

  • 恥ずかしくなきゃ、公園でも練習できるけどね。

  • 主役交代フラグの第二弾が放たれましたね

  • 何だ?伊吹くん、マジで階段から落ちて降板か?

  • 君夏の原作に興味のある読者は

  • これは志摩になるフラグが立ちましたよ⁉︎

  • これは…志摩になる流れかぁ?

  • 最後なんか不穏な感じも

  • 天野さんまだマスクつけとったか。

  • 第162話 ヒロインはだれ④への応援コメント


  • 第162話 ヒロインはだれ④への応援コメント



  • 第161話 ヒロインはだれ③への応援コメント



  • 第160話 ヒロインはだれ②への応援コメント


  • 編集済

    第160話 ヒロインはだれ②への応援コメント

    Hinano was forced to play the lead, when she asked Shima to play opposite her, he declined, but as she looked upset, he said he would help her practice. ( does this mean that something will happen to the original co-star, and Shima will be the only one who can replace him ?) THANKS for the updates,I'll wait for the next update.

  • 第159話 ヒロインはだれ①への応援コメント

    most of the boys want the popular girls, like Hinano and others to be the leads or have the most time on stage, so that the boys who get parts can monopolise them, all the boys are hoping that they are paired with the cutest girl

  • 第159話 ヒロインはだれ①への応援コメント


  • 第159話 ヒロインはだれ①への応援コメント


  • 第159話 ヒロインはだれ①への応援コメント


  • 第158話 報告【男子会】への応援コメント

    he's not clueless any more, he's stuck on what he wants to do, he's afraid he's not good enough for her, even though he wants to turn his love life around, what happened when he was younger still is troubling him, he needs to sit down with Hinano, and have a good long talk about his past. Thanks,I'll be looking for the next update.

  • 第158話 報告【男子会】への応援コメント


  • 第158話 報告【男子会】への応援コメント


  • 第158話 報告【男子会】への応援コメント


  • 第157話 報告【女子会】への応援コメント


  • 第157話 報告【女子会】への応援コメント

    Hinano saw Yuzuki and Takayuki come into the classroom together, and got depressed because she knew Yuzuki was going to confess to him, when they went to the fireworks display, and to her it looked like the confession succeeded as they both came in like normal. After the opening ceremony Azusa took Hinano to the back of the school building, only saying women's association, than when Yuzuki showed up Azusa asked Yuzuki what had happened with her confession to Takayuki, Yuzuki said that was fast, how come Azusa answered Takayuki's little sister, Yuzuki told them that she was shook, and that Hinano needed to do her best, with a strange smile on her face, Hinano said, "she would do her best!" Thanks for the updates, the story is coming close to the end, and it's getting more exciting, to see how it comes out, I'll be waiting for the next update.

  • 第156話 二学期スタートへの応援コメント

    Takayuki shook Yuzuki, but she still cares about him, she also cares about Hinano, so since she lost, she's going to push him to confess to Hinano, she knows that they both care a great deal about each other, she also knows how his heart was broke before, buy a girl that was playing with him, that makes him reluctant about commitments, as he can't forget how he was hurt.

  • Riko-san watched a shell of her brother walking around the house, finally she couldn't wait any longer, she had to wake him up to help her. Takayuki was in a daze since he shook Yuzuki the other day, he didn't know how he was going to face her at school, when Riko-san came to talk to him, he didn't really answer her questions, he acknowledge them but his answers didn't make sense, finally he asked her about all the confessions she had and how did she handle meeting the person after shaking them, her answer was to just act normal, he thanked her ,and then they ended up doing her homework all night.

  • 第156話 二学期スタートへの応援コメント


  • 第156話 二学期スタートへの応援コメント



  • 志摩くん、純粋に可愛そうやな。

  • 最後の1行に全て詰まってるねお疲れ様

  • お疲れさまw

  • 梨子ちゃん、良い良い。

  • 志摩くん勇気持ってふった 柚木ちゃん今日は泣きな


  • 編集済

    Yuzuki's confesion triggered Takayuki to review in his mind what he had seen and done since he had met Nana, and Hinano, he compared how his life was before he met them to how his life has been since he has known them, the conclusion he reached was that his life was much better, and as he looked at his relationship with Hinano, he came to realise that he was actually in love with her, he wondered why he hadn't realised it before. Takayuki had trouble speaking, but he managed to tell Yuzuki that he couldn't go out with her, and she guessed the rest that there was someone else he liked and that it was Hinano, when she mumbled it out he confirmed that it was so, Yuzuki said that she could accept that, and said good-bye, as she was walking away she started to cry, as she hadn't done in front of him as she didn't want to cause him more trouble by making him feel regretful for her. I'm looking forward to the confession of Takayuki to Hinano, the flashback scenes were refreshing and worked well in the plot of the story to give Takayuki a reason to turn down Yuzuki. Thanks for the story, I'll wait for the next update.

