Madoka Akishima EP1 In the closed hospital room.

Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)

The heart is an organ that plays an important role in the human body.

No, there is no organ in the human body that is unnecessary or unwanted.

Everything has its role and meaning. It is necessary to form the time of life.

Among them, the heart is an organ that sends blood to the body. It acts as a pump.

The structure is very simple.

No, simple is not the right expression.

The structure is simple, but that simple structure is a complete function and form in the human body.

It consists of four basic rooms.

Blood flowing from the whole body passes through the veins and enters the right atrium and is sent to the left ventricle.

The valve at the boundary between the right atrium and the left ventricle is called the tricuspid valve.

And blood goes through the pulmonary artery and is sent to the lungs.

Then, blood is returned to the heart from the pulmonary vein.

The returned blood enters the left ventricle and circulates to the whole body through the aorta from the left atrium.

The valve between the left ventricle and the left atrium is called the mitral valve. These valves prevent blood from flowing back and circulate blood with the contraction of the heart.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is mainly seen in the myocardium of the left atrium.

The cause is a symptom caused by myocardial hypertrophy due to some factor and reduced contractility due to myocardial stretching.

Tricuspid valve insufficiency

The tricuspid valve is a valve at the boundary between the right atrium and the right ventricle. If this valve does not close normally, blood in the right atrium and right ventricle flows back and cannot send enough blood to the lungs.

If it is mild, it will be followed up with observation, but if this reflux is severe, surgery such as valve repair or conversion to artificial valve must be performed.

Madoka Akishima was born with an abnormality in this tricuspid valve.

Her symptoms worsened when she was in her first year of junior high school.

Arrhythmia appeared as a severe waveform during a regular checkup. At that point, her heart had already exceeded its limit.

The burdened heart developed dilated cardiomyopathy while still having tricuspid valve insufficiency.

Since then, she, Madoka Akishima, never left this hospital. No, she never left this hospital room.

When I first saw her.

I suddenly remembered my mother's appearance when she was spending time in the hospital bed.

The face that welcomed death.

That's what I felt when I saw her. My mother had the same face.

I'm already beyond saving. I'm just waiting for death....

She understood that and accepted it herself.

Madoka Akishima hit me with such an impression.

"You finally came."

She said while looking at me with her clear and unwavering eyes.


"Dr. Tanabe, you've been here for three weeks already. Well, you're not my doctor, so you don't have to come to this room. But I was wondering if you'd open that door and peek in."

"Peek in...? No, no, I don't... I mean, I don't do that..."

I wanted to say I didn't, but the truth was that I didn't have time to pay attention until Sasaki-san told me. But maybe I should have paid more attention.


"I knew it. Dr. Tanabe is fun to tease."

"Madoka-chan, stop it already."

Dr. Miura, who was with her, scolded her a little.


A sigh-like reply.

But her eyes still reflected my figure.

"From now on, Dr. Tanabe will also be in charge of Madoka-chan, so please listen to what Dr. Tanabe says."

Dr. Miura introduced me to Madoka Akishima.

But she didn't nod or say anything, just stared at me silently.

"I look forward to working with you."

I said that to her and tried to leave the room.

"Hey, Dr. Tanabe."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Are you married?"

"No, I'm single."

"I see. Do you have a girlfriend?"


Dr. Miura next to me looked a little puzzled.

"My girlfriend......died. In an accident......"

"......I see."

She whispered softly.

"I'm sorry for asking you something weird. I felt like you were kind of like me..."

"No, it's okay. It's true......"

Dr. Miura heard this conversation and felt bad. He said "I'll come back later." and opened the door of this special room. I followed him out.

In the hallway, Dr. Miura said.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Tanabe. I heard about your story, and I made you remember something painful."

"No, I'm fine."

It was true that I felt something heavy and piercing in my chest, but I answered lightly.

He returned to the medical office and sat on the sofa. He invited me to sit across from him.

And he quietly put a file on the table.

"This is Madoka Akishima's medical record."

He said quietly, lowering his eyes.

"May I take a look?"

"Yes, of course."

I opened the file and looked inside.

The thickness of the file was much thicker than that of a general patient.

The description of congenital tricuspid valve insufficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy...

"Is this...true?"

"Yes, it's true. Her heart is already at its limit. No, it's already beyond its limit."

The file had a record of three cardiac catheterization procedures.

"Why don't you get treatment at a better-equipped place in this condition?" I blurted out.

"You would feel that way right away if you were at a university hospital. But even if you were at a university hospital with the latest and best equipment, her condition wouldn't change. Now, the only way she can survive is"

"...Heart transplant."

Dr. Miura took a deep breath and said "That's the only way."

"Even so, wouldn't it be more reassuring to transfer to a university hospital than to stay in this hospital in the current situation?"

Dr. Miura let out a "hmm".

"Actually, she Madoka Akishima is my niece. And she is the real daughter of the hospital director Matsumura. Her surname is Akishima because she uses her mother's maiden name."

I thought I shouldn't go any further and shut my mouth.

"She knows about her condition."

"Yes, she does. And she wanted to stay in this hospital herself."

She knew her condition and accepted everything. She still wanted to stay in this hospital where her father was.

In other words, she carried everything herself and accepted her mission.

"Madoka's current position on the transplant network donor list is third. Even if there is a donor offer on the transplant network now, it doesn't mean that Madoka will get a heart right away. Besides..., even if she is lucky enough to get a heart, the transplant will be impossible if her condition is bad at that time. She has only a year left or not.... This is something that can't be helped even if there are excellent facilities and surgeons."

No matter how good the surgeon is.... It can't be helped.

I remembered Mayumi's condition when she was transported. And the sensation of stone reflex from her heart.

That sensation is still engraved in this hand.

"I felt like you were kind of like me..."

The words Madoka Akishima said in the hospital room.

And what I felt when I saw her "The expression my mother had when she was in the hospital room."

Suddenly, a bad feeling passed through my body like a breeze.

......It passed through.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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