
第11話 休日の二人①」への応援コメント

  • もう、ヒロインはナナちゃんでいいと思うわ。


  • 「て」

  • ななちゃんが正妻?

  • 日向坂さん、もっと主張しないと〜

  • ちがう、そうじゃないのよ

  • ななちゃん真ん中にして三人で手を繋いでけば良い

  • Hinatazaka is jealous that Nana is holding hands with Shima but she isn't. Shima doesn't realise that Hinatazaka is interested in him, he just believes she is friendly to him because he helped Nana, who is now excited to be around him. Hinatazaka watching how Shima interacts with Nana, sees how kind and caring he is, not putting on a false front like the boys who usually approach her, she wants Shima be like that with her and doesn't understand why he's not, she wonders if she's doing something wrong. They both were loaner's' so they don't really know how to act with the opposite sex of the same age. Thanks for the story.

  • うどんに罪はない

  • もしかして、手つなぎたかった?

  • ななちゃんしか勝たん!