miss-placed bullets deter her. She can still stand; she wasn't blown over from the force. She can still fight.

 She had hoped... «Kodo-4, out. Friendly fire.» Shigure disables her GF-Twain, her experiencing that fate of the others. Airbags, darkness, and her defeated shout.

 Ryuuji strikes the hull of his cockpit. He should of seen it coming. How could he of been so foolish? If only he wasn't glued to his displays; instead checking his radar intermediately. Kodo-4's blip vanishes from the maps of Kodo squad, confirming the loss of another member. «Damnit!»

 «Don't think about it, Kodo-2. Re-engage!» Yato gives her order, expecting him to complete it. Of which he immediately does, frustrated by something he surely could of prevented. Raising his Kikan as before, with Yato leading, he depresses his trigger again.

 As if always a step behind, EX-3 reaches out from cover, grabbing EX-1 and dragging their Kelda into hiding beside themselves. Kodo squad's attack missing it's mark, recurrently. Yato curses to herself, stress and anger overwhelming her. While Upsilon taps the chest of Chi's frame, giving a nod of their head.

 «Nice assist.»

 «Yeah.» Chi looks past Upsilon at the fallen frame of Zhaojun. «That one was trouble.»

 «Almost got me.» There is a somewhat unneeded pause between words. «One dodged at the start.»

 «Hm... right. Some potential in the newbies then?»

 «Would seem as so.»

 Chi peaks the corner to see where Kodo-1 and Kodo-2 had repositioned; back behind cover as their radar blips suggests. «Shigure made some good choices.»

 «He did.»

 Yato and Ichijo, who remain behind the same pillar, try to decide their next move with the assistance of Ryuuji.

 «Does anyone have any ideas..?»

 Kodo-5 is still shell-shocked, almost frozen. «I-I don't know!»

 «Get it together Kodo-5! We're down two already, do you want to be the third??»

 «Of course not! B-.. But what are we supposed to do?? It took TWO of us to take down one of them! AND THAT WAS LUCK!»

 Ryuuji, typing furiously on a keyboard, scouring his GF-Twain for anything, anything at all that could help. He knows Gleipnirs are pumped full of more programs than would be worthwhile knowing, so surely there'd be at least one thing able to get them out this situation. But he remembers a few words spoken by Shigure, something about life saving advice. Perhaps he can get actual advice...

 "DOS. Report."

<Reporting. Systems Nominal. Operator Vitals Heightened. Receiving.>

 He moves his glasses rocked from the combat, and studies his radar intently. "Respond, DOS."




<Yes, Operator?>

 Perfect. She does have the capacity to hold conversation. Apparently, D.O.S. isn't a simple announcement system, but something that can give advice, as per Shigure's suggestion. He grins to himself as the continued bickering between Kodo-1 and Kodo-4 persists over communications.

 "Do you understand the situation?"

<Of course, Operator.>

 "How does one defeat EX Squad?" Ryuuji himself is analytical and capable of theorizing dozens of options. But, he doesn't trust his rattled state of mind to provide something of value. Not after he couldn't prevent the loss of Kodo-2.


<Impossible with current Operator percentage.>


<Affirmative.> Lacking direct instruction, D.O.S. draws attention to data displayed upon one of the many screens regardless. Retaining mainly to Kodo squad's performance during the training. <Efficiency of your squad is in dearth of 20 percent. EX Squad exhibits a percentage of 98 percent.>

<With EX Squad current handicaps...>


<Projected true efficiency - 130 percent.>

<You're move, Operator?>

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