第12話 究極の試練を超えて (8)
Zael is radiating from the two. When the battle began, they simultaneously struck each other's fists, and a huge shock spread into the air. The man used "Art of Hell" in the middle of the winter. This attack was not based on the concept of frost, but on Zael. It reduced the strength of the Zael, evaporated the life force of the Zen, and had an internal cold effect. Zen raised the manifest station to 10%, but the demon inside could not grasp anything. His vessels are beyond everything, and he understands from the fragments he sees that Zen is the greatest threat to this world. The day is approaching when history will change, many battles will change Zen, and those battles are part of it. Based on what he saw, he would regret everything, the greatest unstoppable disaster awaits. Darkness rules Zen, and what comes to mind is the visuals of what we've suffered and lost over the past three years. The first red line appeared on the left eye. A process is underway in the body, and the power of the red line is a mystery that the devil himself does not know. The man used the "Art of Hell" winter breeze. He made direct eye contact with Zen, who delivered the first blow to the man's jaw. The man collapsed and saw Zen's first red line and understood. The man used "Manifestation 36%". " The Eyes of the Winter King VII.” Soon the entire village becomes a cold desert due to the eye manifest station.
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