
第154話 夏の夜に咲く恋の花⑧」への応援コメント

  • what will be his decision, can he get his thoughts together enough to make firm decision, or will be considering Hinano and Akina, he is very indecisive, he's had trouble with the opposite sex even before junior high school, he has a lot to sort out about himself, he doesn't know what his personality really is, he has been drifting all his life, now he needs to take charge of his destenay, what does he want his life to look like in the future, what is the future that the author have planned for him. Thanks for a thought provoking, romantic love comedy,I'll have a hard time waiting for the next update.

  • 編集済


  • これは志摩から日向坂さんに告白しそうだな。日向坂さんへの気持ちに気づいて断りそう。

  • さて一発目の告白。(^_^;)
