Chapter 8: Yagami Otama Biography - Wtf is "Yagami Otama"

 Hanging from a charred tree branch was a torn human leg.

 The burnt earth stretched on and on all around.

 Most of the uninhabited houses along the streets were charred to a crisp and smoking.

 On the bald mountains rising in the distance, we could see fires that were still burning in some places, indicating the strength of the flames.

 For three days and three nights, this town had been burned to the ground by the eternal fire that seemed to lick up everything on the earth.

 The only thing crawling around on the ground was a skinny stray dog.

 The only things crawling around on the ground were skinny stray dogs, or maggots sprouting out of nowhere.

 A flock of ravens circled overhead, occasionally swooping down to peck at dead bodies lying haphazardly on the shoulder of the road.

 No one would believe that this desolate land was once the prosperous capital of Kyoto.

 Until a few years ago, the city, known as Kyonin-kyo, was in the height of its prosperity, with the bustle of merchants and the processions of nobles passing through its grid of streets.

 But there was no sign of that anymore.

 There is no one in the capital today.

 All sentient beings on earth had died out, and the only inhabitants of the city seemed to be the countless grudge-bearing spirits that roamed the streets night after night, unable to attain Buddhahood.

 --Except for one person.

 On the ground overflowing with corpses, there was a girl standing alone.

 In front of her, on the dusty street, there was a large number of corpses that looked like a hellish scene of screaming.

 They were piled up in piles, and as time went by, the bones of the dead were exposed, and soon the whole town was filled with the smell of rotten food.

 The girl was just standing there in front of the burned tree, staring up at the dried-up leg of a man or woman. It swayed in the wind every now and then, a combination of unrealistic cruelty and unspeakable horror.


 The girl had no name.

 She was probably about ten years old.

 She was a young girl, no more than four feet tall, carrying a load wrapped in what looked like a backpack, with a large, ill-fitting Japanese sword attached to it.

 Her body hadn't been bathed in water for months, and her hair was covered with lice, her back was covered with flies, and she smelled as bloody as this town.

 This little girl was probably an orphan who had lost her parents to a series of plagues and famines.

 Her long black hair was tied back in a single knot, and she was wearing a yellowed, raggedy headdress.

 Her face was dirty, sooty and black.

 And her expression was that of death - her two eyes were dark and muddy.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

 Someone called out from behind the girl.

 There were two men and a woman.

 The man's voice was young, and the other was an old woman.

 The voices came closer and closer.

"What's the matter, girl? It's not safe for you to be here alone.

"Has your house been burned down? I feel sorry for you.

 She was sure she heard them say, "Come on, we'll help you.

"Well, we'll help you.

"Don't worry. Don't worry, we won't eat you.

 Their gentle tone proved that they were the good guys.

 As you can guess, there is no sign that they have any weapons. They were probably merchants who had left the capital in tears because of the fire, or villagers who had fled from a nearby village.


"I'm not afraid anymore. ......

 A moment later, the girl closed her eyes and thought about her brother.


 --Yes, this is just like that time.

 Then she stretched her slightly sweaty right hand behind her back and grasped the hilt of her sword.


 --I have to protect her.




 Just as he was about to put his hand on her shoulder, the old woman turned around and slashed him, spewing blood from her chest.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 The old woman coughed violently and collapsed to the ground in a heap, hemoptysis.

 A flash of purple lightning--

 When she opened her eyelids again, she drew her sword with lightning speed and killed the old woman.

"You! How dare you ......"

 As soon as the man was about to jump at her with his sword in hand, the girl quickly turned herself around.

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"Don't touch me!

 The man was put on full display.

 He wrinkled his forehead and bared his teeth threateningly, like a beast possessed by an evil spirit.

 She is the child of a demon.

 The face of this still young girl was not that of a human being.

 In a few moments, the man realized that the difference in strength between them was obvious.

 The man's right arm was easily torn off.


 The man couldn't even say the word "pain" as he rolled around on the ground, screaming and writhing in extreme pain. The girl stabbed the man's legs again and again as if to give him a chase.

"The girl stabbed the man in the leg repeatedly as if she was trying to attack him.

"'I didn't, I didn't! I didn't!

"Then it's your fault for talking to me."

 The girl laughed lightly, as if in contempt, but went on to commit a heinous act that could not be considered the work of a human being.

 She had a black expression on her face, as if she had come into the world to be cruel.

"God, Buddha, please forgive me. ......"

 The man desperately pleaded with her, but she did not stop swinging her sword.

 The man tried to cling to the girl and quickly reached out his left arm to the garment on her back.

 He grabbed a piece of cloth from her backpack.

 The girl then stared at the man with a face like a dead spirit that had risen from hell.

"There is no God!"

 The girl whispered.

"You can protect your own life, you piece of shit.

 In this town, which is crawling with disorderly people, there is nothing to protect her but herself.

 She laughed at this pathetic man in her heart.

 The girl stabbed the man in the heart with a shot to stop him.

 The man's eyes widened convulsively, and he fell down, clutching the cloth tightly.

 Not long after, he stopped moving.

 At the same time, the cloth that had covered the luggage on her back came undone.

 What emerged from inside was the corpse of a baby boy.

 White maggots sprang up from where the eyeballs should have been, and the wrinkled head, with most of the flesh removed, was about to rot away, leaving the skull.

 It was the girl's brother.

 Her brother had just passed away about a month ago, emaciated by starvation and suffering from dysentery.

 The girl could not accept her brother's death and had been wandering around with this corpse, the remains of his body, on her back.

 Carrying a corpse around on her back is a form of madness.

 The girl, needless to say, had long since given up her sense of normalcy.

 After she finished killing the man, she began to rummage through her belongings as usual.

 She didn't need to kill the man in order to strip him, but she didn't believe in any goodness in this world, or that by accumulating merit, she could be reincarnated in the next life.

 The reason she had come here in the first place was to scavenge for corpses.

 Since the death of her younger brother, the girl's goal in life had become simply to survive day by day, and to extend her own life by any means necessary.

 After killing countless people and surviving a famine, she became known as the "Child of the Demon" in the capital.

 Lately, I have heard a lot of rumors about a demon that seems to appear in the capital these days, dressed as a girl, carrying the corpse of a child on its back and attacking people.

 The girl has no name.

 Her street name is Mogari.

 It was an appropriate name for a little brother who had mercilessly killed countless people.

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