Planet E2.3 (English version)




Chapter Ⅰ Exploration Vessel Zeus III

Chapter II Crash landing

Chapter Ⅲ  POW

Chapter Ⅳ Mysteries of the Civilization of Planet E2.3

Chapter Ⅴ  Rich civilization and Destruction of nature

Chapter Ⅵ  Princess Eve and Noah

Chapter Ⅶ Escape

Chapter Ⅷ The Road to East-West Peace

Chapter Ⅸ  Disappearance of Atlantis

Chapter Ⅹ Let's go back to the planet Nibiru


Chapter Ⅰ Exploration Vessel Zeus III

Planet R381 in a galaxy hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

After completing their investigation, the three crew members returned to the research vessel Zeus III and sat in the cockpit with smiles on their faces.

“There were no problems and all that was left was to return home. Please check the takeoff preparations."

Captain Ogaki is also an archaeologist. Saruhashi is also a geologist, and Nozu is a biologist.

The captain, watching the time, repeats, "This is Zeus III, Nibiru's control room. Please respond."

In the space exploration control room, the members are busy working.Noguchi, who was looking at the computer, reported.

“Captain Mifune, we will be entering the communication time zone soon.”

"Okay, everyone go to their posts." Tension ran through the control room.

"This is Zeus III, Nibiru's control room. Please respond."

After a while, a voice from the spacecraft echoes through the control room.

Rejoicing at the reception, Noguchi raised his fist and sent a signal to the captain.

"Captain Ogaki Thank you for your hard work, are you all safe?"

"Everyone completed the mission safely. Preparations for takeoff are complete. We are waiting for takeoff guidance from the control room."

Cheers and applause erupted in the control room.

"I will control the takeoff and the tracking of the route. Take it easy after the launch. I'll see you in six months." "roger that"

In the control room of the exploration ship Zeus III, after a computer voice announced that the autopilot would be put into operation, the ship quietly took off and started. Saying goodbye to the stark landscape of rock and sand on planet R381, the cockpit windows were shielded and the crew entered a freezer case.

A smile of relief can be seen on the crew's faces, and they exchange light salutes with each other.

In the control room, the trajectory of the research vessel Zeus III, which is proceeding smoothly on its regular orbit, is being monitored.

Relieved by the announcement that "everything is going well," the rest of the team, except for the pursuit team, began to leave their seats.

At that moment, the alarm of the emergency system suddenly sounded.

"An abnormal flare has occurred on the star R3. It's the strongest explosion ever."

The image of the flare was displayed on the monitor.

"Radio interference due to the solar wind is suspected. “ ”What is the arrival time of the electromagnetic waves to the exploration ship Zeus III and to the planet Nibiru?"

"About 8 minutes to the ship, about 40 minutes to Nibiru."

"What is the scale of the disability?"

"No communication for about 3 minutes, damage to electronic equipment is expected."   "Pursuit, continue" was announced.

The monitor in the control room shows the crew sleeping quietly in a freezer case.

Gradually, the monitor screen began to become distorted, and "Communication disabled due to radio wave interference" was announced, recognized Zeus III began to be affected by the solar wind.

"5 minutes passed, Zeus III unknown" "10 minutes passed, still unknown"  "20 minutes passed, still unknown" "30 minutes passed, still unconfirmed"

Finally, the control room's instruments became erratic with signals and monitors, and eventually the lights went out and the planet Nibiru began to suffer from radio interference.

After the passage of the solar wind, restoration work is carried out and the image on the monitor resumes, but Zeus III cannot be confirmed. The captain's heartbreaking announcement followed. "Find it, keep on the transmission", but the announcement of "Still unknown" was repeated in vain.

20 hours have passed. There was a sense of fatigue and resignation among the control room personnel.

At that time, the good news flew "I caught Zeus III"

Everyone cheered at the announcement, and attention was focused on the large monitor. It certainly reflects the flashing of the ship.

"The route has deviated greatly to the east, heading for the E series."

"What's the distance?" "About 320 million km"

In response to the commander's announcement, "Begin guidance for course correction," the response from the remote guidance team was, "Guidance impossible. Zeus III's remote guidance does not respond. It seems that the automatic repair device has also been damaged."

"Continue to investigate whether remote guidance and repair are possible. Still, we will continue tracking." Captain Mifune and all other members of the team were thinking of the worst possible situation. After six months, the crew wakes up from sleep. At that time, will it be possible to notice an anomaly and manually correct the trajectory?

If the automatic equipment inside the ship were to fail, the ship would be shipwrecked in space forever.

No one said anything and the control room was enveloped in a heavy atmosphere.

Chapter II Crash landing

Zeus III's frozen case became white and cloudy. After a while he wakes up and the three crew members are stretching. The doors were automatically opened to the left and right. he crew who came out of the freezing case are doing bending and stretching exercises to improve their physical condition. At that moment, he heard an onboard announcement in a computer voice.

"We have deviated from the normal orbit due to the effects of an anomalous flare from star R3. As a result of searching for a planet that can be crash-landed, we have crash-landed on planet E2.3, whose data was registered in the computer. Since it will enter the atmosphere, disarming the shield is prohibited.

"Stay on autopilot and the crew should wait in the cockpit."

"Didn't you say in the onboard announcement that you would make an emergency landing on planet E2.3? Is planet E2.3 the planet where life forms are said to exist?" Saruhashi asked.

Captain Ogaki started explaining about E2.3.

"E2.3 is a planet with life forms discovered 2000 years ago. It is the second planet with life forms, especially human beings, in terms of classification other than Nibiru.It was named E2.3 as the third planet from the star E0 in the zone,"

The explanation continued on behalf of Notsu.

"According to the records, the life form was in the early stage of human evolution, 5000 years ago according to speculation from the history of the Nibiru civilization, and the living environment seems to have been a hunting life."

Saruhashi asked anxiously, "Isn't there any further exploration?"

Captain Ogaki continued his explanation. "It's a long way to go, and it takes three years to go back and forth, so we haven't explored it since then."

"With today's space technology, it takes about two years for a round trip. Also, judging from the passage of 2000 years, I think he finally started farming,"

Nozu agrees, "If you guess from the history of civilization evolution, that's probably the case."

When they sat down in the cockpit, the voice of the computer flowed. That” it will "Entering the Atmosphere" and begins to receive violent vibrations. And

"Because the landing control equipment such as the wheels is out of order, we will make a belly landing on the surface of the sea, which is relatively close to the land," was announced.

After the impact of landing on the water, the window shields were released.

The ship was stopped in a position as if it were sinking into the sandy beach of the coast.

The scenery seen from the window is like returning to the planet Nibiru without any discomfort.

Captain Ogaki switches on the wireless device, but it does not work.

A computer voice says, "The radio is out of order. Distress signals can be sent."

Immediately the captain sent out a distress signal.

Nozu reported that the atmospheric composition, atmospheric pressure, temperature, presence or absence of harmful gases, etc. were not much different from the data from 2000 years ago, and that life support equipment was not necessary.

