• 恋愛
  • エッセイ・ノンフィクション

ワンパンマン原作はすごいなONE PUNCH-MAN The original work is amazing

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

その秘密はこの現代で私一人しかやらない勉強エジソン ダビンチ テスラと同じ勉強をしたからこの勉強は他の勉強ではありえないたった一人個としての学ぶ力を高めてくれる
エジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強は恵まれている者なら誰一人選択しない勉強
それに現代の天才がエジソン ダビンチ テスラの足元にも及ばないのかその理由の一つは調べればいい聞けばいい研究すればいいという甘えだ
エジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強はまだ人類には早いのかもしれない


The original ONE PUNCH-MAN is amazing
It's a treasure trove of high quality, and even when you think you've covered it all, there's still so much to learn
It's so original while still retaining the basic interesting parts
People say the drawings aren't good, but the content is on a whole different level
It's packed with things to learn that make the work fundamentally interesting
The commercial version is good too, but
The density of the fun is in the original
In addition, I value mediocrity when it comes to learning, so I like the fact that it's not just battle works that can be used
A romantic comedy using techniques learned from One Punch Man would be innovative
Fun isn't all about strength
The mechanism and logic are elements It has the versatility to be used in most works, with the ability to change parts and settings.
Well, this cannot be used intentionally unless you know the mechanism and logic.
And if you have talent, you can use it without knowing the mechanism and logic, so you don't get the advantage of a deep understanding.
This is one of the powers of a writer that anyone who is not blessed with talent should have.
Many people don't even realize that power, because they believe in the improvement methods for talented people and for a portion of the talent base.
I can't understand how you can improve as a writer with such an extremely inefficient improvement method.
When I was aiming to become a writer, I was at the very bottom. I started with talent and technique as a writer. My first work was a miraculously good story, but after that it was a total failure. I'm pretty low-class if I can only produce one miraculous work like that. I have no talent as a writer. According to common sense in the Japanese writing world, I would have mass-produced bad works until I died. However, I was able to grow to the point where I could create moving works and things that have a special meaning. The secret is that I study in this modern age, which is something only I do. I studied the same as Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla, so this study enhances my learning ability as an individual, which is something that no other study can do. So, up until this point, I have mostly focused on the direction of my works. The above are people who think and solve problems on their own, not on their impressions or opinions.
In the end, I never read books on how to write novels because I wanted to be a writer.
In fact, if I had read them, I would have relied on books and would not have developed the ability to solve problems on my own.
No matter how low I started, I had to do things on my own, and I realized that other people's opinions would not help me much, which further honed my self-sufficiency. From there, I got to where I am today by repeating learning that is clearly different from other aspiring writers, and does not count learning that does not result as learning.
From my perspective, aspiring writers in the world have a really inefficient way of learning.
That way, only a few winners who have the talent to adapt can achieve results.
Well, if I made that public, I and I would have done it for years.
It seems too late now, so I won't say it.
It would be happier to write down my dreams and say that I didn't have enough talent or time.
It would definitely be happier if you didn't know that you had been working hard for many years without any results, regardless of whether you had talent or not.
But real effort certainly brings results.
When I started, I had the incredible lowest level of ability, but the talent to keep creating interesting works at the average level. Even people without such skills were able to create moving works and secret techniques.
The study of Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla is something no one would choose to do if they were blessed with such a gift.
If you're smart, it's natural to think that it's pointless, inefficient, and crazy.
However, this is the most efficient way to improve your skills.
One of the reasons why modern geniuses can't even come close to Edison, Da Vinci, or Tesla is because they think they can just look it up, ask, and do research.
Especially with Tesla, it was impossible to verify or experiment with the technology of his time.
This would be impossible unless it was completely completed in one's own mind.
In other words, it would be impossible for them to do something that is out of the ordinary. If you want to become a genius, completing things in your head is one of the necessary elements. In their time, what they created and discovered was something that no one would understand, even if you asked someone. There is no answer even if you researched it. The answer does not come easily even if you research it. In the midst of all this, they spent a lot of time thinking alone, ordering materials and using them as hints to reach the answer. If you continue to be self-sufficient in such harsh conditions, accumulate knowledge, improve your individual awareness and learning ability, learn the unknown, and accumulate a lot of know-how and experience to notice, anyone can create something groundbreaking. If you grow up in such a harsh learning environment and produce results, it is only natural that the cultivated geniuses who are spoiled in today's favorable environment are not even worth considering. Even a dropout like me was able to grow this much. Well, even if it has been effective so far, it is too stimulating for the world. If I made everything public and got results, I could be kidnapped by a criminal organization and auctioned off as a mentor, so no matter what people say, I will not make it public for the sake of my future. It is true that if I make it public, we can intentionally create many people who can contribute to the development of humanity. However, please don't say that I will not be saved as a result. It may be too early for humanity to study Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla. 

