
「243 カルタの早起き、お風呂の巻」への応援コメント

  • ほほぅ...でもエヴァさんにはおっと誰かきたよう(グヂュッ

  • そうか…たゆんは魔力の大きさに比例するのか…


  • ほのぼの回はまったりできますね

  • 太い太ももですこと

  • Will Cynthia's breast grow more? According to the poll she's the fourth largest of the girls.

    I don't think she can surpass Karuta or Eleanor but I think she can beat Milk-sensei.

    In regards to comments, I think it's because we just came from a large arc so maybe they are taking a break.

    It might be good to separate the story into arcs in the main page once again since there are plenty of readers who prefer waiting for an arc to finish before reading.

  • 読者も山を越えた後、力を溜めてるんですよ。



  • カルタゆんは誘惑力!

  • たゆんたゆんたゆんたゆんたゆん

  • たゆんたゆんたゆんたゆん

  • たゆんたゆんたゆん