SECCON2018 Finals チームTSG 紹介文








 ノスタルジイな感傷にふけりながらページを捲る。掲載されている図表には懐かしさを感じさせるものもあれば今なお新鮮さを感じさせるものもあり、改めて人間の記憶とはいい加減なものだなあと思わせられる。そんな中、「第8章 シリアルキー抽出法」と題された章に掲載された一つの写真に目が止まった。






出発直前まで果敢に問題に挑戦していた彼らの言葉を思い出す。今すぐ彼らに伝えなければいけない。だがどうやって? SECCONでは出場者が外部のメンバーと協力して問題を解くことは禁止されている。携帯回線を通して送出された信号は彼らの通信検査網に引っかかり即失格だ。もっと安全に、そして的確にこの情報を伝えるにはどうすればいい? 私は図書館の出口へと駆け出した。




Keystroke clearly sounds in the space where silence dominates.

This library, located in front of the station, is the smallest among the libraries that name this city, and the bookshelves are packed in this small room. Therefore, the space for viewers is extremely small compared with other libraries, and the distance between the chairs arranged around the long table is only about a few tens of centimeters. Though many people may not want to sit next to someone, it seems that the citizens don't care about such things, so the tables for five are always more than half occupied.

I look for the shelf of category 0 from the map on the guide and headed for it. Looking through the titles written on the back, I search for the book I wanted. “Reversing“, “binary”, and “CTF”... In the crowd of words familiar to me, I finally found the book that I was looking for.

"Reverse Engineering Bible". That's the title of this book. I was moved by the fact that this work, which can be said to be all of me in junior high school days, has also been read by many people in Japan. The binding was the same as the edition I know well, and small wounds reflected on the vinyl wrapped around the cover.

Chess pieces imaged on the cover are symbols representing the high potential of computers. In the history of chess, human has already decisively defeated in 1996. The power of AI "Deep Blue" that left a deep trace in human pride with incredibly lower performance computers than nowadays has been a symbol of the faith by the binarian of the world .

I turned the pages while indulging in the nostalgic sentiment. Some of the figures on the charts made me feel nostalgic, others still made fresh. Human memory is somewhat unreliable. Meanwhile, my eyes were caught by one photo in the chapter entitled as "Chapter 8 Serial Key Extraction Method".

It was a grayscale picture with a caption "the moment of the international hacking competition". In the center of the image, there is a man with the cool glasses facing the laptop display seriously. It seems to be a record of a certain CTF competition. CTF is closed theme of binary reversing, and I have participated in several ones.

Now, I remembers that there should be a CTF in Akihabara this time. Its name must be, well... SECCON?

It has little time since I see off the colleagues leaving for Tokyo to paritipate in the CTF yesterday. Though I couldn't be a member of the paritipants due to the limitation of the seats, they must deal with the problems by the sweat of theirs brow at present time. While wishing their triumph in my heart, I turned next another page.

And... I noticed what is written on the page, an analysis method of serial operation necessary for extracting the serial key. I know this analysis method. There was the reversing problems in this year's SECCON quals. The theme of that challenge was the analysis of this kind of serial operation. Even after quals passed, they had a difficulty of solving this problem. However, the technique described on this page is exactly the key to solving this problem...

-- From the tendency of the challenge makers, the similar one must come out in the finals.

I remember words of members, who had challenged the problem boldly until just before departure. I have to tell them right away. But how? SECCON strongly prohibits that contestants must not contact with external members while solving problems. Signals sent through the mobile networks are caught by their communication inspection network and we will be disqualified immediately. How can I convey this information more safely and more accurately? I ran to the exit of the library in confusion.

Another battle over SECCON, was about to begin in this town, far away from Tokyo.


( based on Google translation, sorry:) )

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SECCON2018 Finals チームTSG 紹介文 博多市 @hakatashi






