Chapter Four Part Seven | Restraint

[[Subject to editing]]

 Chapter 4 Part 7 | Restraint

 Ryuuji watches it unfold, leant just to the side. He curses the Captain. «You allowed them to use a live grenade??»

 It's not Shigure's place to converse with anyone, he's just observing. The Captain's refusal to answer causes Ryuuji more anger, furious he'd allow the use of a real grenade. There isn't a doubt in his mind someone could of been killed, and Shigure must of known this. To put the entirety of Kodo squad at risk, especially his own adjutant, is barbaric.

 Kodo-2 observes Chi halt and begin to approach his position, weapons trained. Upsilon slowly joins beside Chi. Knowing there isn't a chance he'd ever beat the two, Kodo-2 stows his MAK-72 upon his Gleipnir's back. The sound of magnetic coils activating, then dispersing. He holds his Frame's hands outwards to the side, and leaves his cover.

 «I forfeit.»

 Shigure sighs and stands from his chair in Hiraodai Field Centre, giving a gesture to other officers observing the training. He holds his headset, starring out at Kodo-2 surrendering to Ex squad.

 «End of exercise. Kodo squad. Report.»

 Upsilon and Chi stand down, informed of Kodo-2's surrender by an officer. They holster their weapons, not interfering with anything. Upon being ordered, Kodo squad's members return their statuses.

 «Kodo-1 reporting.... Ah... It hurts... Captain...»

 «Kodo-2 reporting, awaiting orders.»

 «Kodo-4... affirmative.»

 The remaining two are unable to speak, being incapacitated. Shigure brushes down his uniform and exits the building without further discussion. Exposed to the warm sunlight again, Shigure allows his eyes to adjust slightly, surveying the surroundings. Supply pillars gradually retracting down, 4 Kodo squad GF-Twains laid out on the ground, joined by a singular EX squad Kelda. Tapping his boot upon the ground, he makes another address.


 Shaking his head slightly and staring at the only standing Kodo member, Ryuuji, his Gleipnir watching. «Two members unconscious. One out by friendly fire. Another two out by explosion.»

 Yato, patting down the airbags inside her cockpit, wipes a drizzle of blood from her face. She groans in pain and exhaustion as she speaks. «Captain... i-its... our first time-»

 «I'm not interested. My first-» He silences himself before starting a unnecessary tangent. He scratches his head, fiddling with his holster. Instead, he flicks a switch on his headset's side. A slight bit of static comes over the channel, before equalizing. «Ex squad.»




 Three voices, two male and one female, announce themselves to Kodo squad. Shigure makes a gesture towards Upsilon's Gleipnir, of which a nod is returned.

 «Kodo-4, Kodo-2. Impressive work. The name's Upsilon. Rank, GFM-Cataphract. Senior officer of the 12th Gleipnir Ranger battalion.» Upsilon turns his Kelda's frame to Chi, beside him.

 A glance of recognition, «Kodo-4, well done escaping my pursuit. You really threw me there. Chi, GFM-Group Captain of the 12th Gleipnir Ranger battalion.»

 Phi, who had up until now simply been laying on his back in defeat, draws his microphone towards his mouth. «Can't believe you got me, Kodo-4... great job. Junior officer, GFM-1st Lieutenant, Phi. Same battalion.»

 They finish their introductions. In the mean time, soldiers had climbed aboard Ichijo's and Takeuchi's GF-Twains, beginning to extract them and administer care. Tranquillity of the proving grounds return, firing of autocannons and sheering of metal gone. Though for Shigure, he's mixed with a concoction of emotions. Mainly disappointment and concern. To most, it would appear as Kodo squad had performed well enough. A warzone would beg to differ.

 Perhaps it is due to the sight of battle; the injured Kodo members and shell casings mixed together with collapsed frames. Phi had exited their Kelda through an emergency hatch, being ushered away, a mask of sorts obscuring most his face. That switch inside him flips again, finding himself standing on a flaming battlefield, past and forgotten, instead of the concrete pad of Hiraodai Proving grounds. The desolate winds blowing without nature to obscure them, scorched infertile ground remaining. Uncertainty of silence, unsure whether the enemy will return.

 A hand falls onto his shoulder from behind him, eliciting his body to tighten and spin around. Meet with dull red eyes of a past comrade, one he failed. His expression hardens and he returns the deathly stare, narrowing his eyes. Their uniform torn and bloody, Shigure assumes they're just a phantom of his past, though these occurrences always feel real. He only gazes into their lifeless eyes, marking his time as he awaits reality to fade back. They needn't speak for Shigure to understand - They blame him. He's still persecuted by those he fought beside, even if they are dead.

 Gradually, sunlight begins to dissolve the illusion. Grass in the distance breaks through, and the hateful phantom forced into view by his mind, blows away into the wind. Fate is just teasing him now. Dangling what he wants most right at his nose. How could he not struggle with his restraint?


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