Hangman Game (Translated by DeepL)
A man woke up in a dimly lit room. He had no memory of what had happened before he came here.
With a terrible headache, the man got up with a wobbly step.
The room was small and unfurnished.
In the middle of the room, on the floor, was a small bucket placed upside down, with a hangman's noose hanging from the ceiling just above it.
On top of the bucket was a small piece of paper. The man picked up the piece of paper.
"Hang yourself."
The man could not read English.
The man couldn't read English, but next to the note was a picture of a man carefully hanging himself.
The man got scared and threw the paper away.
The man hurriedly tried to leave the room.
First, he tried to open the door at the front of the room, but it was locked. He hit the door several times and broke it down, then went out into the hallway.
Then he saw a large spray-painted scrawl on the front wall.
"You're such a sore loser."
"Loser." That was all the man could read.
The man felt his heart pounding with a bad feeling, but ignored it.
There was a slight breeze in the corridor and the man followed the current of the wind to find the exit. He walked back and forth through the complicated corridor until he finally found a window with a breeze blowing out of it.
It was the exit.
Overjoyed, the man opened the window.
What he found was an unnecessarily large room, like a gymnasium, and a lot of fans lined up on the floor.
The fans were set to their maximum air volume and made a loud noise like an airplane.
As soon as the man entered the room, a few notes flew towards him on the wind.
"C'mon, be a man."
"You're a total phony. You know that?
"Just give up and die already!" That was all the man could read.
But still, the man felt an irresistible fear and tore up all those papers.
The man kicked away the large number of fans on the floor and tried to find a way out of the room again.
Then he noticed a small window near the ceiling.
A ray of light was shining through it.
It must be the sun.
The man found a ray of hope and went for the small window. After many falls and climbing up the wall, the man finally smashed through the window pane and went outside.
There, as before, was a large, empty room with a large number of bare light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.
They lit up the area as if it was daytime, and the man was dazzled by the powerful light.
As his eyes became accustomed to the brightness, he noticed a small black machine in the middle of the room.
As he approached it, he saw that it was a boom box. The next moment, as the man reached for it, he heard an eerie voice.
"Let's face the music."
The next thing he knew, the boom box was blasting out jolly music so loud it was deafening.
The man despaired this time.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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