第6話 レッドペッパー氏の成熟(Mr. Redpepper Matured.)
Mr. Redpepper was a very successful businessman, and known for being quick-tempered. He used to say, “Planes save me time especially on a business trip. I can’t imagine myself wasting hours or even days in a train”
One day, when he was flying from Chicago to San Fancisco, he was badly frustrated. By the time the flight took off, there had been a 45-minute delay.
He checked his watch again and again, and every time he did, he called one of the crew and complained, “Who do you think I am? Even the waste of a minute means losing millions of dollars to me!”
Unfortunately, the plane stopped in a city on the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be another 45-minute delay because of some mechanical difficulty, and if passengers wanted to get off the aircraft, they had to reboard in 30 minutes.
No wonder Redpepper got extremely upset. Getting off the plane, he said at the top of his voice, “I’ll sue you idiots immediately on arrival.”
No passenger remained in the plane except one gentleman who was blind. His Seeing Eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him. The pilot approached the man and said, “Sir, we’ll be here for a while. Wouldn’t you like to stretch your legs?” The man replied, “No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs.”
Picture this. Redpepper in the gate area simply froze when he saw the pilot walk off the plane with the Seeing Eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses.
He desperately hurried to the counter to cancel his ticket.
“But sir, you’ve already come halfway. We can’t pay you back the money now,” said the woman at the counter.
“You can’t! All right. I don’t care!”
Then he dashed to the taxi stand and cried out to a driver, “Take me to the nearest station!”
Two hours later, finally settled in a train to San Francisco and relaxed, he said to himself, “God, trains are good. They are on the ground and safe, although they take more time.”
Since then, it’s been rumored that Mr. Redpepper somehow matured.
Redpepper 氏は成功したビジネスマンであり、そのように若くして大金を儲ける人にはありがちなことに、短気で有名であった。彼はかつて、「飛行機は特に仕事上の旅行では時間の節約になる。自分が列車で何時間や何日も無駄にするなんて想像もできないね」と言っていたものだ。
「俺を誰だと思ってるんだ? 1分無駄にしただけでも俺には何百万ドルの損失になるんだぞ!」
当然ながら Redpepper は激怒した。飛行機を降り際、彼は声を限りに、「到着次第、即、お前たち大ばか者どもを訴えてやる」と言ったのだった。
思い描いてみるといい。搭乗エリアにいた Redpepper は、操縦士が盲導犬と共に飛行機を降りてくるのを見て、全く凍りついてしまった。サングラスをかけてさえいるではないか!
「出来ないだと! わかった。結構だ!」
それ以来,Redpepper 氏はどういうわけか大人になったと噂されている。
* save me time「自分にとって時間の節約になる」
* imagine myself wasting ~「自分が~を無駄にしているのを想像する」
* By the time the flight took off「飛行機が離陸するまでに」
* every time he did「彼がそうするたびに」(この did は代動詞で,checked his watch の意)
* the waste of one minute means losing millions of dollars「1分の無駄でも何百万ドルも失うことを意味する1分無駄にしただけでも何百万ドルも損をする」
* mechanical difficulty「機械の故障」
* reboard in 30 minutes「30分後に再び乗り込む」
* No wonder Redpepper got extremely upset「レッドペッパーは当然激怒した」
* Getting off the plane「飛行機を降りながら,降りる時に」は分詞構文。
* at the top of one’s voice「声を張り上げて,声の限りに」
* I’ll sue you idiots「お前たち間抜けを訴えてやる」
* immediately on arrival「到着次第すぐに」
* Seeing Eye dog「盲導犬」
* Wouldn’t you like to stretch your legs?「足を伸ばしたくありませんか」
* Picture this.「これを思い浮かべてごらんなさい」
* finally settled on a train to San Francisco and relaxed「ようやくサンフランシスコ行きの列車に落ち着いてくつろいで」は受動の分詞構文。Beingが省略されているのである。
* it’s been rumored that Mr. Redpepper had somehow matured「レッドペパー氏はどういうわけか大人になったと噂されている」
The Original English Stories Evelyn @20011215
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