The command was given by the captain and the escape hatch was opened. In response to the report, the captain said, "Even if you go overboard, you should carry two days' worth of water, food, and emergency items such as knives and ropes, and a small laser gun as a firearm. Also, leave the distress signal on. Leave. That's all."

The three crew members headed for a high ground that could be seen in the direction of the depths of land. While walking

"From what I can see of the mountains and forests, it looks like they've returned to the planet Nibiru. The rescue team will be coming to pick them up soon," Saruhashi joked, but he never thought it would become a reality.

In the hot sun, we finally reached the summit. It is an artificial plateau that is 1km square and almost flat. We look around, but we can only see a forest besides a mountain that seems to be a volcano and smoke.

Captain Ogaki gave the order, “ We will start the search from tomorrow, and we will set up a camp here today in order to plan the search and conserve our physical strength.''

The night sky is beautiful at night. As I looked around, wondering in which direction Nibiru was, I could see the bright sky in the distant west, deep in the forest.

When Nozu asked Mr. Saruhashi, "Is that light from a volcano?" Saruhashi, who was staring through binoculars, said, "No. It resembles the lights of a city seen from outer space on Planet Nibiru. can't believe it."

"My guess is that the light is 50km north and south, about 100km from here, I can't believe it."

Military binoculars show a meniscus in the image from which distance can be inferred. However, because it is so far away, it can only be seen as a collection of lights with binoculars.

At Captain Ogaki's suggestion, we decided to go west tomorrow to see what light is.

Chapter  Ⅲ   POW

The next morning, I was awakened by an explosion.

"Is it a relief team?" Nozu jumped up.

The captain said, "Be careful. Even if you know it's an enemy, wait until my signal to attack." They ran out.

Looking at the direction of the loud noise, three helicopters were approaching at a low altitude. Behind them, jeeps and armored vehicles are approaching while raising ground smoke. Not from the planet Nibiru.

"I can't believe a helicopter is an armored vehicle." The crew was surrounded in amazement. The armored car's speakers are shouting something, but I can't understand it. Soldiers in glittering armor approached with guns drawn.

I don't understand what you are yelling.

The captain slowly raised his hands, and the two followed suit.

The three were then detained by the soldiers.

Blindfolded and with hands tied behind his back, he travels in a jeep.

"Mr. Nozu, 2000 years ago, in the world of apes, if we guess from the evolution of civilization even after 2000 years, weren't we just farming?" asked the captain. "It's strange. Maybe there was another civilization 2000 years ago, or maybe this planet isn't E2.3."

A soldier suddenly shouted, and Nozu was hit with a rifle pedestal and fainted.

After two terrifying hours, I was dragged out of the jeep, walked down stone paths, walked through buildings, and forced to kneel.

When the blindfolds were removed, their belongings were lined up in front of them, and in the back, they saw noble people clad in gold and silver ornaments, three steps higher.

The person sitting on the central throne spoke first.

"I am Kai, the king of this country. What country are you from? State your name."

The words were incomprehensible to the three, but Captain Ogaki bowed deeply and whispered to the two men to show respect, and the other two followed suit.

Captain Ogaki quickly guessed the meaning of the question.

"We are people of the planet Nibiru. After investigating a certain planet, we were unable to return due to the ship's breakdown, so we crash-landed on this planet. My name is Captain Ogaki, this person is Nozu, and Saruhashi. ” pointing to each person with his finger, but the king made a difficult face and shook his head.

It seems that the meaning of the question was different or the words were not understood.

A person who seems to be the vice minister is talking to the king.

The three looked at each other, braced for the next horror.

After the king finished listening to the vice-minister, the vice-minister took the form of interpreting.

"I have told your story to the king, but he asks why you speak the ancient language."

Ogaki recalls a 2,000-year-old record of teaching apes how to use fire and talk,

"We use it as a standard language on our planet, there must have been some kind of exchange with this country in the distant past." he answered.

The king, who received the translation, gave a complicated chuckle. Ogaki don't know how he evaluated people who still use ancient languages. It seems that the king can also use ancient languages, albeit in broken words.

"Which weapon?" cried the King, which I could understand.

Ogaki pointed at his survival knife. The king seems to ignore it, pointing at the laser gun and ordering the soldiers to bring it.

A soldier handed over three laser guns to the king. Picking up one of them, he aimed at Ogaki and pulled the trigger.

A beam of light hit Ogaki's face. Without hesitation, Ogaki respectfully said: "We are scholars, not soldiers, so we have no weapons. Our only defense is a knife. It is a flashlight in the shape of a gun."

It was difficult to understand, and had a dispute with the interpreter.

"The King says, 'I'll keep this one. Should I dispose of the other items as unnecessary?'" The king stares at us, perhaps to detect the change in our faces.

When Ogaki nodded, the king loudly issued an order.

Then, a crack about 3m deep appeared in the floor 1m in front of me, and at the moment a band of light appeared from under the floor, the floor began to open downwards. Our belongings began to slide toward the center and fall under the floor. It looks like a hole inside. However, the floor is thicker than 1m as the slope increases, although it is hard to see because of the brightness that covers the eyes. The opening is 3m. Sitting on the edge of the pool, we were reluctantly taking a step back. When all of my belongings fell, the floor began to recede, and it was back on the floor of the gorgeous palace as if nothing had happened.

The king shouted something and left the palace. The three are urged by the soldiers again and seem to return to their original direction. What was the king's verdict? The three are whispering.

Ogaki said. "I'm lucky that it wasn't discarded with my luggage."

"Saruhashi, what do you think of that hole?"

"Judging from the depth and heat, the bottom may be magma."

"It seems you didn't know about laser guns." “When I was targeted with a laser gun, I knew I was safe because it had a fingerprint reader, but I was horrified for a moment,” Captain Ogaki nodded broadly.

Since the laser gun is powerful, a safety device is installed so that even if the gun hits an enemy, it cannot be fired by anyone other than the person who registered the fingerprint authentication. Once registered, it cannot be canceled or re-registered by another person, so it is extremely effective for crime prevention.

Perhaps it was determined that he was harmless because he didn't have a weapon, and he wasn't blindfolded or his hands were restrained.

They seems to be put in a jeep and taken somewhere. The jeep started moving, but it was too quiet. "This is an electric jeep," Saruhashi

whispered to the captain. Both the captain and Nozu nodded.

The Three stunned by the scenery as they ran through the streets. The town is orderly and quiet with no garbage. I saw buildings, roads, trams, and cars that were no different than small cities on Nibiru.

Nozu whispered, "It's strange. I can't believe it. Civilization develops at an accelerated pace from a certain point, but what was the turning point for civilization to develop?" "It is speculated to be comparable to the civilization on Nibiru 150 to 200 years ago."

Both the captain and Saruhashi were staring at the scenery as they rushed away in silence.

      Chapter  Ⅳ Mysteries of the Civilization of Planet E2.3

They arrived at a barbed-wire camp and were thrown into prison.

The prisoners, dressed in poncho-like clothes, stare curiously at the three, who are still wearing silver spacesuits, and try to avoid making eye contact.

Before long, an old man with ragged hair and beard sitting in the corner of the prison across from me said a word. "What country are you from?" Crews glanced at him.

