Chapter Four Part Eight | Tone Matters


 Chapter 4 Part 8 | Tone Matters

 Did I go overboard?


 Did I cause injury to those I am meant to train?


 But this world doesn't wait for you to catch up

 You must get ahead

 And stay ahead

 Tsuiki is a rather dull and intimidating place. Almost all buildings are sharply constructed with sheering metal and cast concrete. There are reasons, for example, the concrete is reinforced to withstand attacks, and the metal confuses laser-guided missiles. That however, does not take away from the complete lack of pleasure given to the eyes.

 Everything has a purpose in mind, which helps streamline operations on base. Construction is quick as a result. There isn't the need for much consideration, as prefabs and blueprints are available for essentially anything that could be needed at Tsuiki. The majority of infrastructure is sub-surface anyway. A lot of low level buildings, and even more roads and tarmac.

 There is one building of only a handful that stand out - the Senior Officer's Dormitory. Six stories tall, made of red brick and supporting concrete base. Architecture of a long-lost time, built as a memorial of sorts to other soldiers. Laid out in the shape of half a hexagon, housing most the high-ranking officers stationed at FWSDI-Tsuiki. It's exterior however, is a simple façade, underneath stands the multi-million dollar structure of typical military buildings, waiting for it's chance to shrug off an explosion.

 2 Hours after exercise 19:43 ― FWSDI-Tsuiki ― 18°C Cloudy

 Steam, heat, and more steam. A shower-head hums quietly. Those wargames Shigure subjected them to took a toll on everyone. Ichijo fell into a coma, resultant of a head injury and panic. Takeuchi was hospitalized. Meaning Kodo squad is down two members. To think that was introductory level training... it scares Yato.

 Maybe Shigure has no favouritism for her after all. Or for anyone. That could be why he pushed Kodo squad so hard. What if in reality, he wanted her and the others dead, to get out of more work...?

 "No... no that's stupid..."

 Chances are, from what she knows about him, and the tiny insights he has given. Is that, the favouritism Shigure has for the five is what drives him to subject them to such harsh conditions. He knows exactly what the battlefield is like, and she dreads that one day she two will be upon that godforsaken place. So the REAL proof that he didn't care would be easy training...

 She herself sustained some injuries. Overpressure from the blast throwing her GF-Twain around hurt. Even with the airbags. She walked away dazed for the most part, but a small cut was left on her face, and bruising across her body. A hot shower will do wonders for her. She uses a soaped up loafer to cleanse herself, hoping the bruises wont make her unattractive.

 Yato has a dorm room of her own, the difference is, there is no shower attached. She doesn't exactly enjoy using the shower block - it makes her uncomfortable. So what else could she do but elect to use the Captain's? He has never been bothered by it. Though, to be fair, it seems he lets her do whatever she pleases whilst in private.

 The Captain, despite knowing him for a handful of years, is still an enigma.

 Leisurely drawing the loafer across herself, leaving soap suds along the way. She closes her eyes, relishing in the enveloping warmth. It certainly is enjoyable being able to shower, in peace and safety. Quieting humming from Yato, soft sounds of water, and the idle whirring of a fan.

 She again opens her eyes to be met with the warm glow of lights. More surprisingly, Shigure had silently walked inside and occupied himself with the mirror.

 Naturally, she takes a double take and covers herself. Her face lighting up. "C-Captain!!" She doesn't know how she couldn't hear him enter. But the fact is, he is there, doing whatever it is with the mirror.

 Shigure hears her whining and slowly turns around. "Ye-"

 "Don't turn around!!"

 He stops and faces the mirror again. "Sure... So, what?" He wipes some condensation from the reflective surface, deciding whether or not he needs to shave again.

 Exposed, and very embarrassed. She'd never had someone see her in this state, let alone the Captain. She doesn't know if to be mad, scared, or something else. She just tried to keep herself covered, the soap suds and steam assisting.

 "Why didn't you knock?? C-Can you leave? Please??"

 "No. This is my bathroom."

 That much is true... And she didn't request to use it... "Uhm.. uh.. but I'm in here...?"

 He had pulled a knife from it's sheath, concealed in his waist band. There are shadows of a sideburn growing, and he wants to remain clean shaven. He pays a singular glance behind him towards Yato, who squeals and hugs herself tighter. Shaking his head in disapproval and beginning to clean himself up.

 Why hasn't he left? Paid her the decency of not walking into her showering? "C-C-Captain!"


 "Get out!" She had slid more under the flow of water, using it and her hands to keep herself hidden. It's unbelievably embarrassing. She feels like dying; curling up into a ball.

 Shigure doesn't care for her complaints. Only using his blade to slice away, using water from the basin to wash away the hairs. 'It's just a body... And I need to clean up anyway'. There wouldn't be an issue if Yato just got over it.

 As much as she want's to scold and yell at him, she knows for certain that the Captain won't listen at all. It'll only prove to annoy him. "J-Just don't look..." She mutters bashfully. Reluctantly, she returns to scrubbing her body, being mindful to not accidentally reveal anything. Which is hard, considering the whole 'showering' thing...

 Shortly, Shigure is satisfied with his state of shave. Drying his knife, emptying the basin, and sheathing it. A hint of annoyance is present on his face, more so than normal. There is a lot of steam. Nothing will come of it, given the good ventilation. But nevertheless, there is still a significant amount of steam floating around the bathroom. He spins himself around from the mirror, gazing upon Yato's form idly. He notices bruising on her extremities. 'Ahh... maybe I went to far...'

 "The water is too hot. Look at all the steam. Really, Yato? In my bathroom? You better clean any mould that forms, I'm serious."

 "Wah!! I said not to look-" She hugs herself tightly again, closing her eyes tightly and turning her body sideways. "...B-but... I like my showers hot..."

 "I don't ca-" Warm water splashes on his face, cutting him off.

 "Get outttt!!! You've finished shaving!!"

 He wipes a few drops from his brow. She's right, he doesn't have much of a reason to remain. The bathroom door slides open softly, steam blowing upwards with the influx of cold air. A moment before he steps entirely out, he gestures to his face, the same place a cut is upon hers. "You're okay?" A blank expression remains drawn on his face, yet, his voice carries a hint of concern. A tone she hasn't heard from him - ever.

 The previously present tightness in her body slips away. 'Was that-... is he worried about me...?' She can't find the words to answer his question. But he's watching expectantly, waiting. Yato manages only a nod, brushing her finger across the now closed cut.

 Before she can make mention of this, he leaves. She's overwhelmed. Her superior officer walked in on her showering, purposely. He never ogled her, but still... And he spoke to her in a way she'd never heard before. She leans against the shower's wall, sliding slowly down to the floor.

 "Captain... what are you doing..."

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