Madoka Akishima EP3 Why?

Iwamisita Rituko.

I learned of her existence when I started dating Mayumi.

We were both enrolled in the same medical school, but I had no idea about Rituko, to say the least.

Maybe before I knew her, I attended the same lectures as Rituko, and sometimes we were in the same practical team, right next to each other. But I had no contact with Rituko.

Did I meet Rituko for the first time? No, I recognized her when I started dating Mayumi, about three months later.

When I was invited to her house for the first time, there was a woman who looked familiar in that house.

At first, Rituko's impression of me was...


We passed each other in the hallway of her house, nodded lightly and just walked by.

That's how it felt, looking back.

Well, they were sisters who were a little apart in age, and besides, the guy who was dating her sister was in the same university, the same department as me. Maybe that's why Rituko's existence was nothing to me at first.

I didn't care much about Rituko either, even when I was in school.

To Rituko, I was just a guy who was dating her sister, and had nothing to do with Rituko herself.

Mayumi often contacted me through Rituko, who had nothing to do with me.

Mayumi could have told me directly, but she deliberately put Rituko in between us, as if she was a message board for me and Mayumi.

And as for Rituko herself, she didn't care or anything, and she just did the role of a message board for me and Mayumi with a blank expression.

Looking back, why did Mayumi bother to use Rituko to tell me what she wanted?

Well, there's no end to thinking about such things deeply, but maybe Mayumi wanted to keep it a secret from other students that she was dating me when she was in school.

If they saw us texting or calling carelessly, they would be suspicious of us, and the topic would spread in an instant.

After all, Mayumi's existence was special in the medical school.

She was the only genius girl in the school, with that beauty. And that smile without any worries.

No matter how you look at it, she wouldn't be left alone or ignored... No, the number of men who wanted her was countless.

Mayumi and Rituko, these sisters, were not particularly close, but they were not in a bad situation either.

As a sister, Mayumi cared about Rituko. She always advised Rituko on her actions and lectures.

Most of all, I did that much more than Rituko.

After all, I was neither outstanding nor sinking in terms of grades in school. I maintained a mediocre state.

I was able to talk to Rituko naturally without making any weird walls between us. It was after Mayumi graduated with a medical degree.

Three days after Professor Jyoumi advised me to meet Madoka Akishima. I got a call from her on my cell phone.

"Long time no see. Is this Dr. Jyoumi?"

Was it three years since I heard her voice?

Her way of speaking was different from when she was in that special room. She sounded more mature and it threw off my image of her.

"It's been a long time. How are you feeling?"

Should I say smoothly? First of all, I started with a conversation to check her condition.

Then, she changed from that slightly mature way of speaking to the Madoka Akishima of that time. She suddenly became Madoka-chan again.

"Hey, are you still worried about me? Me. You were there for my surgery and you saw everything through. That's not what you'd expect from Dr. Tanabe."

"Hey hey, you're still the same. You went back to your old self right away."

"Oh come on. You know my true self better than anyone else. You're the one who told me everything you didn't want your father to know. It's too late now."

I can only laugh.

"By the way Dr. Tanabe. I think you've already heard from Uncle Jyoumi but this time I'm going to do an internship at Jyoukanetu Medical University where you are..."

"Yeah I heard. You're already a fourth year student huh. Time flies."

"Yeah yeah. For me it was like a blink of an eye. And I'm still a fourth year student huh? I have two more years to go and I'm itching to get my medical license. The time I look back on is fast but the time I'm heading for feels so long."

What's done is done. The time that has passed is nothing but a passing point for her. That's why she doesn't look back on the time she spent.

She, Madoka Akishima, has a goal that she has devoted her life to.

A job that revives the flame of life that once faded, or rather, disappeared for her. She wants to lead as many people as possible to a new light, a force to live, from that emotion that only those who faced death can feel.

Madoka Akishima understood the preciousness of her life with her own body.

She decided to become a doctor with that feeling as her nourishment.

Seeking a new light for those who have a Broken Heart《a broken or collapsed heart》...

She taught me one thing.

That is...

What you see beyond when you accept death.

Death is not the goal...

"So, so Dr. Tanabe. The reason I called today was to ask about your and Dr. Iwamisita's schedule."

"Oh yeah, I was told by Professor Jyoumi to meet with Rituko once."

"Yeah yeah that. So I wanted to match my schedule with yours and I wanted to ask you."

"But why do I have to be with Rituko? You didn't know Rituko, did you?"

"Hehehe. You're the only one who doesn't know."

She said that with a meaningful smile and when she said something like that, there was always something behind it.

But I didn't dare to ask about it at this moment. If I did, I would surely get hurt? No, it was a defense strategy that I learned from dealing with her.

"Rituko and I are on duty tonight. Well... I think it'll be fine the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow huh. Got it. I'll email you the place and time later."

"Okay, got it."

"Oh and just to make sure, make sure you bring Dr. Iwamisita too. If it's just Dr. Tanabe, it won't mean anything."

"Huh? Hey, Madoka-chan..."

When I couldn't stand it and tried to ask why she was so obsessed with Rituko.

"See you later..."

She hung up the phone one-sidedly.

I was stunned, but because it was her, I knew that's how it was. On the contrary, I felt her energy coming through and I was somehow relieved.

I went to ask Rituko about the day after tomorrow right away.

"The day after tomorrow? I think it should be fine. It's rare for you to ask me about my schedule."

She looked puzzled but

"Actually, there's a patient from the hospital I used to work at..."

As soon as I said that, Ritsuko opened her eyes wide.

"Could it be Madoka-chan?"

"Huh? How do you know that?"

I looked at Ritsuko's face, who smiled a little.

"Haah..." I sighed.

They're definitely up to something. Madoka-chan and Rituko, and the origin of this whole thing is Professor Jyoumi?

Something is happening around me, without me knowing.

And I have no choice but to go along with it, while being a little annoyed, I'm looking forward to seeing Madoka Akishima again.


"Dr. Tanabe, what are we going to play today?"

On the bed of the special room of a certain municipal hospital where I work part-time, a girl who always waits for me to open the door.

Madoka Akishima.

She is a patient with tricuspid valve insufficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy.

Her body has scars from several surgeries. A scar running across her chest, and marks from catheter ablation that seemed to have been done several times from her thigh.

She has crossed the line of death many times, and now she is barely keeping her flame of life alive.

Knowing that her life will disappear in a little while...


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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