He guessed that it was part of the words spoken by the king earlier, and meant where it came from. "Planet Nibiru." There is some silence, and the prisoners watch the old man and us alternately with interest.

"What's your purpose?" He can speak the ancient language. All three of the crew members smiled. It's my first smile since I came to this planet. Captain Ogaki spoke slowly and thoughtfully of what he had told the king. The old man is silent and has his eyes closed.

Captain Ogaki, unable to endure the long silence, asked, "Please tell us the name of this planet and another name of this country."

The prisoners continue to listen with interest to what is happening. Silence follows. When they were about to give up, the three were stunned.

"Planet Terra, Atlantis, here is East Atlantis"

Captain Ogaki asked a question as if he was standing on his knees.

"If you say east, is there also west?"

"Del is the king of the west, Kai is the king of the east." Indeed, the king's name was Kai. "Thank you," said Ogaki, bowing deeply. Seeing that figure, the old man showed a surprised face for a moment, but closed his eyes again and remained silent.

Mr. Saruhashi said with a happy face, "This country is beautiful. The towns are also beautiful. What is the energy source that sustains this life?"

He must have wanted to know the mysteries of civilization. A change appeared in the old man's face, which had been calm until now.

"Fire and heat in the depths of the earth. That is to say..." He stopped. Saruhashi said without hesitation. "Is it magma?"

"That's right. It's magma." Gradually, the old man's face began to show bloodlust.

"They call it God's Fire. Long ago, the gods taught our ancestors how to use language, fire, and heat. Fire and heat transform water into steam at low temperatures, and steam moves things. It was a force, and taught that metal could be melted at high temperatures to create tools, a long-legend that became a reality over the years. As a result, the forests were devastated and the air polluted. At that time, when we were digging a hole in search of the energy source you mentioned, we discovered a layer of magma close to the surface of the earth. Both the king of the east and the king of the west turned to magma as an eternal source of energy that goes against the word of God."

As a result, the forests were devastated and the air polluted.At that time, when I was digging a hole in search of the energy source you mentioned, I discovered a layer of magma close to the surface of the earth. Both the king of the east and the king of the west turned to magma as an eternal source of energy that goes against the word of God."

He spoke in one breath, but he seems to take a breather.

"Sadly, we were brought here as slaves to dig holes. And if we just repaired the heat exchanger, we could generate electricity permanently, and the electric civilization progressed all at once."

Captain Ogaki asks a question. "So this Atlantis, here East Atlantis, is keeping the peace." "No. East and West are at war," cried the old man angrily.

“One day, when we were digging a hole in search of magma, burning water gushed out. When it became clear that this could be used as a liquid fuel, and that the oil fields were only found in the east, the west proposed joint development, but the east refused. because it gives them a military edge.

Military vehicles, ships, and military aircraft all switched to liquid fuel, giving them advantages in cruising range, cruising time, and payload.

But the West's strategy was to start bombing power plants, the main source of energy for life. Since the power plant uses seawater as cooling water to vaporize water with the heat of magma and reuse it, a total of 36 power plants were built along the coast of the continent east and west. Currently, 8 units have been destroyed, and after the destruction, magma erupts, the ground repeatedly collapses, and the area where electricity was supplied has become a ruined town. It's blasphemy against God."

Saruhashi, a geologist, can understand the old man's angry explanation. As a geologist, speculation about the outcome of this war began to horrify me.

Ogaki asked, "Where did you all come from as slaves?"

"Not Atlantis. They are Machu Picchu Islanders in the Machu Picchu Archipelago further east of Atlantis. They lived peacefully on fishing and farming."

At that moment, sirens suddenly sounded, and the rushing movements of the soldiers, the sound of explosions, and the rumbling of the ground made me realize that the camp had become the target of an attack.

The old man whispered, "It will stop soon. Western fighters have less payload capacity and limited flight time." The explosion sounded like an eastern fighter plane. They must be chasing the western fighters. The explosion soon went away.

"Let's continue the story at a later date. Before that, there is someone I want to meet to you"  “Ogaki called out to him, "Who?"

Perhaps he was tired, the old man closed his eyes.

     Chapter Ⅴ   Rich civilization and destruction of nature

The next day the prisoners were dispatched to repair the bombed power plant. The prisoners are put in a car and headed to the site.

A part of the building was destroyed, and mainly the outdoor equipment was severely damaged.

Cooling water pipes from the sea, heat exchangers, pumps, and electrical substations have been destroyed.

While the destroyed equipment was being repaired and dismantled by heavy machinery, the three entered the factory to clean up the debris that had been destroyed inside the building and the residue of dismantling necessary for repairs.

A can body with a diameter of about 10m protrudes about 8m from the floor in the center, and the lid at the top is released to blow out steam. Surplus steam during shutdown is probably released from the top. The pedestal that supports the can body has a lifting device for the can body on both sides, and the other side of the can body is connected to something that looks like a water pipe. On the other side is a low squared frame where scrap wood and debris are collected.

A flexible pipe branching off from the top exhaust pipe leads to an indoor machine, probably a turbine, and from the bottom of the turbine, a pipe leads to the outside. It seems that it is connected to an outdoor heat exchanger, heat is exchanged with seawater, cooled, and condensed water is pumped and circulated in the boiler body.

The turbine shaft protrudes from the turbine box, but it's connected to a large motor that seems to be a generator, so it probably generates electricity.

Destroyed steel materials outside and dismantled steel materials are also brought into the building and carried into the square frame on the side of the can body.

The shouts of the soldiers caused the prisoners to move towards the cars. It seems that today's work is over.

When they were leaving the factory, they heard the sound of machines being operated by the power station staff, and when they turned around, the 3m square floor began to open, scrap steel and concrete began to slide down, and an excavator from behind moved them forward. I was watching the scene where I was pushed into the hole and slid down into the hole.

In the car on the way home, I happened to be with an old prisoner.

Ogaki realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet,

so he introduced himself,Saruhashi, and Nozu.

Saruhashi smiles and says, "Call me monkey."

I heard only one hoarse old man's voice.

"My name is Noah" He must be tired. There was silence for a while.

After a while, I looked in the direction the old man was pointing and said, "Look at that," and I saw a low hill emitting smoke like a volcano.

"Is it a volcano?"

"No. This is what it looks like after the power plant is destroyed. The ground continues to collapse and nothing remains. Even now, the ground continues to collapse and lava flows out. It used to be a lush forest. As the population increases and towns are formed, power plants are built one after another to supplement power supply. The pollution like in the past has disappeared and we have gained a rich civilization, but the destruction of nature was repeated every time a power plant was built.

We will surely be punished by God," he added in a whisper at the end.

Hearing this, Saruhashi started to say something, but Ogaki stopped him.

Soldiers stare.

After arriving at the camp, after taking a shower, food was brought to the prison.

While eating, Nozu said, "The fact that it has a shower is probably because it's a country that can use a lot of electricity. The turning point in the transitional development of civilization was the inexhaustible use of this electricity."

