Chapter Four Part Two | EX Squad

Chapter 4 Part 2 | EX Squad

 Upon receiving their callsigns, Yato speaks over her headset. «Captain, what do we call you?» She had noticed there are only five names listed, meaning that apparently Shigure lacked an assigned call signal.

 He hadn't intended on complicating things more for Kodo squad by giving another name to remember, as despite how amusing their troubles can be, he does have to get them trained. Or risk demotion or discharge, due to him being on unfortunately poor grounds with his commanding officer. «Shigure. There are other officers here, don't confuse them by shouting 'sir'.»

 The trainees are clearly apprehensive to call their superior his name, despite it being his family name. Especially considering it is Shigure, making it feel almost illegal to address him with anything but utmost decree. Though, insubordination is a real crime.

 «But Captain... Your name? Really...?»

 Shigure shrugs to himself, idly looking at other officers in the Hiraodai Field Centre. «Yes. We have training to get through, stop stalling Kodo-1.»

 Without allowing time for a response, the Captain presses a few buttons on a control panel. A confirmation appears nearby, displayed via a screen embedded into said panel. Swiftly affirming the confirm request, Shigure nods to the other officers stationed in the room, to which one responds by speaking to someone over radio. Immediately upon 'Yes' being selected, warning lights spiral around the perimeters of seven squares marked out on HFC's concrete pad. After ample warning time, seven impressively large rectangles blow out of the ground, high pressure air squeezing out relief valves.

 These metal shrouded boxes, almost the same height at Kodo squad's GFs, being stowage bays for Gleipnir training equipment. Mainly retaining to weaponry. Side panels lower themselves flush to the ground, revealing it's contents. Training rifles, dummy rounds, dud explosives, all you'd expect to be used in a real warzone, just de-activated.

 During this time, Ryuuji had intently watched his real-time radar fed map. The three previously idle Kelda Training Frames began to move. Indicating they are in fact manned. He silently eyes his map, trying to predict their intentions and moves.

 «Kodo squad. Those supply pillars have what you will be requiring in about... 60 seconds.» Shigure takes a seat comfortably at HFC's window, looking out over the proving grounds. Holding his headpiece's microphone, he reminds. «Do not use live rounds. Retrieve a handful of training magazines.»

 Ryuuji takes note of the assigned time, knowing precisely what it is for. While the others lack haste, slowly guiding their Gleipnris to approach the supply pillars and collecting inert rounds for their MAK-72s, discussing what possibilities of what's to come. He wastes no time gathering what's required. Kelda frames getting ever closer.

 Forty seconds tick by, the majority of Kodo squad still trying to manipulate their Gleipnir's to take the required equipment. Ryuuji fully armed, facing directly towards the hills which his D.O.S.'s radar reports the Kelda's presence. Zhaojun notices Kodo-2's infatuation with that vector, she grabs the MAK-72 from her Gleipnir's back, loading it with training rounds. Her Frame's head switches between observing Ryuuji's and that slight burr in terrain.


 «Now...?» Takeuchi, Ichijo, and Yato repeat in tandem, turning their own Frame's towards Kodo-2. Their answer comes fast, on cue, literally. Everyone's cockpits flash red with a forced warning by D.O.S. Followed by glinting of a scope on the horizon, and blinding muzzle flash. Aimed and propelled directly at the head of Ryuuji's GF-Twain, a 72mm bullet. Not particularly concerned whether it is live or a dummy, Ryuuji's eyes widen instinctively, slamming his joystick instantly left, trying to dodge the incoming threat.

 Despite staying true to it's trajectory, Kodo-2 manages to narrowly avoid a direct hit. Instead, the round glances against the Gleipnir's temple, ejecting a sound of tortured metal. His Frame rocks violently, only dampened by shock absorbers and the luck of it not being a direct hit. Ryuuji is thrown around lightly in his cockpit, a look of determination strewn across his face as D.O.S. begins a damage report.

 The ricocheting round flies straight into HFC's bulletproof glass forward of Shigure, who doesn't even flinch. A unnoticeable smirk comes to him, seriously impressed by Ryuuji's instincts and reflexes. «Kodo-2, not out.»

 Over the very burr that massive bullet emanated from, stands a singular Kelda frame, only it's orange head and MAK-72's muzzle showing. The initial shock fading, and realization set in for Kodo squad. Without any need for direction, they all immediately move their GF-Twains into cover, which happens to be supply pillars.

 «Holy Shit! Where did he come from?!» Ichijo peaks around the corner briefly, taking note of the Kelda's position before retracting into cover once more.

 «I don't know!» Yato keeps her Gleipnir firmly pressed flush against the supply pillar, slightly crouched to prevent the head from being exposed. «Ryu- Kodo-2! Are you okay??»

 Their voices are all frantic, Takeuchi complaining to himself over a open mic. Ryuuji's damage report indicates there was absolutely zero taken from the impact. Be it luck, reflexes, armour, or the round itself, he has no idea why it inflicted no damage. «No damage. Kodo-1.»

 The unknown Kelda frame slowly makes it's way out of cover, stepping up to the hill's ridge. It's rifle held confidently in one hand, aimed downwards, staring at the hiding Kodo squad. It's orange body indicating it truly is a mere training frame. Though, not a moment later, it's two companions appear from behind the burr. Walking across pristine grass, joining in standing beside it. Three seemingly highly experienced operators, controlling Kelda frames, as their opponents or enemies.

 Ichijo peaks the corner again. This time however, the Kelda frames do not hesitate and aim directly at him. Kodo-5 rips his Gleipnir back into cover instantly. «Shigure! Who on earth are they?»

 Watching the entire time from Hiraodai Field Centre's control deck, Shigure grabs his microphone. «EX Squad. OpFor.»

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