  • 今日の志摩くんはカッコよかったですね。

  • この結末でしたか……(^_^;)


  • 柚木は不憫だけど志摩が自覚するシーンは何度も読み返してしまうぐらい素晴らしい回でした。

  • what will be his decision, can he get his thoughts together enough to make firm decision, or will be considering Hinano and Akina, he is very indecisive, he's had trouble with the opposite sex even before junior high school, he has a lot to sort out about himself, he doesn't know what his personality really is, he has been drifting all his life, now he needs to take charge of his destenay, what does he want his life to look like in the future, what is the future that the author have planned for him. Thanks for a thought provoking, romantic love comedy,I'll have a hard time waiting for the next update.

  • 編集済


  • これは志摩から日向坂さんに告白しそうだな。日向坂さんへの気持ちに気づいて断りそう。

  • さて一発目の告白。(^_^;)


  • Takayuki, was surprised by Yuzuki question, and then her confession, he has to decide what to do, but how, he hasn't faced himself since he was shaken, so he doesn't know what his true feelings are, how he feels about himself, or the girls he's made friends with like Yuzuki-san, how is he to decide???? Thanks for the continuing story, the last seven episodes have been a little emotional, knowing how Hinano feels about Takayuki, and that Yuzuki, and Hinano are competing for Takayuki-san's love, and that Yuzuki-san was making the first move at monopolising him. Thanks for the hard work, I'll be looking forward to the new update to find out what will happen!!

  • お疲れ様です。ついに柚木の告白きましたね。断るというのは決まってるだろうけど。(T-T)じゃないとタイトル的にも謎作品になってしまいますしね。。続き楽しみにしております。(*´-`)

  • さあ、志摩くんどーする?

  • 初めてのマジ告白きちゃー!

  • この機会に志摩も自身の気持ちと向き合って欲しいところ

  • ついに始まるね! くるみちゃんいきます

  • Riko-san was worried about Hinano-san, so she called her to let her know that Takayuki was on a date with a girl that wasn't her. Hinano-san realised that Kurumi-san was going to confess to Takayuki-kun, all she could do was rely on him to turn Kuzumi down, if Takayu cared about her. Kurumi had stated that she was going to challenge Hinano for Takayuki's love, so the least she could do was not to get in her way, she wasn't going to wish Kurumi good luck.

  • 前振りキター!

  • まさかの妹からのチクリ!

  • 日向坂さんの少々腹黒い一面がみれて満足

  • 編集済

    Yuzuki is thinking of confessing to Takayuki, but she's worried that it will not be accepted, because of his semi lack of emotions, and there is also his friendship with Hinano. Thanks for Yuzuki's point of view, it's eye opening, I'll wait for the next update.

  • Yuzuki is pressing forward with her seduction plan, will he react the way she wants, or are his scars to bad as of the moment.

  • たとえ自分のものでも、好きって気持ちはどうにもできない…😗

  • 柚木視点が非常によいのです

  • 第42話 聖なる日の祈り⑨への応援コメント


  • 見つかるのか、告白されるのか

  • え?爪楊枝一本で食えんのか?

  • いいなぁ、青春

  • 第111話 図書館でへの応援コメント




  • なんかやらかすやろなー

  • 隆之くんその思い方が2人を傷つけてることに気づけよ

  • 編集済

    Takayuki-kun is acting with Yuzyki the same as he did with Hinano when they went out by themselves, and when they were with their younger sisters, he's not choosing who he wants to be with, he's just enjoying the moment. Thanks for an enjoyable and sweet story, I'll be waiting for the next update.

  • 隆之くんは、自分の心に正直な選択をするのだろうか、流されて自分の中では2nd以下の人を選ぶのか

  • 読み返し中……

  • まあ、たこ焼きも実用的ですね。

  • Yuzuki is in seventh heaven, she's on a date with Takayuki, of course he is unaware of her feelings and thoughts about him,<still haven't found out about when he was hurt by a girlfriend>, when he told her that she could hold on to his arm when she had trouble reaching the overhead strap, she was happy. Thanks for an interesting update, calmly waiting for the next update.

  • これで適当な返事したら許さん

  • ああ、何かとはち合わせになる気がする。

  • なんだコイツは

  • Shima doesn't understand, Riko understands, but is overthinking it, she knows how her brother is dense when it comes to women, and Kurumi is in a competition with Hinano for his affection, and he is clueless about it, he thinks of both of them as just friends. Will Riko give Hinano a heads up about him going to the fireworks display?? Thanks for the story, I'll be waiting for the next update.

  • もしも告白されたとして、まさかそんなフザケタ理由でフったりしないよね、よね?

  • 柚木よ、志摩の自己評価が低すぎて早い者勝ちってわけにはいかなさそうだぞ

  • ワタシは、梨子ちゃんが一番かも。

  • あーあ、志摩くん何かやらかしそう。

  • 開き直ったように逝った→言った かな?


  • Shima complains but he's a siscon, Hinano is as well, their little sisters know that and how to get what they want. Hinano was trying to flirt but Shima didn't notice.Thanks for the update!