Saruhashi cannot hide his anxiety. “I think using magma is a great idea, but it is difficult to control. As far as I can see from the current power plant, I think the control is poor.  For normal power generation, water is heated to 400 to 600 degrees Celsius to turn it into steam, which rotates the turbine and transmits the rotation to the power generation motor to generate power. In the case of overheating, the firepower is weakened, and in the case of nuclear power, the temperature is controlled by moving the control rods in and out.

As far as I can see from the factory today, the only temperature controls are the raising and lowering of the can body and the amount of water supplied. If the cooling water line is destroyed by bombing like this time, circulation will not be possible, so there is no choice but to continue supplying fresh water separately or to open the safety lid at the top of the tower. There is a limit to the elevation of the can body due to the relationship with the building, and there is also a limit to the supply of fresh water. Empty can bodies will either melt down or, if refilled with water, will explode in steam and blow up the factory."  and continued.

“The most worrisome thing is that the surface height of magma changes over a long period of time, and there are cases where magma suddenly increases locally.

An example of this is a dormant or extinct volcano that suddenly erupts, spewing out large amounts of magma. Rising magma here would not be able to avoid meltdowns and phreatic explosions."

In the prison across the street, an old man is listening as he eats.

“A rich civilization with an inexhaustible supply of electricity is now an extremely unstable civilization where one day the power supply suddenly stops, the lifelines are cut off, the town collapses, and the country is expected to collapse.”

"That's right"

Before he knew it, Ogaki noticed an old man eating in the corner, leaning against the wall in front of him, listening.

I asked, "Do you have anything to say?" “Nothing," was the curt reply.

“I'm going to meet someone tonight. Let's talk then," he said, sitting back in the corner. "Was it a mistake to talk about the destruction of the country?"

Saruhashi muttered anxiously.

“If this story reaches the king's ears, we might be killed,'' said Nozu, unable to hide his anxiety.

The three were worried about who they would meet tonight.

Who is the person who meets the prisoner? Even though I was a prisoner, I ended up spending an uneasy time whether it was the beginning of the mistake that I said that the destruction of the country was speculated.

``If this story reaches the king's ears, we might be killed,'' said Nozu, unable to hide his anxiety.

The three were worried about who they would meet tonight. Who is the person who meets the prisoner? Even though I was a prisoner, I ended up spending an uneasy time whether it was the beginning of the mistake that I said that the destruction of the country was speculated.

If this story reaches the king's ears, we might be killed,'' said Nozu, unable to hide his anxiety.

The three were worried about who they would meet tonight. Who is the person who meets the prisoner? Even though I was a prisoner, I ended up spending an uneasy time whether it was the beginning of the mistake that I said that the destruction of the country was speculated.

      Chapter Ⅵ   Princess Eve and Noah

After the meal, it felt like a long time until I met someone.

The sound of military boots as the guard stood upright and saluted echoed throughout the prison.

Two young nobles, one man and one woman, approach in prison. If you look at the two people wearing glittering decorations, you can tell that they are noble people.

"Noah, are these the people you speak of?"

"That's right. Princess Eve."

When the three heard that she was a princess, they stood up and bowed their heads.

"I heard that you can speak ancient languages, but can you understand me?"

Ogaki replied, "I understand. Princess."

The princess happily makes her smile.

"Princess Eve and Prince Nokia," Noah introduced to us. Then he introduced us to the princess, "His name is Ogaki, their captain and Saruhashi, the geologist, and Nozu, the biologist and anthropologist." Ogaki and others bowed on one knee to show respect.

The princess began to speak.

"I would like you to explain in an easy-to-understand manner what we have been accused of and heard from Noah many times. This time they are humans from the planet Nibiru and speak our ancient language, so they are the ones sent by God.

I asked Noah if it was possible, so I became interested and wanted to talk to him."

Ogaki gave a big nod and expressed his respect.

"We are not messengers of the gods. But I think I can help you with your question."

Princess Eve nods with a smile, but Prince Nokia looks at the three with a dubious face, saying he can't trust them.

"God is angry. God will punish mankind," says Noah. and ” We should leave this nature and animals to future generations. God is also saying”

"Exactly. God says he will punish mankind," added Noah excitedly.

"But I don't know what Noah's worries are because the pollution is gone like it used to be."

"God also said this. Build a ship. Build a ship to the future to protect the animals." Noah's excitement did not subside.

"I like animals, but I don't think it's about just one or two animals. For future generations, I'd like to have a ship with thousands of animals in pairs. How do you make a ship that big?"

"God also said this. Humanity will be destroyed by a huge tsunami. Before that happens, send my messenger."

The princess turned to us and said, "So here comes God's messenger. Noah says the end of mankind will come in the near future."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Ogaki and the others were finally convinced.

Ogaki began to speak quietly.

"Like I said at the beginning, we weren't sent by God. However, our ship, which was traveling through space, was in trouble, and I don't know if the crash landing on this planet of Terra was the work of God or a coincidence.

However, I was surprised to see this country where civilization flourished. I don't know if it's true that a tsunami will hit this wonderful country, but like Noah, we have some concerns."

Princess Eve and Prince Nokia leaned forward and took a step closer to listen.

"I'll ask the geologist Saruhashi to explain it," he said, giving him a wink.

"My name is Saruhashi. I think that using magma as a permanent source of thermal energy is a wonderful thing without pollution, but Nibiru also has magma. but we haven't used it. This is because magma belongs to the realm of gods and cannot be controlled by humans.”

"What do you mean by out of control?" asked Prince Nokia, leaning forward.

“Magma maintains the climate and environment of this planet Terra. If this magma is out of balance, that is, if it cools down, it becomes a rocky death planet, as you know, and if it grows too much, it becomes a burning magma star, as you know, like the Sun. In the sun, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are repeated, explosions are repeated, and the sun continues to burn. A similar split and fusion is taking place under the surface of this planet.

And it maintains the environment of the planet where humans can live. Over time, this balance will be disrupted and the amount of magma will increase and spit it out on the surface before becoming a burning planet. It's a volcano."

Prince Nokia, who nodded repeatedly, asked, "Is that why an extinct volcano are erupting for the first time in decades?"

"That's right. And they maintain an environment where humans can live on this planet. The magma is artificially reached from the crust layer that protects the magma reservoir, which is said to be the realm of the gods. If you dig a hole, the bottom of the hole will gradually melt and the magma will increase, let alone throwing iron and other metals, garbage, corpses including prisoners of war, and all industrial waste into the source of imbalance.

What worries me the most is the eruption of magma and the collapse of the earth's crust at the site of the bombing of the power plant, and I feel like I've seen part of a dead planet. War is to stop. Also, stop digging new power plants and garbage pits.”

"There will be pollution again, like in the old days," countered the princess.

“The development of civilization cannot avoid problems such as pollution. It is necessary to investigate the causes of pollution, develop prevention technologies, and develop technologies for preventing pollution and regenerating the environment. Utilizing the power of the gods, the development of efficient thermal power generation, hydroelectric power generation, wind power generation, low-pollution incineration facilities, etc., and if there were oil fields, there should also be gas fields as well. It is to seek, process, and use God's grace."

