Madoka Akisima EP2 What is a promise?

Madoka Akishima . Was meeting her a misfortune or a fate for me at that time?

"Hey, what's wrong, Tanabe-kun?"

Rituko tapped my shoulder from behind and said.

"No, nothing. I was just remembering the hospital I used to work at."

"The hospital you used to work at?"

"Yeah, there was a hospital I was indebted to for a while before I came here to Jyoukanetu. I was remembering the patient I met there."

"Hmm, you must have had a lot of feelings for that patient."

"Well, yeah."

"Then you have to tell me all about it later."


Rituko said with a somewhat meaningful expression. And then.

"Professor Jyoumi said so. Dr. Tanabe's technique is becoming like your sister's."

"Is that so......"

I didn't see her expression at that time.

Her voice was hoarse with tears......

That day, I remembered that I was called by Professor Jyoumi and went to his office.

"Excuse me, this is Tanabe."

"Please come in."

Professor Jyoumi greeted me with a smile.

"Today's operation was wonderful."

That was the first thing he said.

"Thank you very much. But I still have a lot to learn."

He sat down on the sofa and urged me to sit down as well.

"No, I talked to Dr. Iwamisita a little in the operating room, but when I saw your technique, I remembered Mayumi-kun. The way you handled your hands without hesitation and the spirit of moving forward were like Mayumi-kun had taken over you."

"That's not true. I'm still not even close to her. I think it's only when I surpass Iwamisita Mayumi, the doctor and surgeon, that I can do my job as a surgeon for life."

I always think so.

I can never surpass Iwamisita Mayumi, the surgeon, in my life. No, if I can surpass Mayumi, I think it will be the moment when I feel it when I dedicate this life and end it, a moment of time. And then, I think I can finally go back to Mayumi and spend eternity with her.

Until then, I have to walk with the notebook that Mayumi left for me.

As he watched me, Professor Tsunemi cleared his throat and said

"By the way, Dr. Tanabe, do you still remember Madoka Akishima?"

Madoka Akishima...... Do you remember? The mere question of that is deeply engraved in my mind.

"Professor, did something happen to Madoka-chan...I mean, her,Madoka Akishima ?"

Suddenly, the nostalgic name made me worry that something serious had happened to her.

"Dr. Tanabe, don't worry so much. Madoka Akishima-san is fine. You were there for her operation and saw her progress. If you think about it, you should understand better than anyone else that she is fine now."

Professor Jyoumi spoke slowly as if to persuade me.

When I was in the north at that time, he handed me Mayumi's notebook in front of me, just like he did then. He returned it to me with slow and solid words.

"That's true, but since it's her, you know. I was worried that she might have done something reckless again..."

"Well, that might not be unreasonable. I heard a lot from Matsumura-kun too. It was a good source of our sake."

He gave a casual laugh. It seemed like he had something good today.

"Well, today I called Dr. Tanabe because there was a little report."

He was unusually pompous.

"What was it? I can guess something related to Akishima Madoka-san."

"Well, you don't have to rush so much. You've been transferred here for over four years now. During that time she also worked really hard. She's already in her fourth year of medical school. It's all thanks to Dr. Tanabe who gave her strength. Matsumura and I are really grateful."

"Is that so? Madoka-chan is already in her fourth year? Time flies."

"Yes, and what it is is that she will also come to this hospital for practical training lectures from now on. Even if she doesn't have direct contact with the teachers, she is looking forward to it very much. To see Dr. Tanabe."

"Huh? To this Jyoukanetu?"

"Yes, that's right. She's very talented and will become a doctor full of vitality like Mayumi-kun and Rituko-kun."

"Is that so? Is that why you called me today?"

"Well, that's part of it, but there's another report or rather. This is just my monologue though. Just listen to it as an old man with a big head complaining."


The main point is from now on...

Professor Jyoumi stood up and went to the window, opened it a little, took a cigarette out of his white coat pocket, put it in his mouth and lit it.

Just like that time...

"Iwamisita Ritsuko, Iwamisita Mayumi's sister, who specialized in neurosurgery at a university hospital in America. I deliberately called her back to this Jyoukanetu. There was a little reason for that."

He finished smoking and closed the window, turned to me and sat down in his seat.

"Actually, I made a promise with Mayumi-kun."

A promise with Mayumi?

With Professor Tsunemi?

"What is a promise? What is it?"

Professor Jyoumi said, breaking his face a little.

"I can't tell you yet. But I felt today when I saw Dr. Tanabe's operation that it was time to fulfill my promise with her. I thought you had surpassed my technique when I was your age. You might think that's not true. But in fact you have already made the notebook that Mayumi-kun left for you your own. That's equivalent to covering all the experiences I've had. You're already a full-fledged surgeon, moving forward. But there's one big weakness in you."

A big weakness...

What is it? Am I becoming too arrogant lately?

...That might be true.

But in this job, that arrogance is a cane. Too much arrogance is harmful, but arrogance to guide oneself is necessary in this world. I've started to feel that lately.

If you say that, Professor Jyoumi's arrogance is incomparable...

He said.

"Yes, your weakness. Mayumi-kun was most worried about it and loved your weakness the most.

And I want to bring back that smile to Dr. Tanabe.... That was Mayumi-kun's wish. When she knew she had a diseased body, she thought of you and made that notebook and Mayumi-kun herself in front of you.... When she couldn't spend time with you anymore, she must have thought of it."

"Wait a minute, professor. I don't understand what's going on. What do you want to do?"

"It's a good opportunity for Madoka Akishima-san to come to this hospital for practical training, so I want you to meet her with Dr. Iwamisita Rituko."

"Huh, but why with Dr. Iwamisita Rituko?"

"That's also a request from Madoka Akishima-san."

"Huh, a request from Madoka-chan?"

I'm getting more and more confused about what Professor Jyoumi wants to do.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

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