  • ええお兄ちゃん

  • >突然我が部屋に突入してきた邪魔者がそんなことを言う。

  • 志摩くん運エエなぁ。

  • 今の20歳以下小指の意味分からない人結構多いよ。何年か前に聞いたら知らない人多かったし

  • これ分かる、表紙がグラビアだけでも女性にはアダルト雑誌になる不条理

  • 第145話 同人誌を売ろう③への応援コメント


  • 第145話 同人誌を売ろう③への応援コメント

    all the girls want to get him alone for a date, but he isn't conouse of that fact, he thinks they should go as a group, which upsets the girls, but emotionally he has a broken heart with a big scar that never healed, he doesn't see how they react to him emotionally, so he doesn't understand how they feel about him, he doesn't realise that the two girls that feel closest to him have fight going on to see which one can get him first. THANKS for the update,I'll be calmly waiting for the next update.

  • 第145話 同人誌を売ろう③への応援コメント


  • 第145話 同人誌を売ろう③への応援コメント


  • 第144話 同人誌を売ろう②への応援コメント

    Shima and Yuzuki were called by Akina to help sale her doujinshi. Takayuki replaced Hinano, as she told Akina that "she was ill??". Takayuki didn't know what Akina was saying when she told that she liked handsome men as well as pretty girls, when he mentioned that he was surprised that her doujinshi was aimed at men! He started wondering what was going on when Yuzuki came out in cosplay. Takayuki was getting a look at a side of life he didn't know! 😱😱🙀🙀 Yuzuki acted like she enjoyed the cosplay, while Akina was acting like a little 😈😻 devil, or a cat that saw it's favorite prey, Thanks for the work, I'm looking ahead to the next post!!!

  • 第144話 同人誌を売ろう②への応援コメント


  • 第144話 同人誌を売ろう②への応援コメント



  • 第143話 同人誌を売ろう①への応援コメント


  • 第143話 同人誌を売ろう①への応援コメント


  • 第143話 同人誌を売ろう①への応援コメント

    is Kurumi going to do cosplay???

  • 第142話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑨への応援コメント

    Riko acted up set when Takayuki yelled at her to fix her top, I think that was just a reflex action, she would have been embarrassed more if other people had seen her, she took out her frustration on her brother, she doesn't really believe he's a pervert, she uses that automatically to put distance between them, she hides how much she likes her brother to be the same as what she hears from her friends about how they feel about their brothers and boys in general, she doesn't want to take responsibility for how her own actions cause problems with her wardrobe, if a girl lets her know about a problem it's fine, if it's a boy he's a pervert for looking at her and finding the problem, it's like she doesn't want to be seen by boys, when she's older she will go out of her way to attract attention from boys.

  • 第142話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑨への応援コメント


  • 編集済

    第141話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑧への応援コメント

    +Hinata went to the slider with Riko, along the way they started to talk, it ended up that both of them had been wanting to find time alone with the other girl so that they could talk without Takayuki around them because they were wanting to talk about him. Hinata wanted to know more about Takayuki's life growing up, Riko wanted to know more about Hinata and what she thought about her brother. As they talked Riko found out that Hinata liked Takayuki partly because of his kindness, that was what had made her take a longer look at him, Riko couldn't fully understand what Hinata was saying about her brother, she did understand some but she didn't want to be a brocon which could happen if she understood to much of what Hinata-san was saying, Hinata asked if Takayuki had ever had a girlfriend, at first Riko didn't think he had, but as she thought she remembered that there had been rumors in his third year of middle school, and for a few days he had not been himself, he had been disagreeable, he hadn't said anything, but she had heard that he had been shaken, and that there had been something else, all she knew were rumors, so Riko told Hinata that she should ask Takayuki to learn more about what had happened, Riko thought to herself, if what he had gone through had turned Takayuki off of girls, Hinata would a hard time getting anywhere with him, thanks for the update.

  • 第141話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑧への応援コメント


  • 第141話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑧への応援コメント




  • 第140話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑦への応援コメント

    Riko-chan found out!! Will Riko compete ,or will she help Hinano-chan, Riko does like both sisters, and she now's how lazy and insensitive her brother is, he's going to need a good push. Thanks for a interesting, and thrilling story, I'll be waiting for the next update.

  • 第139話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑥への応援コメント

    Riko wanted a little alone time with her brother, also the slider might have been a bit intimidating for Riko, she wanted to feel his reassuring presence on the slider, Hinano-chan is going to watch Nana-chan, while Riko=chan and Shima-kun go down the slider. So far the scenes have been cute and sweet.

  • 第138話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑤への応援コメント

    no matter how many times you see the same thing on a woman they need a complement every time, the man needs to act as if it's new item, or find something about there appearance, or accerrays to complement.A woman needs to be complemented quite often, even several times a day, even though Riko acts like she can't stand her brother most of the time, she still wants special treatment from him, as a close male family member, Hinano wants to be flattered as his girl friend, and be noticed all the time by him, that's where Nana-chan learned to expect complements from.

  • 第140話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑦への応援コメント
