Episode 3. The fiercest retribution ever seen

1940 Neo-Romagna, Earth

On a pitch-dark night, a black stretch limousine was running at a tremendous speed with headlights off on the narrow road leading to the depths of the forest.

The highest peak in the country, Mt. Bracken, is located almost in the center of Neo-Romagna. Deep under the mountain covered by a dense forest, known as the Witch's Forest, which was off-limits, there was a secret military base of Neo-Romagna.

In the backseat of the limousine, a man in his 60s, dressed in a black military uniform with deeply carved features, dented eyes, and a short mustache under his nose, sat with his arms folded and his eyes closed.

He had a large gold and silver epaulet that shone on both shoulders, a crimson sash that hung from the left shoulder to the right, and a golden aiguillette that hung from the right shoulder under the military uniform.

Also on the peaked cap glistened a particularly large rainbow-colored pigeon, La Picciona, that is said to have saved the life of LebannaMom, the country’s female founder, at the risk of its life.

They represented the fames and positions that Alphonse Mimler had won to become the president of Neo-Romagna.

And the new scars defaced his cheeks were implying that all of his fames and positions were about to be lost.

Alphonse Mimler

Alphonse Mimler (1875-1940) was born to a poor farmer in Neo-Romagna, an emerging country in Eastern Europe.

He graduated from national secondary school at the top of his grade and entered the Army Military School as a scholarship student.

After graduating, he joined the "World Peace Party," a national political party growing in power at the time.

Due to his talent and charisma, he became the leader of the World Peace Party in his fifth year of joining the party.

Two years later, he climbed to the Führer(president) of Neo-Romagna.

When he became president, he started "The War for Peace" (Kämpfe für den Frieden) in Europe under the slogan "World Unification for World Peace."

When he was 55 years old, he took control of most of Europe.

At the same time, Mimler promoted the development of the "quantum-structured bomb," which was ten times more powerful than the H-bomb.

It competed for development in each country at that time, and Neo-Romagna succeeded in trial production ahead of other countries.

However, in 1936, the Allied Forces against Neo-Romagna were formed.

In 1940, due to the large offensive of the Allied Forces, Neo-Romagna surrendered to the Allies.

There were two guard assistants in the backseat of the limousine, one of whom had a black attache case with a quantum bomb firing code on his lap, chained to his arm.

When the limousine reached the dead end in the forest, it dashed into the tunnel.

With only small lamps on, without reducing speed, the car ran down the spiral into the earth by 200 meters vertically.

Upon arriving at the lowest floor of a basement, Mimler, having completed the designated process for using the deadliest weapon, gave the directions to Joint Chiefs of Staff and military advisers.

He, then, headed for the Führer's office, where he sat in his chair and meditated for a while.

‘I did what I should do. What I did was correct. I have nothing to regret. Peace will not come while small countries keep quarreling amongst themselves. The shortest way to achieve world peace is to unite the world under one powerful country.’

But the game was over.

Mimler was a clever man. He knew its result would not change anymore.

So, he knew the ‘fiercest retribution’, that their General Staffs insisted, was meaningless.

But now, … it didn’t matter to him anymore.

He shifted his pistol, which he had pulled out of his left breast pocket, from his right hand to left and put the muzzle on his left temple.

The memory of childhood revived for a moment.

The memories of his parents, who, as tenant farmers, worked early in the morning till late at night only to die without being able to buy medicine when they got ill.

“When I grow up, I'll make your life easier.”

The memory of his mother who happily listened to him to say that but passed away unable to wait.

And he remembered the sentence she used to tell him.

"Al, you are a gentle hearted child. (Du bist ein herzensgutes.)"

Suddenly, Mimler lowered the gun and screamed at the assistant outside the room.

“Stoppt den Plan! Stop! Cancel missile launches !”

The assistant heard it and ran to the War Room, screaming in a hurry.

“It's canceled! The operation was canceled. Missile launch stopped!”

But the 20 missiles for Western Europe had already been launched and four of them, evading the interception, were darting toward their target cities, Malta, Lisbon, Marseille, and Rome.

Each missile was loaded with what the Neo-Romagna General Staff had called the fiercest retribution: newly developed quantum-constructed bombs.

When the assistant heard this and tried to inform Mimler, he heard the short sound of the pistol from the Führer's office. Upon arriving at the Führer's office, Mimler was lying on his desk, dead.

The day of the war’s end

On the same day in 1940, in the morning of the end of the war

The news quickly ran around the globe.

In each town in the world, the morning of returning to normal life was about to begin.

*** The lovers in Rome are early in the morning.***

"Bob, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

"That's OK. I just arrived because I was listening to the news of the end of the war.

“Annabel, do you remember that promise?"

"What promise? "

"The promise to marry when the war is over."

"Of course I do."

"Annabel, put out your finger. Oh! it's perfect."

"Ah! Bob, It's wonderful, thank you."

*** In Marseille, a special day for a daughter and her mother was about to begin. ***

"Mama, look? "

"Well, Sophia. You are very beautiful."

"Thank you Mom for raising me for the past 25 years."

"Oh, Sophia! Be happy with Tom forever after."

"Yes, mom. So don't cry anymore."

*** In Malta, today is Tommy’s 6th birthday. ***

"Happy birthday, Tommy! And this is a birthday present for you!"

"I wonder what is it? Oh, it's a Pokemon Book. Wow!"

"Thank you, Daddy. This is just what I wanted."

"Mum, Daddy gave me a Pokemon Book."

"It was good, Tommy. You have to be a good boy."

"Yes. Hey, mum, can I eat the cake?"

"Yes, but help me before that, Tommy."

***In Lisbon, school started today as the war was over.***

The bright voices of the children were back at elementary school.

"Mr. Lòpez, good morning!"

"Good morning, Theo. You look very happy, I wonder if something good happened?"

"Yeah, sir, Dad will be back, because the war was over."

"Well, Theo, your dad was working for the peace of mankind at the World Peace Organization."

"Mr. Lòpez, I will study a lot, and when I grow up, I'll make a world without war. I'll study a lot of my favorite math. Can I do it, Mr. Lòpez?"

"Theo, of course you can. You can do it of course, Theo."

However, at that time, four missiles launched from the Neo-Romagna military base were heading for their city, dodging interceptor missiles.

Two hours later, the four cities disappeared from the earth with four huge flashes, along with the people who lived there.

The happy talk of roman lovers, the tears of Marseille's mother who was sending her daughter off, Malta’s parents’ tender glances with which they look at their son, and the future dreams of a boy waiting for his father in Lisbon, all of them turned into nothing with the four flashes of the "quantum-structured bomb."

(continued to Episode 4)

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