
第152話 夏の夜に咲く恋の花⑥」への応援コメント

  • 人間誰でも腹黒いわ

  • ついに始まるね! くるみちゃんいきます

  • Riko-san was worried about Hinano-san, so she called her to let her know that Takayuki was on a date with a girl that wasn't her. Hinano-san realised that Kurumi-san was going to confess to Takayuki-kun, all she could do was rely on him to turn Kuzumi down, if Takayu cared about her. Kurumi had stated that she was going to challenge Hinano for Takayuki's love, so the least she could do was not to get in her way, she wasn't going to wish Kurumi good luck.

  • 前振りキター!

  • まさかの妹からのチクリ!

  • 日向坂さんの少々腹黒い一面がみれて満足