問題4 Problem 4
For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.
The problem is a little different, so give it a try.
① 12 34
② 12 34
③ 12 34
④ 12 34
④ 1234 5678で偽物判定の1234のうち34と本の判定の78を入れかえ④にのせ④ 1278 5634で釣り合い1234と判明する
① 15 67
② 15 67
③ 15 67
④ 15 67
となり偽物判定の15を一枚づつ正常な④にのせ④ 1 5 で1が偽物と判明する
次は残りの2348④に乗せ④23 48となり38を入れ替え④28 43で天秤に変化があるなら変えていない24が偽物と確定する
次にどちらか確実に偽物の38を④に一枚づつのせ④3 8で3が偽物と確定し1234の4枚の偽物が判明する
① 12 56
② 12 56
③ 12 56
④ 12 56
となり偽物判定の12を一枚づつ④に乗せ④ 1 2 で釣りあい偽物2枚が確定する
次は残りの3478を④に乗せ④34 78の偽物判定の34を一枚づつ④に乗せ④ 3 4で釣りあい偽物2枚が確定する
① 12 35
② 12 35
③ 12 35
④ 12 35
となり偽物判定の12を一枚づつ④に乗せ④ 1 2 で釣りあい偽物2枚が確定する
残りの4678を④に乗せ④ 46 78となり偽物反対の46を一枚づつ④に乗せ④ 4 6となり4が偽のと判明残るは9と偽物の混じる可能性のある35なので9は除外して35一枚づつ④に乗せ④ 3 5で偽物が3と確定する仮に釣り合うなら9が偽物と確定する
2024 10 29現在作家志望の私の仕事でも領域でありませんので
I'm a little smarter now
There are nine gold coins that look the same. Four of them are counterfeit and slightly lighter than the others.
You want to use a scale to identify the counterfeit coins.
There are four scales here. However, one of them is defective.
The defective scale will produce a random result from among "tilts to the right", "tilts to the left", and "balances".
You don't know which of the four scales is defective.
Use each scale once, but not more than once. After that, use any scale you like as many times as you like, and use the 4 fake gold coins out of the 9 without waste. Find the minimum and maximum number of scales you can use to make a reliable judgment.
Now, let's find the minimum number of scales you can use without waste.
If 1234 is fake and ① is defective, and the judgments of ①, ②, and ③ are the same, then ④ is normal and you will only use this one from now on.
① 12 34
② 12 34
③ 12 34
④ 12 34
So you might think 12 or 34, but here you can put 1234 together and put the remaining 5678 on ④.
④ 1234 5678, swap the 34 of the 1234 judged as fake with the 78 judged as genuine, and put it on ④.④ 1278 The balance is 5634 and it turns out to be 1234
So the total is 6 times, or the minimum
Next, when one fake is mixed in
If 1234 is fake and ① is defective, and if the judgments of ①, ②, and ③ are the same, it is understood that ④ is normal and it will remain the same until it is used only from now on
① 15 67
② 15 67
③ 15 67
④ 15 67
Then, place one of the fake 15s on the normal ④, and ④ 1 5 reveals that 1 is fake
Next, place the remaining 2348 on ④, which becomes ④ 23 48, and swap 38. If there is a change in the balance at ④ 28 43, it is confirmed that the unchanged 24 is fake
Next, place one of the fake 38s on ④, and ④ 3 8 confirms that 3 is fake, and 1234 are found to be fake
Use the balance 8 times
Next, when 2 fakes are mixed in
1234 is fake and ① is defective, and if ①, ②, and ③ are judged the same, ④ is found to be normal, and it will remain the same until it is used alone from now on
① 12 56
② 12 56
③ 12 56
④ 12 56
Then, place one of the fake 12s on ④, and balance with ④ 1 2, confirming that there are 2 fakes
Next, place the remaining 3478 on ④, and place one of the fake 34s from ④ 34 78 on ④, and ④ 3 4 balances and confirms that there are two fakes
This confirms that 1234 are fakes
7 times in total when the balance is used
Finally, when 3 fakes are mixed in
1234 is fake and ① is defective, and if the judgments of ①, ②, and ③ are the same, ④ is found to be normal, and it will remain the same until it is used only from now on
① 12 35
② 12 35
③ 12 35
④ 12 35
Then, put one of the fake 12s on ④, and ④ 1 2 balances and confirms that there are two fakes
This also means that fake 3 may be recognized as the real one, just like last time, but please listen to the end
The remaining number is 4678
The remaining 4678 is put on ④, and ④ 46 78, and then put one of the fake 46s on ④, and ④ 4 6, and 4 is found to be fake
The remaining number is 9 and 35, which may be mixed with fakes, so exclude 9 and put one of the 35s on ④, and ④ 3 5 confirms that the fake is 3. If it balances, 9 is confirmed as a fake.
This means that the balance is used a total of 8 times.
This problem is about using the balance efficiently and finding the minimum and maximum number of balances used, so the answer is a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8.
When 2 fakes are mixed in
I honestly don't know why the total number of balances used is 7 because I solved it from the beginning and it turned out that way. I have no specialized knowledge, so I don't know what to do if you ask me, even less than an expert or a scholar, so please ask a professor who is researching it.
2024 10 29 Currently, I am an aspiring writer, and it is not in my field of work, so
ふうよしまた少し賢くなったぞ Ok, I'm a little smarter now 到達者師失人 @siusiboto
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