Broken Heart EP0

When people experience fear, they tend to let their feelings of fear take over and turn away from the truth behind it.

The fear they experienced dominates their hearts and makes them unable to move their bodies freely.

And people close their hearts.

No matter how skilled a surgeon is, they cannot stitch up the wounds of a broken heart.

The wounds in the heart...

What is needed to heal them...

"Is that so..."

Rituko muttered like a sigh.

"My sister didn't leave anything for me. But I guess, for Tanabe-kun, she was my sister. She tried to leave everything for you. She was really amazing, wasn't she?"

"Yeah... Now that I think about it, I was still just a kid. I took the meaning of loving someone lightly. And the preciousness of life as well..."

"The preciousness of life..." Rituko murmured.

"Is something wrong?"


Rituko looked away from me and took a sip of beer.

I saw Mayumi's face in her slightly reddish face, as if it was autumn.

They really are sisters. That expression was just like Mayumi's.

But... Now I can't chase after Mayumi's face in Rituko.

That would trample on the feelings that Mayumi gave me everything for me.

The clock's hand was already pointing to 1 a.m.

"Ah, it's already this late. What should I do, it's too much trouble to go back to the hotel. Hey, can you let me stay tonight?"

"Huh, well... I'm fine, but..."

"It's okay, isn't it? It's not the first time we've spent the night together."

"Well, that's true, but"

But that was always in Mayumi's room.

We waited for Mayumi to come back, and we both got ditched by her, or maybe that's too harsh.

"Sorry, I can't come back tonight"

And with one phone call, we were left hanging in her room.

We stayed there until morning.

But strangely enough, there was nothing between Rituko and me. ... There was no emotion or desire between us.

To me, Rituko was just Mayumi's sister, nothing more than that...

But I don't know how Rituko felt.

I suggested that she rest in bed.

"But it's not fair to take up the bed when you're letting me stay out of my selfishness. Isn't it weird for the homeowner to sleep on the sofa once in a while?"

Well, I think she was being modest.

But I forced her to go to my bed anyway.

"Geez... You haven't changed your stubbornness."

She said with annoyance, but I felt like I saw her smile for the first time in a long time.

Ritoko lay on the bed, and I sank into the sofa.

And then I remembered and asked Rituko.

"By the way, you said you wanted to ask me about Joukanetu."

She paused for a moment.

"No, it's okay today. I'll do it next time."

"I see. But don't you know more about the hospital than me? After all, your American university is supposed to be a sister school. You must have known everything about the hospital."

"Well... But what I hear is only rumors at best. I wanted to know the real movements of the current professors."

"What, are you planning to run for professorship?"

"No way"

She laughed lightly and replied to me.

"Besides, I have no interest in such professor elections at all."

"Oh, Tanabe-sensei is quite talked about over there."

"I bet they're incredibly nasty rumors. To me..."

"Well, who knows"

There was a sound of something being placed on the bedside table.

"This picture... It was just before my sister died..."

There was a photo frame on the table.

It had a picture of me, Mayumi, and Ritoko in it.

"Yeah, that's right."

That time, Mayumi suddenly said "Let's take a picture of us three" and forced us to take it.

A few days later, Mayumi was rushed in.

As if she had a premonition that her life would end soon, she wanted to leave her figure with us three.

The picture was left behind.

Rituko must have been looking at the picture. After a while, she muttered.

"It was fun back then"

And then, in a faint voice...

"But... I was... hurting..."

It seemed like I heard it...

I was already falling prey to sleepiness.

When I saw the morning sun shining through the curtains, Rituko's figure had disappeared from this room.

She left a note on the table...

"Again, my feelings.And promises..."

At that time, I didn't know...

The true meaning of this note that Rituko left behind...

◇Broken Heart

"Good morning, Tanabe-sensei. You made it in time."

As I entered the conference room just in time, Rituko whispered to me from next to me.

She acted as if nothing had changed. Well, in front of the staff, she was quite softened.

I casually replied "Yeah".

"Then, since Tanabe-sensei, who looks sleepy, has arrived, we will start the conference."

A bit sarcastically? No, definitely sarcastically. Today, unusually, the ER chief Ogata was in charge.

"Oh, is it strange that I'm leading? Tanabe"

"No, not at all."

The chief always scolded me.

I can't stand it if I care!

But the chief also knew that he was just teasing me for fun, so he didn't say anything.

"Three days ago, 'Yukiko Shirai' regained consciousness this morning."

"Yukiko Shirai?" Who was that?

Rituko quietly said

"The suicidal girl on the roof"

"Shirai-san miraculously has no brain damage. She has pupillary reflex and pain stimulus response. She still can't speak, but please start language disorder tests when she stabilizes. And Shirai-san's attending physician will be Dr. Iwamisita."

The chief looked at Rituko as if to throw his gaze at her.

"Yes, I understand." Rituko replied smoothly.

"And today is Professor Jyoumi's inspection day. Be careful not to make any mistakes!!"

He added as if to emphasize that.

After the conference was over, as everyone started to disperse to their patients, the chief stopped me.

"Ah, Tanabe-Dr, Professor Jyoumi asked me to come when you have time, but did you do something?"

"No, I can't think of anything... What is it? Please tell him I'll come when I'm free."

"Yes, I understand. But what is it?"

He replied to me with his usual light tone.

The chief and Professor Jyoumi, the head of general surgery, didn't get along very well.

Rather, the chief was aiming for Professor Jyoumi's position with his paper achievements as a shield.

But what this Jokanetsu surgical department has now is due to Professor Jyoumi's balance.

If it were the chief, it wouldn't collapse immediately, but the current control would surely break.

At that time, the emergency call rang.

"This is North Rescue. A woman in her 50s fell down the stairs at the station. Right temporal trauma, possible fracture of left upper arm and clavicle. JCS 300 request, heart rate 90 saturation drop, no spontaneous breathing, intubated earlier. Requesting admission to Jokanetsu Emergency Center."

"This is Jokanetsu Emergency Center. We understand and accept. How long will it take you to get here?"

"It depends on the road conditions in the morning, but we should be able to transport you there in about 10 minutes."


The fellow Ueda wrote down the situation on the board.

"Alright, let's get ready for admission. First, hurry up with the echo and infusion."

The emergency doctor Sasani switched to combat mode. At the same time, his close nurse started to move quickly.

And then another call rang.

"This is North Rescue. In addition to the previous transport vehicle, we request admission for two more people. Both are elementary school students of lower grades, one boy and one girl each. The boy has something like an arrow stuck in his abdomen. There is a bruise on his forehead, JCS 100, heart rate 110, spontaneous breathing present."

"The girl has JCS 300 request, no spontaneous breathing, now preparing for intubation. Vital 90... The woman in her 50s fell down the stairs and caused a domino effect."

The fellow Ueda looked around and checked.

"Let's accept them." The chief next to him said.

He heard that and told the rescue.

"We'll accept them here."

"Understood. We'll move them soon."

"Three people from this morning. This is not a good time for Professor Jyoumi's inspection."

"Yeah, can't help it. Let's leave the inspection to the general surgery guys."


As we prepared for admission, Sasani and I muttered.

"You don't have to worry about my inspection."

With a voice and together with it, Professor Tsunemi entered the treatment room.

"I'll join you too. You guys take care of the admission."


Professor Jyoumi took off his white coat and his sturdy body


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor

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