Episode 2. Time Sniper

There was nothing outside the subspace exit. There was literally nothing. The city of Lisbon had disappeared without a trace.

Maxam took out his cell phone, which he had previously turned off, from his pocket and turned it on. Messages were repeating.

"I repeat. Four cities were destroyed by quantum bombs. Four cities, Rome, Marseille, Malta, and Lisbon, were destroyed by bombs launched by Neo-Romagna, a newly emerging country in Eastern Europe... That country was defeated by the Allied forces. President Mimler gave orders before committing suicide...”

Maxam's mind went blank.

‘Is this a dream? Why on earth has he done this? For what?

‘Mimler was a scoundrel, but I thought he was a smarter man.

‘I didn't think he was this stupid. What's the point of doing something like this?’

He couldn't believe that Airia and Theo were no longer in this world.

It made him realize once again how important they had been to him.

And from then on he wandered around the forward base like a sleepwalker.

The only things that supported him were his anger and desire for revenge. All the anger was directed at Mimler.

‘Even if I died,’ thought Maxam,’ I won't be able to die until I will have killed Mimura, with my own hands.’

However, Mimler had already committed suicide, and you cannot kill a dead person.

Then, he remembered the “Time Sniper'' he had seen the other day.

Ten days later, Maxam was in the unmanned “Materials and Samples Exhibition Room” on the seventh basement floor of the Southern African forward base.

The sample was still there.

He pried open the lock on the sample case and took out the "Time Sniper" sample on display.

They said that the aim adjustment function was not yet perfect, but he couldn’t wait for it to be perfect.

It looked like an ordinary notebook computer, except for the scary bullet loader stuck in the USB port.

A major feature of this device is its ability to shoot a past target. Until then it had been just an idea, but it was made possible for the first time by Dr. Galois' “New Mathematical Theory”.

First place, specify the target's spatial coordinates (latitude, longitude, and altitude) in the spatial aim (where) on the sniper's screen, and the target's human calendar time (year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) in the time aim (when).

Then load bullets into the external bullet loader.

Lastly, when you link the sniper to the time server and press the "Run" key, a bullet will be shot at the past target, appearing at the specified location at the specified time and explode.

In order to go back through time, the bullet must be an implosion bullet that contracts inward, rather than an explosive bullet that expands outward.

To put it intuitively, you can imagine an implosion in which a super-micro black hole suddenly appears at the target space-time point, sucking in all matter that exists within several meters from the point.

What you should be careful about here is to confirm in advance through newspaper articles, etc. that “the target of the sniper was indeed present at the specified time and place.”

In addition, when you pull the trigger in "here and now" mode, where you specify ‘Here’ for the spatial aim (where) and ‘Now’ for the time aim (when), the time sniper itself explodes on the spot in “here and now” mode.

June 5, 1930, Neo-Romagna, President's Office.

This was the year that Mimler conquered Europe as President of Neo-Romagna. On this day, an interview with five major European and American media companies was held in the president's office for an hour starting at 6:00 pm, and the interview was broadcast live to the world.

In this interview, Mimler said, ‘This was a struggle to realize world peace. From now on, the whole world will unite under Neo-Romagna, and we will build a world without poverty and war, which is the country's national policy.’

It was the first time that he announced his vision to the world on television and it was widely covered in newspapers around the world. Lisboa, Portugal's main newspaper, also reported that the interview was held in front of a television camera in the president's office starting at 6 p.m.

Let's make this place and time the target of Mimler's sniping. Maxam set the time sniper's sights on ‘June 5, 1930, 6:30 p.m., Neo-Romagna President's Office, President's Desk.'

He made sure there was a bullet in the bullet loader, looked at the Lisboa newspaper article again, and clicked the fire button.

The bullet was flying towards the past. You don't know how long it will take for the bullet to arrive at the past, but the fact that the cancel button was blinking meant that it had not arrived yet.

While waiting for the bullet to land, Maxam glanced again at the article on the newspaper, Lisboa, without looking at it.

That's when he noticed a familiar name at the by-line of the article. ‘Airy’ was the pen name that Airia used to sign when writing byline articles.

‘So, was this article written by Airia? Was she present for this Mimler interview on June 5, 1930 ? Was Airia there at that time?

Why ? Now that I think about it, back then Airia was infiltrating groups of political reporters and gathering information near Mimler.’

Suddenly Maxam realized another fact and panicked.

‘At that time, Theo was in her womb.’

‘It's too bad, Airia and Theo are in danger!’

Maxam hit the cancel button. The flashing stopped. It seemed like the blinking had stopped before he tapped it.

‘Did it explode at 6:30 p.m. on June 5, 1930, when Theo and Airia were in the Mimler's Office?’

‘I killed Theo and Airia, having made them die twice.’

Maxam felt his power drain from his body. He had lost the will to live.

He put the Time Sniper in "Here & Now" mode and pulled the trigger, in self-destruct mode.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound and the door to the room opened.

"Raise your hands!" came a stern male voice.

A man approached Maxam.

“Meddling in history privately is an illegal act that is equivalent to 20 years of exile.”

A woman's voice followed. "It was so if the Time Sniper had worked. But, the gun didn’t function.

I understand how you feel, but you shouldn’t do it. Don’t self-destruct."

Their voices sounded familiar to Maxam.

The man said.

"This Mimler problem should be investigated from a historical viewpoint basis.

So, please leave it and let us, the History Patrol, do our job, Leader.”

said Nolon.

18:30, May 7, 1940 (the day before the surrender of Neo-Romagna)

Neo-Romagna President's Office

At that time, Mimler was having a meeting with the military advisor on a sofa in the back of the room. Two SS soldiers stood guard in the center of the room and near the entrance.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound and the glasses in the room shattered.

The room was instantly covered with a pure white mist, and all the pieces rushed toward the desk in the room center.

The SS guard who was standing guard in the center of the room was blown back and knocked unconscious on the table from the debris.

The military advisor's right hand was blown off from the elbow by flying glass shards.

Mimler's limbs and part of his face were injured and he bled, but since he was in the back of the room, the force of the glass splinters had weakened, and first aid was given immediately, so his injuries were minor.

Maxam's sniping attempt had been successful, but in a different year.

The Neo-Romagna General Staff reacted immediately. They thought this sniping was a surprise attack by the Allied forces.

However, they don't know where the attack came from. It was necessary to transport the Führer to a safe location as soon as possible. urgently and secretly.

Fortunately, there is a new moon tonight. We will take advantage of this darkness and move to a secret base tonight. And retaliate as quickly as possible. A painful retribution. Fierce retribution that no one has ever seen before.

(continued to Episode 3)

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