[Chapter 1] - 6 Year 2198
Seventy-four years ago, the Year 2198. World tension finally snapped, plunging every country into a fight for its goals and those of its allies.
America declared war on countless countries, all within the timeframe of a few hours. Japan's neighbor, China, was no exception. Everyone oppressed by the other's nuclear arsenal. Of which they all seemed afraid to be the first to utilize.
A lucky streak came for Japan, however.
With America's resources stretched impossibly thin combating their Russian and Chinese foes, they lost all interest in puppeting Japan, allowing for a freedom that would be fleeting unless grasped. Naturally, the Japanese government, under the support of its people, came to a few decisions.
Namely, bolstering their already developed defense force and establishing the Absolute Defence Zone. A 100km area extending from the shores of mainland Japan, to create a complete area denial of opposing forces. Then, grasping the opportunity dangled so tantalizingly close to their face, declared themselves an independent state without external influences.
This being a violation of numerous things, yet who was to stop them? Any power that could, was engaged in the largest war to be recorded to date. The Japanese military never engaged in any offensive operations, only a few maritime and aerial intercepts. For whatever reason Japan was mostly left to it's own devices, never being targeted by the likely culprit such as China. This essentially gave Japan decades to focus entirely inwards on itself.
Initially, the lack of trade brought about a severe deficit in supply with a massive demand. But was promptly solved by reallocation of resources and experimental, arguably risky, plans. Regardless the Japanese research sector boomed, vastly a result of limited restrictions and more so greater independence.
Binding: Rain - Chronicles 改二 ZetsubØ @TachikomaNarou
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