The Nighthawk's Star

Nighthawk flew up into the sky, straight up high, to the end of sky. The mountain fire was already far away and looked like a cigarette end. Nighthawk flew up and up.

The cold air turned his breath white and freezes his lungs. Because the air was thin, he had to move his wings constantly.

However, the Stars were still small. His breaths were like bellows. The cold and frost stabbed Nighthawk like a sword. His wings became completely numb with the cold. And he rose his tearful eyes to look up at the sky once again. That’s right. This was the end of Nighthawk. Nighthawk couldn’t recognize if he was falling, or rising, if he was upside down, or if he was facing up. But his heart was peaceful, and his big beak covered in blood, was crooked but was smiling a little.

After a while, Nighthawk opened his eyes wide. He saw his own body is now glowing silently, like a beautiful blue will-o’-the-wisp.

Cassiopeia was right next to him. The pale blue light of the Milky Way, was right behind him.

And the Nighthawk’s star glows on. It burned on forever and ever.

It continued to glow, and even right now, it is shining.

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よだかの星《The Nighthawk's Star》 井澤文明 @neko_ramen