Prince Nokia asked a question. "What does it mean when God tells you to build a ship?" "It's just a guess, but in the unlikely event that a disaster occurs with an abnormal increase in magma, this country will be burned to the ground and there will be no place to live. In that case, we have no choice but to flee to the sea."

"Can such a disaster be predicted?"

"This is also a guess, but compared to other places covered by a hard crust layer, this Atlantis has many power plants and garbage pits. Among the magma layers, the underground pressure of Atlantis has decreased, making it easier for magma to gather. There may be more magma swirling beneath Atlantis than expected."

With a worried face, Princess Eve said, "God wants you to build a ship, but how do you build such a large ship?" Ogaki answered.

“I think it will be an unpredictable size, but considering how many rooms will be divided into several floors, the structure will have many beams, so it will inevitably be a strong hull.

On Nibiru, cargo ships that carry large amounts of space have a ratio of length, width, and height of 30:5:3.”

Hearing this story, he must have already started the calculations. Noah's eyes sparkled.

   Chapter  Ⅶ Escape

Every night after work, several people are talking, mainly Noah. You can see the face of a young boy inside. A young leader spoke to me.

"My name is Gaia. Please tell me what the terrain was like at the eastern end where you guys srash-landed."Ogaki nodded and started talking.

"There was a flat plateau about 1km square near the coast. We set up camp there, but the surrounding area was forest and we could see the city lights, but I think it was 100km away."

"Are there any other landmarks?"

"Looking south, I saw a volcano nearby." The young man smiled and shouted out."Rapa Nui volcano!"  A few people are also consulting.

On the third night, Princess Eve came.

She stood in front of Noah's prison, saying, "Nokia understood, but I couldn't convince her father," and began to talk to Noah in a whisper. I can't hear you.

They speak to Noah during the day and does not answer. Ogaki and others felt an ominous premonition.

On the night of the fourth day, Noah spoke unusually.

"Tomorrow night, we will escape." Ogaki and others cannot hide their surprise at the sudden decision.

"What are you planning to do after escaping? It's a long way from your hometown, the Machu Picchu Archipelago." "Fleeing to the Machu Picchu archipelago in a small boat, we may be killed, but we are going to follow God's instructions, so we can't leave you out of the way."

"Explain in detail"

"Princess Eve will arrange an escape. Prince Nokia will stop the pursuit. I received the word from them. If caught, they will be killed. I will do it tomorrow night.

We believe you are God's messengers. I thank God."

Ogaki and the others couldn't say anything because they were so determined to see their lonely faces showing respect to us.

Ogaki and others consulted. The conclusion will surely be that a pursuit party will be formed. and annihilation. do I have to do something With my thoughts still uncoordinated, the day to escape finally came.

Ogaki talks to Noah. “Tell my story to Princess Eve or Prince Nokia. The king will surely blame Princess Eve and Prince Nokia. At that time, please say, Ogaki tied up Princess Eve, who came to talk to Noah, and ordered everyone to escape.'' Let us be the bad guys." "Is there a plan? If not, it's the bottom of the hole," said Noah. "Think about it. God bless you." "To each other,"

Noah's resolve seems to remain unchanged.

Night has come. It conveys the restlessness of the prisoners.

I heard Princess Eve's voice. She said, “Take it easy today. I left some sake in the guard room, so please enjoy yourself.” I heard the sound of military boots bowing to the princess.

With a duplicate key in her hand, Ogaki and the others watched as she quickly unlocked the prison. She quietly slips out with Gaia in the lead.

Noah bowed his head. Farewell.

Finally, Princess Eve said, "I'm sorry. We will follow God's instructions," and left.

Nozu asked, looking at Captain Ogaki's face, "Going to run away with the princess?" "I did not know"

     Chapter Ⅷ The Road to East-West Peace

The next morning is a commotion that turns the world upside down. Guards are angry. It must have been a drink containing sleeping pills. The king personally came to the prison with his soldiers. Anger was thrown upon us and we were taken out and made to sit on the floor above a hellhole in the palace. Prince Nokia is also sitting next to them.

"Nokia, did you arrange it?" The king's anger was directed at Nokia.

Ogaki spoke up immediately. "I'm sorry. I ordered Princess Eve to be strangled and her key thrown into Noah's prison. I never thought Noah would take Princess Eve as her hostage."

"Nokia, did you know about the escape plan?" Prince Nokia met Ogaki's eyes, trembling. Ogaki immediately said, "Nokia has no way of knowing."

But the king's decision was ruthless. "Nokia, as the captain of the pursuit team, be sure to kill everyone. Eve is also guilty of the same crime. She has been giving me opinions and taking Noah's side and taking a rebellious attitude. Kill her."

It has transcended the parent-child relationship.

"King Kai, I know it's presumptuous, but please listen to my proposal," Ogaki said without hesitation.

“They escaped with a strong will to obey God’s message and risked death. I believe they headed east to return to their hometown of Machu Picchu, but it would be impossible to reach the Machu Picchu archipelago unless it was a warship. And chasing and killing them won't do you any good, now forming a pursuit party is a dispersal of forces, and with long-range liquid-fueled aircraft and vehicles, For the western countries, it is worthy of an opportunity to attack the east, and the attacks of the western countries will be strengthened."

"Are you telling me not to form a pursuit party?"

"That's exactly right."

"The three of you are not enough to dig holes and repair power plants."

"Let's think about using enemy prisoners of war for labor."

"It's easy to say prisoners of war, but the battle is under difficult circumstances."

"Keep the prisoners alive and proceed with peace negotiations with the West."

"What are you talking about? It's not a situation where the west country will agree to peace. The momentum to win the oil field has not subsided."

"I have one suggestion for peace. The eastern country has powerful weapons, and after showing them the situation, we will make peace by saying that we don't want to increase the damage in the western country any more."

"What? A powerful weapon? Where is it?"

"It's a laser gun that we have in our possession."

"A flashlight is a weapon? Bring it over," his anger reached a peak, and he shouted orders to the soldiers.

Seeing the laser guns for the first time in a while, I was relieved to find that all three were kept in their original form.

When I said, "Please give me something engraved with OOGAKI," he didn't think it was a weapon, so he handed it to me easily.

Ogaki grabbed the laser gun and clenched it.

It seems that the fingerprint authentication has been activated with an electronic sound called "Poon".

Ogaki looked around the palace,

"Is it okay to destroy that armor?" he asked.

The king laughed out loud and nodded, saying, ``You can't penetrate that armor with a gun,'' and Ogaki fired his laser gun horizontally.

Without a sound, as soon as a band of light ran horizontally, the armor was cut in half and collapsed to the floor, emitting sparks and smoke.

Not only the king but all of his soldiers looked shocked and speechless at this.

The atmosphere softens as Prince Nokia exclaims, “It's amazing!''

The soldiers are also talking to each other about the astonishing power they've seen for the first time.

The king seemed to be able to stammer and say, “What else can you do with it?'' ”You can cut a plane in half. You can't cut a tank, but you can melt it down and make it immobile, or you can make a hole in it.'' The king became ecstatic.

“Why are you the only one who can shoot?'' he asked the biggest question.

