
第138話 妹と妹と兄と姉⑤」への応援コメント

  • no matter how many times you see the same thing on a woman they need a complement every time, the man needs to act as if it's new item, or find something about there appearance, or accerrays to complement.A woman needs to be complemented quite often, even several times a day, even though Riko acts like she can't stand her brother most of the time, she still wants special treatment from him, as a close male family member, Hinano wants to be flattered as his girl friend, and be noticed all the time by him, that's where Nana-chan learned to expect complements from.

  • これは隆之が悪いな


  • ななちゃんしか勝たんからしゃーない

  • ななちゃんのセリフ全部ひらがなでかわいい

  • まー、ほら妹心はわからんわな。