• 恋愛
  • エッセイ・ノンフィクション

English translation availableふう脳内の思考を妨げるものはかなり取れた

English translation availableふう脳内の思考を妨げるものはかなり取れた
これによりエジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強で鍛ええた力と力の主 脳 のう に施しえた力はさらにより使えるようになる
エジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強で鍛ええた力で制作した14でさえあの質
それに力の主 脳 のう を加えたことで多くの奥義を制作

Phew, I've gotten rid of a lot of the things that hindered my brain's thinking.
Actually, when the moving work was being produced, the 14th episode was produced because of an attack by my former master out of resentment, which hindered my brain's workings to a great extent.
Now, with the power of a certain forbidden song, I've removed the things that hindered my brain's thinking to an extent that would normally be impossible.
It's not complete yet, but
Every time I do it, my limbs and body become lighter and my vision becomes clearer.
The things that hinder the transmission of information in my brain have been greatly reduced, and brain signals are now transmitted more easily.
What kind of work will be created when this complete absence of things that hinder my brain's thinking is complete?
The quality of the moving work, episode 14, which had a lot of brain work hindered at the time.
A work created in the brain environment above the production environment.
This problematic song, the degree of taboo is unknown.
If an ordinary person listens to this song for a long period of time, the energy in their brain will become a mess.
Lord of Because it can be controlled by power, it can remove impediments to thinking in incredibly deep parts of the brain. This makes communication in the brain smoother and the mind works better. As a result, the brain speed increases, the body becomes lighter, and the field of vision becomes clearer. I don't know what else it does. It's a completely uncharted territory. In the first place, it's normal to listen to a song that attacks the brain for a long time and turn its disadvantages into harmless benefits with techniques. This forbidden song eats away at the listener's brain and erodes it, and if you listen to it for a long time, the energy in the brain gets stirred up. However, if you can control it with techniques, you can use its properties to penetrate so deep into the brain and reach out and free the areas of the brain that are normally difficult to reach and that block thinking. The depths of the brain are difficult for power to flow in every human being. There is an uncharted frontier there. Everyone has limitations in their minds that they don't realize they have. I am trying to remove those limitations. Therefore, the deep-rooted erosion of the forbidden song that invades the brain is the perfect way to remove the deep areas of the brain that limit thinking. It is difficult for any genius to remove all the things that hinder thinking. Of course, I have removed more of the things that hinder thinking than the average genius. In Japan, the forbidden song is considered a healing song, but in reality, it is a dangerous song that can damage your brain just by listening to it. This is what they mean when they say that poison can cure poison. I don't know yet what level my work will be when the things that hinder thinking in my brain are gone, but theoretically it should be of the same quality as a moving work. This will allow me to use the power I have honed by studying Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla, and the Lord The power that can be applied to the Lord of Power brain becomes even more usable. Even the 14 created with the power honed by studying Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla has that quality. By adding the Lord of Power brain to it, many mysteries have been created. And it is still unknown what will happen when this is completed.