“Even if enemy forces steal this gun, it uses fingerprint authentication so that no one can shoot it.'' This is the first time they've heard of fingerprint authentication, but he looks like he understands it somehow.

“Cancel fingerprint authentication and allow me to shoot.”

“Once released, the laser function is destroyed, and the user's fingerprint authentication is registered only once on newly created guns.

So, my proposal is that I will present this gun of mine to King Kai for development."

The king was very pleased with this and said, "From today onwards, you are soldiers of this country. Change into your uniforms. And follow Nokia."

After finally overcoming the tense situation, the three smiled and nodded to each other.

Prince Nokia spoke and acted like he was treating a guest with respect and guided the three to his room. Prince Nokia gave them uniforms, gave Nozu and Saruhashi laser guns, and gave them what appeared to be the latest guns from his desk, saying, “It's an old model for Mr. Ogaki, but please use this.''

"Now my unit is the strongest unit. By the way, did you reveal the secret of the laser gun in exchange for begging for your life?"

“No, if we continue to attack and destroy power plants in both countries, the extinction of humanity that Noah spoke of will be brought to fruition sooner.

I would like to create a system that allows peace to be achieved as soon as possible, and entrust Prince Nokia with the path for peace and mutual development.”

"I see, it's the unification of East and West. We need to fight until we can negotiate peace." "That can't be helped. If all the attack planes are destroyed in two, the Western countries will have no choice but to consider peace."

The prince was ecstatic and said, “In summary, we have to show our power before the power plant is attacked. We will also refrain from attacking power plants in the western countries.'' After thinking about it for a while

"For that reason, our troops must fight on the front lines. Shall we leave the securing of prisoners to the following troops?"

The prince is trembling and emphatically expounding on the results of the war.

Ogaki replied, “That's right. We will destroy aircraft, etc., but we will not attack power plants. Also, we will kill the enemy as little as possible, and even if we take prisoners, we will not dump them in a scorching pit, but we will use them as tools during peace negotiations.'' That’s it.”

Prince Nokia must have come up with a role to play and a story for peace. He smiled and asked for a handshake.

10 months have already passed. Day after day, the Nokia team was on the front lines of the battle. It is a battle before being attacked by the Western army.

And never going too far, day after day, Nokia and the three of them spent their days guessing where the next attack would come from, and which power plant was likely to be attacked.

The power of the laser gun gradually became a threat to the western countries as it provided a significant difference in military strength. The sight of fighter planes being cut in half without a sound was a constant source of fear for the Western Army.

King Kai is visiting the camp with Prince Nokia.

The number of prisoners is also much higher than the previous prisoners, probably over 100. Among the prisoners of war, there is also a person who seems to be a platoon leader.

"Nokia, great results. I'm satisfied." He smiles and praises the Nokia unit.

One day, Ogaki and his friends brought up the topic of peace to Prince Nokia.

"The western countries are exhausted from this battle. I think it's a good time to make peace."

"I was also thinking about the direction of peace. Do you have any good ideas?"

"First, we will select three platoon leaders or non-commissioned officers from among the prisoners of war in the western countries, and explain to them the situation in the eastern countries and the state of peace. Then, we will make them messengers of peace and return them to the western countries."

"Isn't the terms of peace the most important issue?"

"that's right"

“What are the conditions for peace?”

“Before the peace terms, first of all, the eastern countries do not like this battle.

I emphasize that there has never been an attack from the eastern countries to the western countries.  And I will make them realize that there is a great difference in military strength, and tell them that I will bring back all of you alive, who should have been thrown into the burning pit and thought to have already been killed. And I will give you a personal letter with conditions for peace that King Nada of the West can accept.”

“What are the conditions for peace? Where should peace negotiations be held?'' The prince is so excited that he hastens to move forward.

“The conditions for peace are: (1) the release of all prisoners of war; (2) joint development of oil fields and refineries; and (3) no construction of new power plants using magma, and the joint development of anti-pollution technology to prevent future pollution. I think three things would be fine. And I think it would be most effective to hold peace negotiations at an oil field or refinery near the border with the West."

"That's a good idea. But will King Kai agree?"

"It is to honestly advise the king about the current story."

Prince Nokia immediately consulted with King Kai, but the king was surprisingly convinced and instructed the direction of peace talks.

Prince Nokia and Ogaki selected three prisoners and explained the military superiority of the eastern country and the terms of peace.

Despite the superiority of military aircraft and vehicles that use liquid fuel and the power of laser guns, the soldiers of the Western countries, who only had cannons or anti-aircraft guns, learned why they were shot down without a sound, and they had no idea how military power could be used. I was surprised at the difference.

King Kai also worked on writing a personal letter.

Then, Nokia and Ogaki took three prisoners and transported them to a fort in Western countries , and the road to peace began.

However, the king's personal letter stated, “If there is no reply of the intention for peace within 10 days, the peace will be broken down and an attack will begin.'' The terms of the peace also include the general in the east should be Nokia, the general in the west should be King Nada, Neither Nokia nor Ogaki were aware of the heavy-handed content that had been added, such as “making Kai the Great King of Atlantis.''

Ten days later, a personal letter arrived stating that there was an intention to make peace. It was decided that peace negotiations would be held three days later. Five people including King Nada attended.

At the negotiation table, there was a strong demand for the installation of pipelines and the disclosure of laser gun technology as part of the peace terms in the West, but King Kai was adamant about not disclosing the laser gun technology, which made peace impossible. It was successfully established.

Peace came with the release of all prisoners of war and the beginning of technical exchanges. However, behind the scenes, King Nada of the West grew dissatisfied with his position as Nada General, who had to submit to King Kai.

I couldn't shake the feeling of Peace came with the release of all prisoners of war and the beginning of technical exchanges. However, behind the scenes, King Nada of the West grew dissatisfied with his position as Nada General, who had to submit to King Kai.

I couldn't shake the feeling of ``I'll just have to be patient for now.

     Chapter Ⅸ   Disappearance of Atlantis

Two months have passed since peace was established. Prince Nokia and the three of them had a lively conversation about everything from the history of civilization on the planet Nibiru to predicting the future of Atlantis.

“Our Atlantis has a history of using wood and coal as energy sources, but environmental destruction, including the devastation of forests, has resulted in air and water pollution, and the development of water pollution prevention technology continues. However, as an energy source, the ultimate use of geothermal heat was replaced by the development of magma. Thanks to this, air pollution has disappeared, and there is a history of rapid civilization development using inexhaustible electricity.

“The planet Nibiru went through the same process, but as we were concerned about pollution prevention technology and fossil fuels such as heavy oil being depleted, we developed recycling technology. Other sources of energy include thermal power generation, hydroelectric power generation, wind power generation, solar power generation, biopower generation, and nuclear power generation, all of which coexist. Although some geothermal energy is used, magma is not used. The reason is, as I explained earlier, that it is difficult to control.

While we were talking about this, suddenly the emergency deployment siren rang out, and the sounds of anti-aircraft guns and artillery fire echoed.

Could it be an attack from the West? General Nokia and the three of them rushed outside. What we saw there was a shining silver disc trying to land quietly on the square in front of the palace.

