Broken Heart EP1

 It seems that organizations need to keep in step, or else they can't maintain control.

 Those who break the pace and step forward are immediately targeted and crushed.

 In this heterogeneous system of university hospital, the word faction reveals the structure.

 On the other hand, it's not only the university hospital where this kind of thing happens.

 Politics, big corporations, and even bullying in elementary schools are similar to this. That's what I think.

 I don't want to throw myself into this flock of factions, always watching my boss's face, and securing my position.

 But I don't want to make any conspicuous moves from within the organization either.

 If I have an ambition to look down on the lower world from a high position in this world of university hospital, the way and action I take would be different.

 I am me... I have decided to face the patients at the scene as my belief, and work on it.

 First, a woman in her 50s was brought in.

 The patient was moved from the stretcher to the treatment table.

"One, two, three" With the cue, the patient was placed on the treatment table.

"I'll take the A-line"

 The monitor terminal was attached to the patient's chest.

"Vital signs, 90-70, heart rate 80,"

 The nurse called the patient's name from the information of the emergency team.

"Saito-san, Saito Keiko-san..."

 But there was no response.

"I'll cut your clothes, Saito-san" The scissors cut the clothes, and the patient's naked body was exposed.

 A chest echo was taken, but no clear findings were seen...

"Let's start with a CT scan of the head"

 Professor Tsuneo gave instructions and temporarily "Saito-san" was taken to the CT room.

 Then two young children, a boy and a girl, were brought in at the same time.

"Are you okay, Yuki-chan?"

 On the stretcher, the boy looked around anxiously, worrying about the other girl.

 There was an arrow stuck in her chest.


 The girl was unconscious.

 Even when the boy called out to her, she didn't respond.

 The boy was Takahashi Yuma-kun. And the girl was Maeda Yuki-chan.

"Yuma-kun, don't move your head too much!"

 The nurse warned Yuma-kun, who was worried about Yuki-chan.

Sasanisi of emergency said "Yuma-kun, you have an arrow stuck in your chest right now. Doesn't it hurt?"

 He seemed to feel nothing at all about the situation.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt at all. So hurry up and pull it out."

"No pain..." I muttered.

"The vital signs are stable now. Maybe..."

 Rituko said while treating the girl.

"I had a patient with a similar condition when I was in America. Although it was a steel pipe then!!"

"Didn't he feel pain because of adrenaline excitement?"

"I thought so at first, but we need to take a CT scan first..."

"OK, how about that side?"

 I asked Rituko about the girl's condition.

"She's calmed down somehow. But she needs surgery."

"I see..."

 Saito-san's CT image came in.

 Professor Tsuneo examined it carefully.

"As expected..." He muttered.

"It's a stroke. And it's extensive and deep. This is out of surgery indication."

 He handed me the terminal that showed the image.

 From looking at the data, I could clearly confirm that it was out of surgery indication.

"I'll do at least fracture treatment."

 I tried to treat her, but Ogata chief said something.

"Anyway, she won't regain consciousness. Temporary fixation is enough."


"There's no but. This patient will never regain consciousness again. That means she can't even get out of bed. Fortunately, it's a simple fracture. Fixation is enough."

 Still, I wanted to do what I could for this patient.

 But what he said wasn't entirely wrong. This patient would never wake up again...

 Saito-san was put on an artificial respirator and watched for a while in ICU.

 In fact, after that, her family's decision would be entrusted with her future.

 A call came from the CT room.

 Takahashi Yuma-kun lost consciousness suddenly.

 At the time of transport, Yuma-kun seemed to feel no pain at all.

 His vital signs were stable.

 Yuma-kun was immediately moved to the operating room. At the same time, blood tests were done.

 And anesthesia department prepared for general anesthesia.

 The preparation for Yuma-kun's emergency surgery was done quickly.

 At the same time, Yuma-kun's CT image came in.

 Professor Jyoumi looked at it.

"Why did this child feel no pain at all, even though he had such a wound?"

"I had a patient with a similar case before."

 Rituko said to Professor Jyoumi.

"What was that case? Iwamisita-kun"

"Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis"

 Rituko said the case in one word.

"Yes, it's a very rare case. Usually, the mortality rate is high in infancy. But there are some people who survive and grow up."

 Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. No pain.

 It seems enviable at first glance, but pain is an important sensation for living.

 Because we feel pain, we can detect and respond to abnormalities and changes. And because we don't feel pain, we can hurt our own bodies without feeling the importance or the mental inhibition caused by pain.

 In other words, we can't sense anything even if we get sick or injured.

 The arrow that stuck in Yuma-kun pierced the left lobe of the liver from the left chest, and involved the transverse colon.

 The liver has many blood vessels running through it. And it damaged part of the hepatic vein and bled.

"It looks like a very difficult surgery."

"Hmm, yes. Can I leave it to you, Tanabe-kun?"

 I hesitated for a moment when Professor Jyoumi said that, but I couldn't let this boy's life go.

"I understand. I'll do the surgery."

 I decided and accepted the challenge.

"I'll join as the first assistant." Rituko volunteered and offered herself.

"OK. And I'll also be there in case of unforeseen circumstances."

"Professor...!" I blurted out.

 Ogata chief said, hearing Professor Jyoumi's words.

"There's no need for Professor Jyoumi to enter the operating room. You can see the progress on the monitor. I can join if you want."

 He said suspiciously.

"Ogata chief, even if I'm a professor, I'm also a surgeon."

 He said, lightly touching Ogata chief's shoulder.

 Even at this time, this university hospital was full of maneuvering.

 When I was washing my hands, Professor Tsuneo said this.

"Iwamisita-kun, I feel very nostalgic. I used to do surgery with your sister a lot. And now I'm doing surgery with your sister. And Tanabe-kun must be relieved too."

"That's not true, Professor Jyoimi. I'm still a novice. I'm not as good as my sister. And Dr-Tanabe always has my Mayumi sister watching over him..."

"Watching over... I see." The professor muttered.

 I listened to their conversation silently.

 I put my hands through the surgical gown folded into a basic shape. The nurse next to me tied the back string tightly.

 I put on a mask, goggles and loupe.

 Then I opened the outer bag with gloves and released the sterile coat and put on the gloves. At this time, I made sure to cover the edge of the gloves over the cuff of the gown.

 I do this preparation every day, many times.

 At this time, my fight with myself has already begun.

 Surgery is not a fight with the patient. It's a fight with myself against the pathology that awaits.

 I cut off my weak self with my heart's scalpel at this time. I focus only on the fight that is now.

 Most of the surgeries in emergency are emergency surgeries. The patient's family has no room for feelings.

 When I did IC (informed consent) to Yuma-kun's parents, their agitation was undeniable.

 The mother's face turned pale, and her expression disappeared in an instant. Her consciousness was taken over by another world.

 Even in such a situation, IC had to be done.

 The pressure from the family that I received at that time was unbearable.

 When I entered the operating room, Yuma-kun was lying on the operating table as if nothing had happened.

 I, the surgeon, took my position.

"The vital signs are stable, 100-78 with sinus. The patient's condition is peculiar, but anesthesia is definitely working."

"I understand. Let's start."


The digital timer counts down...


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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