Part-time Doctor EP2 Madoka Akishima

The hospital always has many patients coming in.

Their symptoms are different for each one.

Every day, I interact with many patients and treat them. But there are also some patients that I don't want to see.

Still, I can't choose my patients.

But the patients can choose their doctors.

Is it because they have good communication with their doctors?

Or is it because they are famous and authoritative doctors?

I'm still a novice and I don't have the right to choose my patients. And I'm never requested by any patient.

Three days ago, Ms. Sasaki came back to the hospital. He had a discolored and swollen area on his right calf.

Ms. Sasaki also had diabetes and he visited this hospital every two months or so.

But since he fractured his left femur, he came here once a week to get painkillers.

His medical record had the same painkiller name written over and over.

And Dr. Miura, who is also an internist, had him take a blood test just in case. The results came in.

I looked at the data.

The last blood test was about two months ago. I compared the data with the current one.

His hemoglobin level was higher than before. And his creatinine level was also high. He had kidney dysfunction.

And along with the inflammation on his right calf, his white blood cell count was also high.

I consulted Dr. Miura about this data.

First, I took a breath...

"Excuse me, could you please call Ms. Sasaki?"

I asked the nurse calmly.

She glanced at my face and went out to call Ms. Sasaki.

"Good morning, Ms. Sasaki."

I greeted him as gently as possible.

"Oh, good morning young doctor."

Ms. Sasaki's expression seemed much more relaxed than before.

Now, how should I break it to him...

"How is your right knee feeling? You mentioned it last time."

I deliberately didn't say calf.

"Well, it feels like the swelling has increased a bit since then."

I laid Ms. Sasaki on the examination table and palpated his calf.

Indeed, his calf was slightly more swollen than before.

"You can get up now." I said and made him sit on a chair.

Then I looked at his medical record.

"Ms. Sasaki, the blood test results from Dr. Miura came in. Your diabetes level has gone up from before."

Ms. Sasaki flinched a bit and muttered "I knew it..."

"I haven't been feeling well lately." He said with a dejected tone.

"And Ms. Sasaki. The swelling on your right calf might be due to a complication of diabetes."


"But don't worry, it's not very severe right now. If you focus on treatment from now on, it will improve."

"Is that so... Do I need to be hospitalized or something?"

He asked anxiously.

"If possible... We need to do some more tests and also give you some dietary guidance. And we'll also treat your right calf with antibiotics."

"I see..."

Ms. Sasaki didn't have the same attitude as before, whether it was arrogance or selfishness.

He seemed more subdued.

"Hey, doctor. You were at a university hospital until recently, right?"

"Yes, I was. Why?"

"No, nothing. You don't look like you're in training, and I'm glad I got to see a doctor from a university hospital here. The doctors here are not bad, but going to a university hospital makes me nervous, you know? I didn't like that. But you seem easy to talk to."

He said that and agreed to be hospitalized.

"Okay then, the nurse will explain the admission process to you. I think you need some preparation too, so could you please wait a little longer?"

Then Ms. Sasaki went to the waiting room with the nurse.

When she came back, she said to me.

"Dr. Tanabe, you're different from usual today."

I felt a bit teased, but she didn't seem to mean any harm.

Finally, the outpatient clinic was over and I finished sorting out the medical records. I went to Ms. Sasaki's room to check on him.

He waved at me when he saw my face.

He already had the ordered intravenous drip of antibiotics and other drugs. He was reading a book on his bed.

"How are you feeling? Do you have any discomfort or pain?"

I asked casually.


He laughed in one word.

"But you know, Dr. Miura came earlier and told me something. He said it was good that we found out the cause of my leg swelling soon. He said if we left it like that, they might have had to amputate it. He said you found it out, Dr. Tanabe. You're amazing for being so young. There's something about being a doctor from a university hospital."

"That's not true. But I'm glad you're doing well. Let's work hard to get better soon."

I felt a different connection with the patient than before.