Ogaki shouted. "Prince Nokia, we're on your side. This is a ship from the planet Nibiru. Please stop firing." General Nokia stopped the attack.

As his soldiers watched, the ship's door opened and Captain Mifune and three of his colleagues stepped out. Ogaki and three others ran towards them, shouting for them to stop shooting.

“I'm glad you're safe. I've come to pick you up,'' Captain Mifune said, shaking my hand. At last, the soldiers were relieved and released their attack stance.

As they were introducing Prince Nokia, General Nokia noticed Princess Eve coming down from behind them and ran up to them and hugged her.

The soldiers scream with emotion.

“Prince Nokia, it's been a while,'' said the voice from behind Eve, and when he looked in the direction of the voice, it was Gaia, the leader of the escaped prisoners.

“Prince Nokia, thank you for letting me miss your escape.'' General Nokia said in an excited voice. "I see. Is Noah doing well too?"

"Thank you, everyone is fine." "Has the ship Noah mentioned been built?"

"It's done. It's an ark with no power. According to God's message that Noah heard, we will soon be able to secure the animals."

“Is it okay without power?”

“I think if I ride the westerly winds I can go back to my hometown.”

"Father, this is Eve. Please free Ogaki, Nozu, and Saruhashi." King Kai nodded with joy at Eve's heartbreaking voice.

“I am grateful to Ogaki, Nozu, and Saruhashi. I will be happy for them to depart. It is thanks to them that the peaceful unification of East and West was possible, and Nokia became the general of the East.'' Eve looked at Nokia and teared up.

“What do you think, Eve, why don’t you come back?”

"In three days, the ark will slide down from land to sea and be launched. Once I have confirmed this, Captain Mifune will send me back."

"I see, thank you very much," said King Kai as he shook hands with Captain Mifune.

After picking up the freed Ogaki and others, the saucer took off and flew away, leaving behind a faint electronic sound. Blending in with the great king and his soldiers looking at the ship of an unknown civilization in amazement, no one noticed that an engineer who had come from the western countries for training was watching the scene with a meaningful look on his face.

The information was reported to General Nada in the west that same day.

The ark is a large one, probably about 400m long, and I meet a satisfied Noah for the first time in a long time, and I decide to have him take a look inside.

A guide was introduced. He is a young man named Adam.

The interior was divided into nine floors, the equivalent of a nine-story building, and included rooms for animals, a food room, barrels of drinking water, barrels of water for cleaning, and a relaxing living room.

For launching into the sea, a V-shaped launching channel made of lumber was made from the coast inland, and by cutting the ivy that stopped the large tree at the tip, it became possible to slip into the sea.

Near the coast there is the wreckage of Zeus III, which crash-landed there. Ogaki and his team are transferring materials and data from Planet R381, which they explored, from Zeus III to a spacecraft and preparing to return to Nibiru.

At that time, a military council was being held in the western coutry.

"Now that there are no more aliens with powerful weapons, we have a chance."

General Nada also felt that he had reached his limit to the humiliation he had to inflict on King Kai.

"We will target all the power plants and oil fields in the east. In exchange for the lack of liquid-fueled munitions, we will attack at night and inflict heavy damage before dawn. We will organize each unit by tomorrow night. Must be completed.”

The East had no way of knowing about the West's betrayal.

Work on the Ark has also been completed, and a dinner party is being held ahead of Ogaki and his group's scheduled return tomorrow. There used to be over 50 members, but now there are only 8. Apparently, before the Ark was completed, they built a small ship and set off for Machu Picchu first.

Noah advised them to stay together, but it seems that it was inevitable that they could not hope for a voyage that would be left to the westerly winds on the ark, which had no power.

Noah said, “God will definitely guide us.''

"I hope so. God bless you," said Princess Eve as she shook Noah's hand. It must be hard for Princess Eve to say goodbye.

Adam asked. "How many days will it take to return to Planet Nibiru?"

Captain Mifune answered. "About 1 year"

Adam looked surprised and said, "So, it took you a year to come pick me up?"

"That's right. It will take two years for the round trip."

"Is it really that far away?"

“He's the closest one in this universe.'' I don't know if he understands this, but Adam looks at Noah's face.

Noah said to Adam, “There is a legend from our ancestors in Machu Picchu. A long time ago, God descended from the sky. Then mankind was created. God taught us the ways of man and taught us the calendar. We worked according to the calendar. You taught me the food to live. Don't forget. The realm of God and the realm of humanity."

“I don't understand even if they say it's the realm of God and the realm of humanity,'' Adam asked.

Noah continued. “I don't know either. God also said this: Don't be rich. Don't seek eternity. Work hard every day.'' Adam is shaking his head.

Noah turned to Eve and said, “There are times when I think that Princess Eve is a child of God. Everyone below nods to each other, wishing for that to happen.

We stopped talking, perhaps feeling sad about saying goodbye tomorrow.

Under the cover of night, the army from the western countries was quietly invading the eastern countries. Attack helicopters with only wind noise approached 10 targeted power plants, and reports of lock-on reached the military command center of General Nada and others.

The bombing began as soon as the command to start the attack was given.

An emergency order has been issued in the eastern part of the country, and the engines of aircraft and armored vehicles heading to intercept have been activated, awaiting orders from King Kai.

"It's a rebellion. The attack begins. Nokia's team will lead three platoons and attack

the enemy's stronghold."

A pillar of flame rises at the power plant. The substation equipment may have been destroyed. The lights of the city are going out one by one. The city is in a state of panic. The eastern country suffered severe damage from the surprise attack from the western country.

King Kai issued an order to "destroy the pipeline to the west."

When the pipeline is bombed, it bursts into flames one after another toward the west. The scene looked like a fire-breathing dragon running toward the west.

Everyone at the dinner party heard the explosion and ran to a place where they could see to the west. They saw pillars of fire rising in several places.

Captain Mifune asked, “Didn't East and West make peace?'' No one knew what had happened, and silence continued.

After a while, Noah mutters in a low voice, “Humans have begun to sin again. God will bring divine punishment. The time has come for the extinction of mankind.''

The pillars of fire are thought to be the power plants in the north and the power plants in the south. Two or three times larger pillars of fire appeared after the pillar of fire, and although the fire should have weakened after the bombing and taken the form of a fire, the mass of flames turned into a mountain and spread over the entire land. Explosions and masses of fire are approaching towards this eastern end.

Ogaki turned to Saruhashi and asked, “Saru, is this what you were worried about?'' Saruhashi said in an excited voice.

"It's magma. Magma is rampaging. The black smoke and flames in the center are probably due to the oil field being destroyed and the heavy oil gushing out and burning. There's more magma underground than I thought. There is a reservoir, and it is spewing out. Looking at the rate at which magma is spreading inland, Atlantis's surface crust seems to have become thinner than we imagined."

“Will it converge?”

“We don't know. A huge explosion is also possible.'' Hearing this, Captain Mifune issued an order.

"Evacuate to the ship. Princess Eve, please evacuate to the ark until the situation calms down. Once the evacuation is complete, the seven of us will remove the stopper of the ark and launch it into the sea."

