• 歴史・時代・伝奇
  • 創作論・評論



 お題は「I wish」、心からの願いを書くように言われましたが、私はこのようなときに内心を明かすことを嫌うものですから、今回もまた、はぐらかすようなことを書き連ねたのです。

 I wanted to be a novelist, but now I have known what the talent is. I wish you, at least, to read strange stories I dreamed.

  In my childhoods, I fell into the Sanzu River from a boat which was heading to the other side, and drifted on a delta placed the estuary of it.
  The half moon was above a palace like the Ryugu Castle and where only children served their goddess. I was also appointed to a lantern lighter called “Akari-me”.
 The new moon’s midnight, baby cries were raised from her room at the top floor. And several souls flew towards the southern sea as reflecting waves off.
  Next morning, some children had disappeared, so I recognised that I would rebirth in the same way.

  Another day, I was crying in the empty darkness world.
 Suddenly, a tall man with black wears appeared, and said as embracing me. 
 "Get to sleep. Before stars sweep."
 "Why?" I asked without fear. "I can't see any stars."
 Although it was just a bottomless dark blue, he answered seriously.
"They’ve found you." 
"What happens……?" 
 His arms held me more tightly. From its gap, I saw hundreds stars have fallen drawing streamlines at the sky where nothing existed until just before.
 "Get to sleep. Before stars sweep." 
 His hand was on my eyelids like hiding me from them.

 Finally, this was a lovely story that a spring morning around the victorian era.
 I was caught by a teacher at the gate of the school chapel for not wearing my school hat.
“Good morning, mister. I wonder that by whom you were taken your hat off even though it is not windy today.”
 The day before, two robins had started to build a nest in my hat during I fell sleeping in the courtyard.
“So, I have left them it because they would be sad surely if the nest was broken.”
 The teacher laughed and never blamed me.
 I was nicknamed “Robin” from that day.


  • 日本一の寿司職人になりたいのなら、志望の動機を書き連ねる前にまずシャリを握れ!ってことですかね( ゚ω゚)

    3つの作品を実際に読めば、こいつのwishは本物だぜぇ( ゚ω゚;)と、読者に伝わる仕掛っすね!


    コマドリの言い訳は可愛いですね!……うちはベランダに鳩が巣を作ったので撤去しました。卵ごと( ゚ω゚)←鬼


  • ありがとうございますー

    「星が降る前におやすみ」を "Get to sleep. Before stars sweep."と韻を踏めたことは、密かな自慢です

    幼い頃、ベランダに鳩が営巣し始めたと気付き、卵を返してみたい! とカイロに包んで温めようとした結果、卵は割れてしまい、親にもバレて巣は壊されました
