Dear autor
I perfectly understand that it's your novel(composition).
But! I have a questions.
Why did you make such an irresponsible person? In my opinion changes suddenly and a lot. People never acts like him. For example: he could make friendship(even sex-friendship) just to let them live (give them chance to do something).
the main character sometimes act like regular person/ sometimes like IDEOT/ sometimes running away from problem.
I love your navels. And yas it's my personal opinion. I wish you'll take my comment into account. I wish all the best.
Ur reader
………というようにすげぇ感じで始まりますが連続でスンッ( ˙꒳˙ )
もうね最近ビッチでもいいじゃない?て思うようになったバブみ多いビッチっていいよね(末期症状)今が一途なら…ってなるかぁぁドンドコドーン by主人公
………( ˙꒳˙ )いや汚染されとるやろ最近 by読者
後はこれ一つではないということ作者さん独自のシリーズなので1つ読めばこいつ誰やねん?からの∵ゞ(´ε`●) ブハッ!!こいつかぁww