While Gaia lent a hand to Noah, Adam took Princess Eve's hand and began evacuation.

The crew returned to the mothership's saucer and followed Captain Mifune's instructions to ”begin takeoff and wait temporarily above the ark.'' Immediately after starting takeoff, a volcano slightly to the south from a high ground exploded. Nozu said, ”It was a volcanic explosion called Para Nui.''

However, before Saruhashi could finish saying, That magma blowout is abnormal. We expect a large explosion,'' the area in front of his eyes turned bright yellow and a large explosion occurred.

Captain Mifune and six other members used laser guns to burn out the ivy rope that was holding the stopper in place, and confirmed that the ship was able to safely launch into the sea.

The crew returned to the mothership's saucer and followed Captain Mifune's instructions to “begin takeoff and wait temporarily above the ark.'' Immediately after starting takeoff, a volcano slightly to the south from a high ground exploded. Nozu said, “It was a volcanic explosion called Para Nui.''

However, before Saruhashi could finish saying, “That magma blowout is abnormal. We expect a large explosion,'' the area in front of his eyes turned bright yellow and a large explosion occurred.

The mother ship would have been blown away several kilometers.

“Check if there is anything wrong with the hull.” '' Nothing abnormal.'' Then, what they saw was that part of the continent, including the Rapa Nui volcano, was blown away and a huge tsunami was approaching the Ark. It is a large ark with a total length of 400 m, a width of 70 m, and a height of 40 m, but it floats like a leaf on a tree. However, the current tsunami seems to have pushed the ark quite far from land. They returned to the sky above the Ark to make sure it was safe, and then stopped in the sky to observe Atlantis.

The eruption of magma becomes more and more powerful, and it seems that all of Atlantis has become a sea of magma. Ogaki, Nozu, and Saruhashi cover their eyes and just pray for the magma to settle down.

The captain's voice echoed. "Shield On"

The three people who looked ahead saw the end of the world. Everything in front of me was bright yellow and a huge explosion of burning magma occurred, and we were blinded for a while by the flash.

The mother ship was blown away even more than before, and abnormality checks and safety confirmations are being carried out. Relieved to hear that there was no abnormality, he looked outside, but couldn't see anything.

"The outside temperature is gradually dropping, but it's still over 60 degrees Celsius."

"Is it smoke or steam?"

“It's steam '' I don't know what happened.

I searched for the ark with radar, but couldn't find it.

Looking at the continent side with an infrared scope, the temperature has dropped to below 100 degrees Celsius, so it seems that the magma is heading toward convergence. However, although the scope can see sudden changes in temperature, it cannot make out the shape of mountains, forests, or distant cities, and can only make out images of rippling waves.

After two hours, it started raining. This is probably the rain that feels like an overturned bucket.

"Once the rain subsides, we will search for the Ark. Until then, let's organize R381's exploration materials and record and record the activities on planet E2.3."

But there was more than enough time to do this work.

It continued to rain for seven days, and it finally stopped.

To the west, we can only see the sea.

"Ogaki, has the ship's position changed?"

"It's located 10km from the continent and hasn't moved for seven days."

Captain Mifune's face was tense, as if he was expecting the worst.

“Look, there's no Atlantis.'' Everyone ran to the window and there was silence as they watched the inexplicable scene.

Captain Mifune said, “Let's trust the instruments, take a course to the east, and begin searching for the ark. One of these days, this mystery will be solved.''

While flying east, we came face to face with the continent.

“Saru, isn't there something strange about that continent?'' Saruhashi asked Nozu for location information.

"Originally, this area would be the Machu Picchu Archipelago. That continent was probably formed by uplift."

"Is it a crustal movement?" Saruhashi asked for the next investigation.

"I see greenery, a forest, on the top of that mountain. Please check the altitude."

Another team member reported, “According to the instruments, it's about 2,400 meters, and the one next to it is about 2,700 meters.'' Saruhashi, a geologist, is puzzled.

"It's unbelievable that it's rising about 2,000 meters in just a few days."

“If Mr.Sal's prediction is correct, we would expect a decrease in sea level rather than an uplift,'' Ogaki suggested.

Captain Mifune pondered for a while, then

"Considering the water vapor that made it impossible to see in front of us, heavy rain that lasted seven days, and a drop in sea level of about 2,000 meters, we can hypothesize that the continent of Atlantis was blown away. The search for the Ark continues, but it is difficult to find the Ark on this vast continent. If we cannot find it, we will return to investigate whether there is a continent called Atlantis where Princess Eve can return while the sun is still high.''

The search for the ark was difficult and could not be found. The continent was covered in seaweed and coral, making it relatively easy to search, but Ogaki and his colleagues couldn't hide their frustration at not being able to find it.

They return to the place where Atlantis was, but there is no land in sight, just the ocean. Captain Mifune decided to investigate the ocean floor. At the location where the Para Nui volcano was, there was a volcano emitting smoke in the ocean, and the Para Nui volcano remained. When we dived into the ocean, we saw that it looked like an upside-down trumpet, and the crustal layer that makes up the land was about 2,000 meters deep. From there, we headed west, but there was no sign of land until I reached the center of Atlantis, from 2,000 meters deep. There was a 5000m long ocean floor.

The captain then came to a conclusion. "The continent of Atlantis has disappeared."

      Chapter Ⅹ Let's go back to the planet Nibiru

On that day, they decided to stay on the lava island where the Para Nui volcano is located, collect photos and videos, organize records of the E2.3 planet, and return the next day.

The conversation continues over the camp meal.

“This is the story of Noah, but did God punish humanity?”

"But was it really a message from God to build an ark because a huge tsunami was coming?"

“Was the idea to preserve animals for the future also a divine message?”

“If everything materializes like this, we can assume that the ark has safely washed ashore somewhere.”

"That's right. If it really was a message from God, it wouldn't be strange to believe it."

Whether it was anticipation or regret at not being able to find it, when the conversation started to get steamy, Captain Mifune seemed to be relieved when he said, “Tomorrow, at dawn, we will leave planet E2.3. This is an order.''

”I understand.''

Suddenly, one of the members shouted loudly. “What is that?'' Everyone looked up at the night sky pointing at them, all at a loss.

I saw a round, white, shining object floating in the night sky through the gaps in the clouds.

Captain Mifune said, "Saru, have you ever seen anything on planet E2.3?"

"No. It's my first time."

“On other planets?”

"I've seen it on other planets several times during exploration. It's a satellite."

Captain Mifune said. "It's the birth of a new satellite. It's a memorable day."

Ogaki said calmly.

"Is that Atlantis? Atlantis will be passed down to future generations as a phantom continent."

The next day, the returning ship took off from Planet E2.3 and said goodbye to Planet E2.3 while taking pictures of the newly born satellite.

Will we see Noah, Gaia, Adam and Eve again?

I miss you.

What will happen to E2.3 planet Terra at that time?

It reminds me of Adam and Eve's smiles.

Ogaki, Nozu, Saruhashi, and others fell into a peaceful sleep, hoping to be reunited with them.


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Planet E2.3 (English version) 八無茶 @311613333