And Ms. Sasaki's calf condition. It was also written in the notebook that Mayumi left for me.

Surgical estimation in diabetes treatment.

The notebook that Mayumi left for me was more practical, easy to understand, and versatile than any medical textbook. It was considerate for me to apply it.

I was only saved by the notebook that Mayumi left for me.

"By the way, Dr. Tanabe."

"What is it, Ms. Sasaki?"

"Look, the girl in the room across from here, Madoka-chan, is still hospitalized."

The room across from here?

It was a special room with a private room. I heard that a girl around high school age was hospitalized there. But I hadn't met or talked to her yet.

I think Dr. Miura was her doctor...

"I'm sorry, I just came to this hospital recently and I don't know everything yet."

"I see, she's been hospitalized for a long time, so I wonder if she's very sick. I heard she has a bad heart..."

I just replied "Is that so..." at that time.

But I was also curious about that room.

I hadn't seen that door open since I came to this hospital.

I didn't know anything about the girl who was hospitalized there either.

I wasn't deliberately looking for her medical record, but I hadn't seen the patient's record in that special room yet.

I thought there must be some reason for being in a special room in this hospital.

But a few days later, I would be dragged around by the girl in that special room.

"Dr. Tanabe!"

Dr. Miura called me unusually. I didn't talk to him much usually, but he called me at the medical office that evening.

"Dr. Tanabe, how are you? You've gotten used to this hospital, haven't you?"

He had a slightly older face and I always felt a sense of authority or pressure from him that was different from the professors at the university hospital.

I felt nervous talking to him face to face.

"Thanks to you, I'm managing somehow."

He laughed "Hahaha, that's good enough." He seemed different from usual.

"Do you have any plans for later today?"

"No, nothing special... Why?"

"Then let's go for a drink."


I was surprised. Dr. Miura invited me for a drink...

I had no reason to refuse rudely. Besides, I couldn't refuse an invitation from Dr. Miura.

"Sure, I'd love to." I accepted.

We went to a yakitori place that Dr. Miura frequented.

It was an old shop that had been in this area for a long time. The pillars of the shop had traces of its history. The smoke from the charcoal fire had seeped in over time and gave it a glossy black shine.

"Dr. Tanabe, today is my treat, so please order whatever you like."

Did he have something good happen today? Or did he have some change of heart? Or maybe he had some terrible news for me and he would tell me here. I felt nervous as we toasted with the beer he served first.

"Dr. Tanabe, I heard from the nurse. You did well with Mr. Sasaki who came today."

"Oh, thank you." I didn't think I did anything special, but I thanked him anyway.

Dr. Miura bit into a chicken thigh.

"By the way, Dr. Tanabe, do you know anything about the patient in the special room?"

He suddenly brought it up.

Where did he notice that I was interested in the patient in the special room?

I played it safe and said "No, I don't know anything."

"I see, well, you know what? Mr. Sasaki told me today. He said I should tell you more about the hospital."

Dr. Miura smiled wryly.

"Actually, I've been having trouble with Ms. Sasaki too. He always had a lot of complaints every time he came. But today he changed completely. I was surprised. Maybe it's because of your popularity, Dr. Tanabe."

"I don't think so."

"Well, that aside, the main point is this."

I held the mug in my hand and gulped down the beer.

"There's a 16-year-old girl in the special room. Well, I guess you could call her a girl of age. I'm in charge of her, but she doesn't listen to what I say and I've been having trouble lately. So I talked to the hospital director. He suggested that you be my assistant. He thought that maybe you could get closer to her since you're still young."

"Huh, young? I'm already over 30..."

"If you say that, you're much younger than me."

And then Dr. Miura said in a serious tone.

"She, Madoka Akishima, has dilated cardiomyopathy caused by tricuspid valve insufficiency."

Tricuspid valve insufficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy!

Her chances of survival are... very low.

And she needs a heart transplant.

She's on the waiting list for a donor.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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