My name Is Laurence, I am a physiologist who has written my analysis on the mysterious Illness that has been affecting Aldarians. I am also part of the multicell theory.
Before I begin addressing the situation regarding the illness afflicting the
Section One: A brief summary of Aldarian behavior, in relation to other humans and humanoids.
We don't know when exactly this disease was first created. What we do know is that we first began to notice these strange phenomena of Aldarians becoming psychotic and violent at the drop of a hat. I hope to point out that this is nothing new or out of the ordinary, or at least, that's what we thought initially. Aldarians have been known to have something of a… how do I say this…? God complex.
Socially, I have of course noticed that a distressing amount of Aldarians, including second and third generations, have this mental structure in their brain. Thankfully, none are more than arrogant or rude. There are a few, of course, that are violent at the drop of a hat. But this behavior is not exclusive to Aldarians, it affects everyone.
Emotionally, most would see this as negative. Which it is. (Although I have observed that most non-aldarians and aldarians dismiss this.)
But logically, I see this as completely normal behavior. You would not see an ant as an equal, would you. Of course, that is an extreme example, but that is my point nevertheless.
Not everyone has perfect memory, even powerful “superhumans,” like aldarians, godkin, or demideities. But trust, not only me, but written evidence and statistics that proves that (safely said) 99.9% of the Aldarians we interviewed recalled the details of the day they were summoned, and vividly so, I might add.
So, from a logical perspective, of course this behavior would be natural. Not acceptable, but perhaps justified to some extent. Aldarians are superior. They don't just believe it, they know it.
This, combined from their awareness that they are not even from this world, creates this behavior.
For this next part, I have collaborated with Lana, A sociologist from the east. She aided me in my research.
Having a god complex is created by your perception of reality, and your social rank. Aldarians have displayed time and time again, their habit- no, their obsession with being better than one another.
Again, this is a trait of every being, it's how they survive. It's only the extremity of this behavior that we have observed from the Aldarian population that stands out. Most of Aldarian culture revolves around hyper-competitive activities and events. And although Aldarians have guilds, even some party members have an issue with hierarchy, with the common structure being the strongest to weakest in terms of control over the team. It is also important to note that this behavior is most prominent in first generations, due to them having the weakest emotional, physical, and cultural connection to our world.
Section Two: Addressing the illness.
Now to the illness itself. Like I stated at the beginning, we never nailed exactly where this illness was first observed. But alot of our observations strongly suggest this is not a contagious disease, so there likely was no patient zero.
The disease is named SD-X which is classified as a variant of summoner dysphoria, which I hope you have read in my previous papers, because I will not explain it here.
Aldarians who are afflicted with this… exhibit alarming behaviors. Disconnection from reality, Aggression.
They claim to have strong urges to murder or destroy. I believe this is attributed to their primal instinct to “assert superiority”
Most of these end with the person taking their own life, but in rare cases, they may act upon these urges.
And that, Is where they change.
Every Aldarian has a power cap. A limit.
Aldarians have a limit to their strength. Reaching full potential is extremely difficult for any living being, I might add.
As we all know, Aldarians vary in power. Some most can be cut with a normal blade, even if it would be more difficult, while others have thicker skin and denser bones. Capable of taking extreme punishment. Some are even rumored to be unkillable, either having an intense healing factor, or simply having such an incredibly strong body, that they cannot be harmed in any conventional manner.
So, depending on the Aldarian affected, the situation could vary from bad, to catastrophic.
It's also no secret, I might add, that among most governments, there is at least one division dedicated to the study of the physiology of Aldarians. It appears we are a struggling salmon climbing a waterfall.
So I hope whoever reads this, that you are working on a cure, or at least, doing a study of your own.
Rogue Razor: I left my party to be a Federal Agent! Sir Hadwyn @Hadwyn
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