Respect for the discarded

A large part of this story takes place in the red-light district, and the main character often interacts with the people who work there. Society often disregards these types of people, labeling them as "bad" or "disgusting". In many stories, work in the red light district is often used as punishment for the antagonists for their crimes in order to give catharsis to the reader. That is not the case here. In this story, as in real life, the people who do this work are regular people trying to survive. Often, they didn't have any other options. I think this story treats these characters with a level of dignity and respect rarely seen in other works, and I think stories like this are more valuable than it might seem at first.
I spent a while thinking of what to say in this review, and I hope my thoughts were conveyed.
I wish the author the best of luck on this story.

