Part-time Doctor EP1 Back to Resident!

"Hey, it hurts a little! Hurry up and do something!!"

"First, we need to take an X-ray."

"I don't care about that, just give me the usual painkiller. It works, you know."

"......Well, please go and take an X-ray first. Sasaki-san, you haven't taken an X-ray for a month, have you? We can't do anything without seeing your current condition."

"Tsk. You're useless, doctor."

Sasaki-san reluctantly headed to the X-ray room.

The next patient too. ......It was a patient.

", what did you say? You're young, doctor. And......, Hana-chan (dog) next door bit me. Look here......"

I looked at the part. There was no wound or anything.

"Did you really get bitten?"

"Well, like this......she licked me with her tongue."

"So, you weren't bitten by a dog, but licked by one."

"Yes, yes, and doctor. Where do you live?"

"It's a bit far from here."

"Oh, really? Single? If you're not married yet, I have a good person for you! I'll bring a photo next time, won't you take a look?"

"Hahaha......" I scratched my head.

"I'm sorry. I'm not interested in marriage......"

"Oh, really? Just a little bit, I'll bring a photo next time......"

I interrupted the conversation.

"Yamada-san, I'll prescribe you the usual medicine."

I said that and dodged Yamada-san's attack.


"Doctor Tanabe, if you give up at this point, you won't make it here."

The patients who come here are really selfish!

They only say what they want.

The patients who came to Jyoukanetu, which is also an affiliated hospital of the university hospital, listened to what the doctor said. But the patients who come here are really suspicious of whether they are sick or not. Most of them are like that.

What is this hospital? A gossip session? No, most of them come to the hospital just to have someone listen to their complaints.

While doing that, the X-ray of Sasaki-san who I saw earlier was sent.

I inserted the X-ray into the Shawcasten (medical X-ray viewer) and observed it.

Sasaki-san had fractured his left leg in a fall accident three months ago.

Since then, he has been coming to the hospital to get painkillers when they run out.

When was the last time I saw an X-ray film inserted into a Shawcasten like this?

Oh, yes......I think I used it in the practical lecture at medical school.

It's all digital images at the university hospital now, so it's kind of nostalgic. That's right, when I was a kid, the first thing that caught my eye when I entered the examination room was that white panel.

Either way, I feel nostalgic.

Is it arrogance that I feel like I'm a doctor?

She had fractured his left femur, but his previous medical record said that his opposite knee joint also hurt.

Just in case today, I had him take an X-ray of both his left thigh where he had fractured before and his right knee joint where he said it hurt last time.

This hospital has not yet introduced electronic medical records.

The details of his symptoms were written in the old-fashioned handwritten medical record file.

And it was either a long text or a comment like "no abnormality". The format was not unified and varied.

It would be a lot of work to go through what was written in this medical record from the beginning.

I wondered how they did it.

There was nothing wrong with Sasaki-san's X-ray image.

The place where he had fractured before was already healed. And there was no abnormality in the knee joint where he said it hurt.

"I'm sorry, Sasaki-san." I asked the nurse to let him into the examination room.

"Sasaki-san, I looked at your X-ray and there's nothing wrong with it. You said your right knee hurt too, so I took an X-ray of that too but there's nothing wrong with it."

"But it really hurts! So just give me the medicine, please hurry up!!"

He snapped! Maybe he was annoyed by what this young new doctor said.

"I'm sorry, can you show me your right knee for a moment?"

I laid Sasaki-san on the examination table and touched his right knee.

"Is this where it hurts?"

His response was a little awkward.

I felt a little uncomfortable with that. And his upper calf was slightly discolored and swollen.

To the senior doctor who was examining next door behind the curtain.

"Excuse me for being busy. Miura-sensei."

I caught him when he had a break from his patients and called out to him.

"Hmm? What's up Tanabe-sensei?" He replied with a puzzled look.

"Well, I'm examining this patient right now and there's something that bothers me."

Doctor Miura is an internist. I wondered if Sasaki-san had some kind of visceral disease related to him and asked him for advice.

"Let me see," he said and entered my examination area.

"Oh, Sasaki-san. How are you feeling?"

He said her name as soon as he saw her, the patient.

Maybe it's because it's a community-based hospital? The conversation started like they were familiar with each other.

"I was unlucky today. It wasn't Doctor Miura. This doctor doesn't listen to what I say."

She said with a bit of anger, throwing it at Miura-sensei.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry about that. He, Doctor Tanabe, is still new here and seems to have caused you some inconvenience."

Doctor Miura said with a smile. Unlike the university hospital, the doctors here can't stand above the patients.

"So, Tanabe-sensei, what do you think?"

Doctor Miura asked.

"This part."

He showed him the discolored and swollen part on Sasaki-san's upper calf.

Doctor Miura palpated it and asked Sasaki-san the same things I did, such as whether it hurt or not.

Sasaki-san said something different from before.

"Hmm, rather than hurting, what is it, a tingling feeling? I don't have much sensation though."

Hmm......I felt like he was wary of me or something, like he looked down on me.

"Did you hit this part somewhere?"

"Hmm, yeah, yeah, I was riding a bicycle the other day and I fell a little."

"You rode a bike with a sore knee. That's not good, it's dangerous."

"I'm sorry. I was in a hurry."

"Hmm, it looks like it's infected. I'll give you antibiotics and your usual medicine. And can you have a blood test just in case at the end? It'll take about three days for the results to come out, so I'll give you three days' worth of medicine."

"Eh, blood test now?"

"Just in case." Doctor Miura said with a smile.

Sasaki-san obeyed Doctor Miura words obediently, unlike when he was with me.

After Sasaki-san left the examination room.

" Doctor Tanabe, this place is different from the university hospital you were at. The patients who come here trust the doctors. And that trust is based on the communication they have with the patients. The patients say directly what they feel: pain, suffering, their condition. You have to make many guesses from those symptoms, do tests discreetly and identify the pathology. The university hospital uses the latest medical equipment and clinical data to diagnose diseases, but this place is not like that. And you can't just look at one department. You have to look broadly, narrowly and finely."

Doctor Miura said as if to teach me something.

But his expression was calm like that of Matsumura-sensei, the director of this hospital.

And he added.

"But Doctor Tanabe you noticed well. Diabetic complications. I can't say anything until the test results come out, but I think he'll need to be hospitalized next time. Well, please tell him that next time he comes."

He said that and patted my shoulder and went back to his examination room.

In this hospital, I am treated as a part-time doctor. There was no night shift.

When the time came, I was urged to go home as if I was being kicked out.

Instead, when I was on duty, I had to deal with outpatient examinations, medical record management and miscellaneous tasks that came in like a tsunami.

The two years of initial training were still easy compared to now.

When I got home, I lay down on my bed and thought about what Doctor Miura had said to me today.

Different from the university hospital.

Communication with patients.


What is it? It feels completely different from before.

Until now, the patients and the system moved smoothly.

Like a regular rhythm. And when the time came, they automatically shifted to the next stage.

It felt like being in a computer programmed.

But that hospital is different.

They can observe the patients' complaints in detail and instantly. And is that communication skill with the patients the foundation?

If I compare the university hospital to digital, that hospital is too analogical.

Should I call it a medical institution in another world? No, maybe that hospital itself is special.

And I will never forget.

The patients I will meet at that hospital.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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