Chapter Four Part Three | Trial By Fire

 Chapter 4 Part 3 | Trial By Fire

 «So they aren't real enemies...» Ichijo wipes away beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Their OpFor - Opposing force - are clearly more experienced then themselves. Ryuuji's prediction they'd have company was absolutely correct.

 However, the time for speculation and fear long since past, as the squad of Kelda Frames have began to approach the supply pillars. The very place they decided to take cover. Considering Kodo-2's Gleipnir received no damage of note, it's safe to assume EX squad are also using training rounds. Though knowing Shigure, they wouldn't put it past him to throw live rounds into the mix.

 Takeuchi, finally freeing himself of his stunned trance, notices like everyone else that they are sitting ducks. «We can't stay here! We've got to move!» But there isn't much Kodo squad can do. If they try to reposition they'll surely be gunned down. Maybe, however, since the rounds don't inflict damage, they could just make a run for it. That's the main idea Takeuchi has. «I'm going for it lads, wish me luck!»

 «What!? No, stay-» Before Yato can give her command to stay, Takeuchi had already pulled hard on his joysticks, and slammed the pedals down. His Gleipnir charging out of cover, right into EX squad's line of fire. Not even one step towards the hills, his D.O.S. system spits warnings across every display.

<Contact East> <Bogey 1> <Bogey 2> <Bogey 3>


 Over the shouting of D.O.S., Takeuchi turns his GF's head towards the Kelda Frames. All three had already taken stances, one knelt for better accuracy. Unable to take even another step, muzzle flashes engulf his camera's view, met by the sight of dozens of 72mm autocannon rounds directed to various points of his Gleipnir. He tries to raise his own MAK-72 while moving, but it proves fruitless.

 Initially a few indirect blows to the chest's upper glacial armour plating. After that second for EX Squad to dial in, Takeuchi finds himself being violently thrown around his cockpit. D.O.S. begins to announce over itself, declaring every point of impact, which prove too many for Takeuchi to keep track of. Kodo squad's other members watch on in varying levels of shock as Kodo-3 is pummelled with hundreds of bullets in mere seconds.

 Despite only being dummy rounds, they transfer enough energy to injure the operator. Especially in a three Gleipnir volley. All unfolds in a matter of seconds, Takeuchi's GF-Twain having slid to a halt, both him and D.O.S. attempting to keep the frame upright and in the fight.

 «Kodo-3, you are dead.» Shigure, watching on from within the field centre, hits a button on a display. In return, Takeuchi's cockpit is engulfed by airbags, and electronics shut off with a audible click. Un-surprisingly, his Gleipnir, still being assaulted by EX squad's fire, is pushed backwards and topples over from the extensive amount of shells thrown down range at it.

 Crashing down to the concrete pad, it's overwhelming weight essentially causes the concrete to explode. EX squad consecutively cease their fire, taking this time to reload. There is a fleeting silence, and the noticeable smoke of gunpowder floats through the air.

 «Kodo-3, status!» From her position behind a supply pillar she can clearly see Takeuchi's GF-Twain sprawled out on the ground. «Kodo-3 status!!» MAK-72 held at the ready, bracing for EX squad's imminent attack.

 Despite there being no real reason to, one of the Kelda Frames discharges another burst at Kodo-3's deactivated Gleipnir. Yato continues her attempts at getting Takeuchi's status, which is clearly hinting toward his unconsciousness. The three orange Gleipnirs of EX squad reform their formation, stalking towards the shaken Kodo members.

 While Takeuchi was being targeted by the Kelda frames, their occupation with engaging Kodo-3 provided an irresistible opportunity. Others just stared on, unsure of what to do in those momentary seconds. Zhaojun, however, slipped out of her cover, opposite the side Takeuchi did. Footsteps of her Gleipnir masked by gunfire, and EX squad's operators disregarding their radars. The perfect chance to act.

 Though with the gunfire ceased, and EX squad re-approaching the cowering Kodo squad, they will soon notice Zhaojun's presence creeping up on them. It's not difficult for Ryuuji to understand her intentions.

 «Kodo-1, Kodo-5, Suppressive fire. Do it now.» Ryuuji, who had been itching for an option to act, declares orders over the channel. His near-miss less than a minute ago lingers on his mind, but he steady's his apprehension and throws his Gleipnir out of cover.

 Yato understands promptly, without hesitation she two pulls hard on her joysticks. Seconds turn to what feels as hours. They aren't even in actual combat, but everything feels incredibly real. Like their lives truly are on the line. Kelda Frames' empty blue eyes lock with the Twains'. Kodo-2 situated on one knee, his MAK-72 aimed directly at the grouping of Kelda Frames. Massive mechanical finger already depressing the trigger. Kodo-1 spinning from cover, assuming the same stance.

 EX squad, ever ready, in the process of rushing to cover, lifting their own MAK-72s to train upon the two Kodo Gleipnirs. A deafening shot dispersing from Ryuuji's Kikan, it's bolt carrier stealing a new round from the magazine. The Kelda frame closest and mere instants from reaching cover, distracted by a frontal assault, has an alarm engulf it's cockpit. A Gleipnir operator learns to tune out various alarms, as with experience comes the ability to register threats before an announcement is made. Contrarily, this alarm superseding all the others, is one of great importance.


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